
Monday, 28 November 2011

Newsletter 25

Hello !

I know it’s still only November, but I’ve been getting into the Christmas spirit and had a lovely weekend visiting Christmas Markets around and about.

I bought some beautiful pottery from Joanna McKinnon in Bergerac, and delicious cakes from the Cake Fairy in St Andre et Appelles.

The Christmas lights are also starting to appear – can you guess where I saw these ones?

I’d love to see your Christmas light photos, so if you take any, send them to me and I’ll put them onto the blog.

I’ve continued to update the Christmas market  blog, so keep an eye on it, and don't forget the antiques market is still on in Bordeaux.

Best wishes,


Week 48

Monday 28 November

Tuesday 29 November

29 novembre : Recital Claire-marie Le Guay
Claire-marie Le Guay sera présent à Bergerac le pour un concert. Ne manquez pas de découvrir cet artiste à Bergerac - Centre Culturel avec sur scène Serge Rachmaninov, Alexandre Scriabine, Piotr Tchaïkovsky.

Wednesday 30 November

Thursday 1 December

1 December 20h30 : Drive is playing in VO at Cinema Le Lascaux, Montpon.
A Hollywood stunt performer who moonlights as a wheelman discovers that a contract has been put on him after a heist gone wrong.

Friday 2 December

2-3 December :Bruges (see snowman poster on the blog) Chez Emma Rowbotham et Roland Quancard, 7 Allee des Chenes Rouvres 33520 Bruges. Contact Janice Brooks 06 14 25 49 87
Après le succès de l'année dernière, nous avons décidés de refaire notre vente de Noël encore plus grande, plus jolie, plus alléchante, plus mode, plus toute!! Venez faire vos courses de Noël et au même temps soutenez l'association Parent'raide Cancer, qui offre un soutien et une aide aux familles et enfants pendant et après leur maladie. On vous attend!

After last year's success, we have decided to again present to you our Christmas Fair; even bigger, even better, even tastier, even more fashionable! Come have fun doing your holiday shopping and at the same time support the Parent'raide Cancer association, which supports children and their families during and after their illnesses. We look forward to seeing you!

2-14 December : Exhibition of Paintings by Danielle Morizur and Sculptures by Monick Gros at the Salle Cascante (next to the Tourist Office) in Castillon la Bataille.

2 décembre, 20h30 : Concert - Les Grandes Heures de Saint-Emilion  Château Fombrauge.
Dorota Anderszewska, violon, Florentza Nicola, alto, Alexander Dimitriv, violoncelle
J.S. Bach

2-3-4 December : Libourne is supporting the Téléthon with activities and events at Place Abel Surchamp in Libourne.

2-3 December : Téléthon, au centre culturel, Castillon-la-Bataille. Animations musicales, et danses, challenge sportifs avec les pompiers et le Rowing, ventes de fleurs et gâteaux, organisé par le Lions Club, renseignements : 06,14,18,54,97

2-3 December : Téléthon St Pey de Castets à 12h30 repas pella, 14h expo Poteries Antiques de St Pey de Castets XI et XIIème s. 15h30 laché de ballons. 16h projection du film téléhon 2010, 19h30 repas « St Peyais » dansant. 21 h Quine salle des fêtes, vente boissons pâtisseries. Soupe à l'oignon offerte. Organisé au profit du téléthon par l'asso. Parents d'élèves. Samedi 3 : match de football ouvert à tous ( au stade) 12h apéritif.

2-3-4 December 9h-18h : Portes Ouvertes pour Noel. Chai au Quai, Castillon. 10% de remise sur tous les vins.

2-3 December 19h30 : M.A.D.S presents ‘Pull the Other One’ Another Christmas Cracker at Issigeac Chateau.  Un evening of Fun, Frolics and Carol Singing.  Tickets €5, include Mince Pies and Mulled Wine.  Call 05 53 24 56 11

2-3 December :Bruges (see snowman poster on the blog) Chez Emma Rowbotham et Roland Quancard, 7 Allee des Chenes Rouvres 33520 Bruges. Contact Janice Brooks 06 14 25 49 87
Après le succès de l'année dernière, nous avons décidés de refaire notre vente de Noël encore plus grande, plus jolie, plus alléchante, plus mode, plus toute!! Venez faire vos courses de Noël et au même temps soutenez l'association Parent'raide Cancer, qui offre un soutien et une aide aux familles et enfants pendant et après leur maladie. On vous attend!

After last year's success, we have decided to again present to you our Christmas Fair; even bigger, even better, even tastier, even more fashionable! Come have fun doing your holiday shopping and at the same time support the Parent'raide Cancer association, which supports children and their families during and after their illnesses. We look forward to seeing you!
Saturday 3 December

3 décembre de 8 h 30 à 17 h 30 : Marché de Noel à l'espace protestant Gratiolet à Sainte Foy la Grande

3 December 20h30 : Concert de la Ste Cecile en l’eglise Saint Jean –Baptiste de Vayres.

3 December : Noel se prepare a Lussac.  

3-4 December : Marché de Noël
Saint-Emilion - Salle des Dominicains Organisé par l'association Ad Vitam Saint-Emilion.
35 exposants : métiers de bouche, artisans, créateurs, etc...
Ouvert de 10h à 19h.

3rd December  10am and 6pm : You better not pout, you better not cry, you better be good, I’m telling you why…..Santa Claus is coming to Sanse!
Yes indeed I can hear the jingle bells and smell pine in the air. The holidays are just around the corner so if you are hoping to get a present home to Great Britain in time for Christmas….. now is your opportunity.
Just a little reminder about our Christmas Market. We have 25 stands set up in our lovely dining room and our two seminar rooms. You will find lots of things like jewelry, candles, solar powered Christmas lights , Good ole English Christmas pud (I can almost taste the spice), all sorts of smellies: soaps, candles, essential oils…., beaded bra straps(very fancy), mohair teddy bears, silverware, even some cheap flat screen televisions and oh lots lots more.
For your culinary delight, we will have on offer some yummy Panini, slices of homemade pizza (just like momma used to make), club sandwiches, hand cut chips, cakes and pancakes.
To get your in the SPIRIT of things we will have mulled wine, hot toddies or your preferred tipple.
Looking forward to seeing you on Saturday,
The team at Sanse.
For further details contact Jennie by phone at: 05 57 56 41 10 or by email:

Sunday 4 December

4 décembre 16 h : Concert ACAT, Orgue et trompette de Christopher Hainsworth et Georges Philip. Temple de Sainte Foy la Grande. ENTREE LIBRE.

4 December 20h30 : Drive is playing in VO at Cinema Le Lascaux, Montpon.
A Hollywood stunt performer who moonlights as a wheelman discovers that a contract has been put on him after a heist gone wrong.

4 December : Christmas Market at Eynesse

4 December 10h – 17h : Marche de Noel, la salle des fêtes, Arveyres

Monday, 21 November 2011

Newsletter 25


Lots going on at the weekends all around and about, and Bordeaux is the place to go for an outdoor shopping experience as both the Autumn Fair at Quinconces and the Christmas Market in the Allees de Tourny start this week.  With only a short walk between the two it’s a great way to spend the day.

Talking about ‘spending’ - if you still have some old French Francs lurking in the back of a drawer all is not lost – you can use them at the Patisserie Lopez in rue Gambetta, Libourne (it’s the one that sells the to-die-for walnut tarts) until the end of January 2012.

Keep an eye on the Christmas Market blog page as I keep updating it as I hear of more Christmas Markets, and any feedback and recommendations are gratefully received.

Best wishes,


Week 47

5 novembre - 1er décembre - Exposition "Balades en Nature" d’Anne-Marie Didier à l'office de tourisme du Créonnais. Entrée libre du mardi au samedi midi dimanche de 9h30 à 12h et de 14h à 18h. 

18 November – 8 December : Exposition ‘Regards’ at Salle Paul Broca in Ste Foy la Grande. Exposition ouverte du mardi au samedi de 10h à 12h30 et de 15h à 18h et sur rendez-vous auprès du service animation ou des artistes ( Entrée libre.

Monday 21 November
21 November 21h  : Gasland is playing in VO at Cinema Le Lascaux, Montpon.
It is happening all across America-rural landowners wake up one day to find a lucrative offer from an energy company wanting to lease their property. Reason? The company hopes to tap into a reservoir dubbed the "Saudi Arabia of natural gas." Halliburton developed a way to get the gas out of the ground-a hydraulic drilling process called "fracking"-and suddenly America finds itself on the precipice of becoming an energy superpower.
I’ll have to ask my man-in-the-know if it’s really true…?

Tuesday 22 November

Wednesday 23 November

Thursday 24 November
Friday 25 November

25 November – 30 December: Bordeaux Marche de Noel.

25 November – 11 December : Brocante d’Automne at Bordeaux Canconces.  Brocante, Foire aux Jambons, Restaurants.

25 novembre : 20 h 30 à Sainte Foy la Grande, Conférence/débat "Les camisards" par Pierre-Jean Ruff

25 November 20h30 : Varietes Musical a la Salle des fetes Jacques-Prevert, Port-Saint-Foy

Saturday 26 November

26 November: Repas de chasse. Association De Chasse De Saint Philippe
salle des fêtes, Saint-Philippe-Du-Seignal  33220  05 57 46 37 75

26 November 10h – 16h: Dordogne Ladies Club International Christmas Fair.  Salle de l’Orangerie, Bergerac. Hundreds of gift ideas. Christmas decorations, cakes, puddings, cards, jams and chutneys; scarves, jewellery, books, leather goods, embroidery, bags, cushions, towels, wine, paintings and much more. Refreshments Available. All profits made by the DLCI are donated to local charities.

26 NOVEMBER FROM 14.00 to 18.00
                YOU ARE INVITED
Join us for a glass of mulled wine and mince pies


Hope you can make it and look forward to seeing you, Evelyn

26th November 10h – 16h: Chateau des Vigiers  in the Salon Chai
Angel Traders have organised a Christmas Fair where local English speaking traders will display their products for sale.

26 November 20h30 : Soirée de Bienfaisance.  Concert Ash Lords Pop Rock. Les Diamonds Girls Dance.  St Pey de Castets à la salle des fêtes.  €8 Contact 06 50 15 55 07

26 November 19h30 :  Soiree Jazz, Coctails et Vins at Restaurant les Jardins d’Eole, Aerodrome de Sainte-Foy-la-Grande,  33220 Fouguerolles, Apéritif dinatoire & concert : €18  reservations 05 53 63 25 62 / 06 11 85 70 89

Sunday 27 November

27th November 10h30 until lunch : RBL Book Sale  BRING & BUY BOOK SALE.
At Restaurant Le Cabri, Duras
Directions to Le Cabri, if approaching Duras from the South-East on the D 668 from Eymet or Miramont. At the junction with the D708 turn right towards Duras centre-ville, go up the hill and round to the right keeping the chateau on your left; at the mini-roundabout after the Hostellerie des Ducs turn left into the D203 Avenue de Landerrouat, at the green sign to Le Cabri, which is almost at the bottom of the hill about 1 km on the right.
If you wish to stay for lunch please book in advance on 0553838103
All proceeds will go to the Royal British Legion

27 November : Marché de Noël, Saint-Andre-Et-Appelles 

27 November : Marché de Noël, Saint Genes de Fronsac, Salle des fetes.

27 November : Marché de Noël, Saint Magne de Castillon

27 November 14h30 : Thé Dansant, Centre Culturel de Castillon.  Entree €10

Coming up :
Christmas is coming and the team at Sanse wants to help you get into the spirit of it.
Come and join us for our first ever Christmas Market. To be held on the 3rd of December 2011 in the warmth and luxury of our dining room and adjoining function rooms between 10am and 6pm.
We will be supporting the Telethon (the French version of Children in Need) by holding a RAFFLE. Some of the prizes on offer will be a dinner for two here at the Château, some nice wine, a hamper of goodies offered by our suppliers and an array of products donated by the stall holders taking part that day. Tickets are on sale now and will be pulled out of a hat at 5.30pm on the day of the market. All of the proceeds from the raffle and donations will be sent to the Telethon which will then be given to sick children in desperate need of your help and ours.
So if you are looking for a hand crafted gift, an original landscape painting, some authentic Christmas cake from “The Cake Fairy” or perhaps a hand-made Christmas card or two…then you’ll be sure to mark off some of the things on your Christmas list.
Light snacks and refreshments will be available on the day, so you can munch on a panini whilst sipping some mulled wine or a hot toddy as you browse the lovely gifts on offer.
So come on down here and get a double whammy feel good feeling, eat, drink, donate, be merry and cross off the things on your Christmas list.
Some great reasons to come to Sanse…..go on, you know it makes Sanse!!!!!
Why not take part in this event? For further details contact Jennie before the 24th of November 2011 by phone at: 05 57 56 41 10 or by email:
Jennie Crawford

And Also :
Christmas Ball

10 December 2011   -   7.30pm-1am
Salle de Fete in Sainte-Foy-La-Grande


The Monestier Big Band
traditional Big Band, Dixie, smooth Jazz, Latin and much more


"come dancing" style music and easy

including buffet supper
Carottes râpées aux crevettes - Salade de riz gourmande ( oeufs durs, tomates, riz, poivrons...) - Pain - Terrine de poisson et aioli - Rôti de boeuf et sauce cocktail - Brie - Tarte aux pommes Normande - Verrine de mousse au chocolat noir

tickets - 28 euros per person - from (french)   - (english spoken)
(Please indicate if you are booking as part of a larger party so that you can sit together)

Get out your party clothes!
Come along and start the festive season  - have a fantastic evening
 Buffet supper
Cash bar serving wine, spirits, beer and soft drinks
Wide variety of music to suit all tastes
Dancing (boogie and ballroom)