
Monday, 19 December 2011

Newsletter 29


This is the last newsletter for 2011.  I’d like to thank everyone who has contributed and helped to make this letter so successful.

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and a happy and successful New Year.

Best wishes (until 2012)


26 November -2 January 2012: Christmas Ice Skating Bordeaux

The patinoire is open in place Pey Berland everyday from 10:00-22:00. Tarif €3 including skate hire. There is also a seperate rink 'le jardin des glaces' especially for young children (under 8). Telephone: 05 57 81 43 70.

17 December - 24 December : Christmas Ice Skating Libourne
The patinoire opens on esplanade François Mitterrand with the inauguration on the 17th at 18:30. For more information: 05 57 51 15 04.

Font Vidal
Nous sommes à 6 jours de Noel....
Venez trouver vos derniers cadeaux au Château Font-Vidal jusqu'à samedi 24, 14h.
Vins et Spiritueux
Pâtisseries Marocaines

Monday 19 December

Tuesday 20 December

Wednesday 21 December

21 December : Christmas Tasting at Château de Claribès
Come and try our newly bottled 2010 Sauvignon Blanc and 2011 Rosé! Many thanks to all those who helped pick the delicious grapes that made these aromatic and fruity wines. As usual, we have very limited quantities of the Sauvignon!
We can still take orders of wines for delivery to friends and family in the UK, France and beyond!
Come and see our colourful Christmas Gift Packs.
If you're not able to come but would like to order, just call or send an email - we'll happily put together your requirements for collection/delivery on another day.
Many thanks for the orders received by email - we'll coordinate delivery/collection with you.
Look forward to seeing you later!

Nick and Helen
Château de Claribès
Grand Vin de Bordeaux
Château de Claribès 33890 Gensac, France
Tel France
05 57 47 16 62
visit our website

21 December 2011 Christmas Concert, Bergerac.
Soirée Christmas choral and stories with the Choeur en B and poet Jean-Claude Delayre, at the Temple from 19:00. Telephone: 05 53 57 85 66

Thursday 22 December

22nd December 20.30h : The Gospel Concert at the Port Ste Foy church.

22 December at 12:30 Midis Musicaux: Christmas Carols
Carols by the Opéra National de Bordeaux Choir at the Grand Théâtre on Thursday and Friday at. Tarif € and free for under 12's. Telephone: 05 56 00 85 95

Friday 23 December

23 December 12:00:  Midis Musicaux: Christmas Carols
Carols by the Opéra National de Bordeaux Choir at the Grand Théâtre on Thursday and Friday at. Tarif € and free for under 12's. Telephone: 05 56 00 85 95

23 December 2011 Bergerac Torchlight Evening and Parade

A soirée aux lampions and parade in the town centre. 100 lamps and soup are available free for participants. Telephone: 05 53 57 03 11.
23 December 15h30 : Noel a l’eglise du Village de Pessac sur Dordogne.

Saturday 24 December

24 December : Last day of the Libourne Christmas Market.

Sunday 25 December

25 December 10:30: Christmas Family Communion at the Chapelle de l'Assomption, 370 boulevard du Président Wilson. Bordeaux

25th December 10.30am : Christmas Holy communion Monteton

Monday 26 December

Tuesday 27 December

Wednesday 28 December

Thursday 29 December

Friday 30 December

Saturday 31 December

31 December 21h : Reveillon 2011 a Massugas.  Soiree animee par un DJ.  Menu adulte €60, menu enfant €15.  Res 05 56 61 33 88

Sunday 1 January 2012!

Monday, 12 December 2011

Newsletter 28


Hands up – Who has done all their Christmas shopping, written all their cards and has planned all their Christmas menus??  Certainly not me… but I am enjoying the excuse to browse around the shops and markets.

For those who'd rather curl up with a good book now that the evenings are drawing in, Fiona Valpy has published a novel called 'Seven Magpies', a lighthearted romance set against the backdrop of the Ste Foy area and its winemaking community. Available from Amazon as an e-book for Kindle and in paperback: The paperback edition can also be ordered direct from Completely Novel for speedier delivery:
It’s a lovely story, filled with familiar images of the area, visiting places and events we all know and love and evoking great memories.

Don’t forget to visit the blog, especially the Christmas Market page as I’m always updating it.

Last week’s lights were from Bordeaux, and here are some more

Best wishes,


Week 50
Monday 12 December

12 December 13h40 and 20h15 : The Lady is playing at Libourne Multiplex in VO

Tuesday 13 December

13 December 13h40 and 20h15 : The Lady is playing at Libourne Multiplex in VO

13 December : Tchaïkovski's Casse Noisette at the Grand Théâtre, with the Opéra National Bordeaux Ballet and Orchestra, choreographed by Charles Jude. Performances are from the 13th-16th, 19th-23rd and 26th-31st starting at 20:00. There is also a performance on Sunday 18th at 15:00 and additional matinees on the 20th and 28th also starting at 15:00. Tickets are from €8-€40 and from €8-€55 on the 31st. Telephone: 05 56 00 85 95.

Wednesday 14 December

14th December from 11am :BEE pupils will be performing their Christmas pantomime at the Salle Polyvalente (Avenue du General de Gaulle, first turn after the Spar supermarket and Auto Ecole on the boulevard in Eymet) on, followed by a Christmas market from midday until 16h00.
We would be delighted if you would join us for homecooked meals, cakes, mulled wine, a raffle, and refreshments. All proceeds will go directly towards new resources for BEE classes.
There will be beautiful last minute Christmas gift ideas on sale. There will be jewellery, decorative items for the home, books, cosmetics, and pottery amongst other items on sale.
We look forward to seeing you and your family and friends.
Happy Christmas!
Eugenie and all the children and staff at BEE

14 December : Sylvie Torres will be at the Font Vidal Christmas Market all day.  She machine embroiders and personalises a whole range of items including placemats, napkins, aprons and towel with pictures and writing.  She has a catalogue of over 200 designs.

14 December 18h: English Christmas carol service, EYMET

14 December 10 am - 6 pm: I have lots and lots of books - interesting and in good condition, and Brigitte has some lovely linen goodies and Maria has some of her special felt Christmassy things that we all love.. I'll even do tea and coffee. Unless you would prefer wine.
Hope to catch up then.
Jacqui Houston de Robillard

Thursday 15 December

15 December 21h : Cine Resto at the Montpon Cinema featuring El Bulli in VO. (though not sure what language it’s in!)

15 December 20h30: Christmas Concert. A concert of German Christmas music from the 16th and 17th centuries, with works by Hassler, Praetorius, Bruxtehude and other composers, at Eglise St Jean Libourne. Telephone: 05 57 51 15 04.

Friday 16 December

16 – 24 December 10h – 19h: Village artisanal de Noel at Bergerac.  At the Cloitre des Recollets et Place Cayla.  Late night shopping 23 December

16 December 19:30: Jazz soirée at the Grand Café de l'Orient, Salles à l'étage, Esplanade François Mitterrand. Telephone: 05 57 51 17 59.

16 December : Grandes Heures de Saint Emilion Pianist Philippe Cassard interprets works by Liszt and Schubert at Château Cheval Blanc at 20:30. Telephone: 05 57 55 28 28.

Saturday 17 December

17 December : Marche de Noel in Port St. Foy

17 December : Marche de Noel at Cadillac

17 December : Noël en Issigeac
Christmas festivities start at 10:00 and include Père Noël descending from the church bell (15:30) and a guided tour with him around the village. Telephone: 05 53 57 28 11

17 décembre,à partir de 15h, Marché de Noël à Libourne installé jusqu'au 24 Décembre sur la Place Abel Surchamp, ouvert tous les jours  de 10h à 19h
Petits et grands peuvent également se retrouver, place François Mitterrand, pour profiter de la patinoire.
Les fêtes de Noël, c'est également, des ateliers maquillage, des spectacles, un tour de petit train ou de poneys...

17 décembre 16h :L'Association Bien Vivre au Quartier Montaudon présente Joyeux Noël
au kiosque, square du XVème Dragon
autour d'un sapin de Noël à partir de 16h avec :
Anne Saffore conteuse
Duo Variety Swing
Distribution de chocolat gratuite pour les enfants
Loterie Enfantine,Buvette avec chocolat et vin chaud, Gaufres - crêpes

17 – 18 December 10h à 18h : Marché de Noël au Château Haute-Nauve
Saint-Laurent-des-Combes - Château Haute-Nauve,
Organisé par :
Marie - Anne REYNIER
Château Haute-Nauve
Lieu-dit "Haute-Nauve"
33330 St Laurent des Combes
Tél. : 05 57 24 73 21
17 - 18 décembre :10h00 à 19h00
...Les Samedis Gourmands à Planète Bordeaux !
Planète Bordeaux donne rendez-vous aux gourmets et gourmands pour fêter Noël avec quelques jours d'avance

Sunday 18 December
18 December 16h : Concert at l’eglise Notre Dame de Ste Foy la Grande.  75 choristes pour Noel.

18 December : Marche de Noel at St. Meard de Gurson

The Duras association of commercants (D.A.C.O.R) invite you to their Christmas market.
18th of December 2011

Free activities during the day will include pony and trap rides, hot soup at midday, chestnuts and mulled wine, Father Christmas with presents, children's face make up, VTT exhibition and trials, Games in wood for all the family.

During the day , Christmas music will be provided by the Duras 'Atelier de Musique'

The commercants raffle this year will be drawn on the 26th December at 11.30am under the 'Halle during the Monday market.

Tickets will be given out with your purchases made in the village during the month of December.

Super Prizes!

10 Baskets filled with locally produced products
10 Gift vouchers of 40 Euros each
6 Gift vouchers of 100 Euros each

(Vouchers to be spent with the participating shops / craftsmen of Duras)

For more info please feel free to contact Rosalind (President) and Louise:  

 Call: 05 53 83 81 68

Monday, 5 December 2011

Newsletter 27


What a soggy weekend!  Though we had a beautiful day in Bordeaux on Friday, both the antique market and the Christmas market are open and next door to each other too.  If you hear of other Christmas Markets, let me know - I keep updating the Blog list.

If you are still stuck for a Christmas present, it might be worth popping a mini breathalyzer into a stocking, if my neighbours are right, we’ll need to carry them in our cars from the start of next year.  For more info have a look at this article :

Finally, a message from Barry
Felt must tell you Have just finished a meal of Gammon Steak and Sausages from the Boucherie a la ferme Raymond and Sophie Hicks the couple who featured on the itv/1programme Little England W O W food to die for their farm is in a most picturesque part of France well worth the visit to see such a fine English style farm cows,sheep,pigs, chickens and then the produce prepared as English bacon as we remember ham delicious pork with c r a c k l i n g certainly worth considering a group bulk buy.

Enjoy your week – last week’s Christmas lights photo was taken in Ste Foy, but do you recognise these:

Best wishes,


Week 49

Monday 5 December

5 December 16h05 and 20h15 : The Lady in playing at the Libourne Multiplex
THE LADY is an epic love story about how an extraordinary couple and family sacrifice their happiness at great human cost for a higher cause. This is the story of Aung San Suu Kyi and her husband, Michael Aris. Despite distance, long separations, and a dangerously hostile regime, their love endures until the very end. A story of devotion and human understanding set against a background of political turmoil which continues today. THE LADY also is the story of the peaceful quest of the woman who is at the core of Burma's democracy movement.

Tuesday 6 December

6 December 16h05 and 20h15 : The Lady in playing at the Libourne Multiplex
THE LADY is an epic love story about how an extraordinary couple and family sacrifice their happiness at great human cost for a higher cause. This is the story of Aung San Suu Kyi and her husband, Michael Aris. Despite distance, long separations, and a dangerously hostile regime, their love endures until the very end. A story of devotion and human understanding set against a background of political turmoil which continues today. THE LADY also is the story of the peaceful quest of the woman who is at the core of Burma's democracy movement.

Wednesday 7 December

Thursday 8 December

8 December : Thé Dansant au lac de La Cadie, Mouliets et Villemartin avec l'orchestre Lucien MORIN et son chanteur Willy,entrée 10 €, sur réservation eu 05,57,49,75,01

Friday 9 December

9 décembre 20h30 :Concert de Noël
Saint-Emilion - Eglise collégiale,
Organisé par La Ligue contre le cancer avec l'Ensemble Orchestral de Bordeaux.
Saint-Saëns, Grieg.
Direction : Lionel GAUDIN-VILARD
Concert également le samedi 10 décembre à 20h30 à l'église Saint-Seurin de Bordeaux.
Billetterie Office de Tourisme de Saint-Emilion
Une partie des bénéfices sera reversée à la Ligue contre le Cancer.

9 décembre 20h30 : Concert "Affinity"
Saint-emilion - Chai Pascal, Caroline BILLA, au chant, sera accompagnée par le groupe Affinity : Francis Fontès au piano, Dominique Bonadei à la contrebasse et Philippe Valentine à la batterie.

Cet ensemble de talent bien connu dans la région bordelaise met son sens de la rythmique et du groove au service de la voix chaude et aux accents rauques de la passionnée Caroline Billa.
A leur répertoire, des classiques de jazz et de blues puisés dans ce qui constitue le meilleur de la musique noire-américaine, musique qu'ils revisitent sans nostalgie mais de manière enjouée et vivante afin de nous faire partager leur enthousiasme.

Pour cette soirée exceptionnelle, nous vous proposons deux formules au choix :
- DINER-SPECTACLE à 40.00 euros
Comprend le droit d'entrée et le menu du soir :
Terrine de poisson Maison et ses crudités
Parmentier de canard, salade verte
Assiette de deux fromages fermiers
ou Dessert Maison au choix
Café et macaron de la maison Fermigier
Prudent de réserver !
-SOIREE BAR MUSICAL, ouverte à tous après avoir acquitté un droit d'entrée de 5.00 euros pour les musiciens et possibilité de boire un verre, voire de consommer une assiette de charcuteries ou de fromages.

Le concert débutera à 20 h 30 et se déroulera en deux parties, afin de permettre de vous servir dans les meilleures conditions.

Venez nombreux, nous vous attendons.
l'Equipe du CHAI PASCAL
Chai Pascal
Tél : +33 (0)5 57 24 52 45

Saturday 10 December
Christmas Ball

10 December 2011   -   7.30pm-1am
Salle de Fete in Sainte-Foy-La-Grande


The Monestier Big Band
traditional Big Band, Dixie, smooth Jazz, Latin and much more


"come dancing" style music and easy

including buffet supper
Carottes râpées aux crevettes - Salade de riz gourmande ( oeufs durs, tomates, riz, poivrons...) - Pain - Terrine de poisson et aioli - Rôti de boeuf et sauce cocktail - Brie - Tarte aux pommes Normande - Verrine de mousse au chocolat noir

tickets - 28 euros per person - from (french)   - (english spoken)
(Please indicate if you are booking as part of a larger party so that you can sit together)

Get out your party clothes!
Come along and start the festive season  - have a fantastic evening
 Buffet supper
Cash bar serving wine, spirits, beer and soft drinks
Wide variety of music to suit all tastes
Dancing (boogie and ballroom)

10 December 10h – 18h : Marche de Noel a la salle des Fetes de Ruch

10 December 18h45 : Concert l’eglise Sainte Florence avec la Chorale Chantamicale et Anaïs et l’orchestre d’Harmonie du Pays Castillonnais.

10 & 11 December 10h : Flaujagues Christmas Market at Ch. Portillon - restauration sur place le midi. Repas le Samedi soir sur reservation

10 et 11 décembre à Saussignac.... Le marché de Noël
Comme chaque année le Syndicat d’Initiative des Coteaux de Saussignac organise dans les salles du château, un grand marché de Noël. Il ouvrira ses portes le samedi de 11h à 19h et le dimanche de 10h à18h.
Trente deux exposants proposeront des productions exclusivement de fabrication artisanale très diversifiées et de grande qualité : terres cuites, lampes, compositions florales, bijoux, décorations de Noël, miel ainsi que des ouvrages réalisés en tissus, en bois et en porcelaine. Des nouveautés seront présentées aux visiteurs : doudous pour les enfants, cages à oiseaux ainsi que des photos de leurs enfants avec le père Noël prises par Timothy, photographe professionnel.
Les parents d’élèves des écoles des quatre communes vendront des friandises et du vin chaud.
Le père Noël viendra distribuer des friandises aux enfants le samedi et le dimanche vers 16h.
Il y aura aussi une tombola avec de nombreux lots dont le premier sera un écran plat.
Un espace de restauration sera à la disposition des visiteurs qui pourront déguster des pâtisseries et des soupes faites à la maison ainsi que des sandwichs et des boissons.
Les visiteurs pourront faire leurs achats dans une ambiance festive en parcourant les tois salles chauffées et superbement décorées.
Un dépliant contenant la liste de tous les exposants leur sera remis gratuitement à l’entrée.
Venez nombreux.....

10th December  17h :  English Christmas carol service at Chapelle de l'Assomption, 370 boulevard Président Wilson, Bordeaux

10 December :  Jazz, Blues & Soul in Eymet.  The music of Herbie Hancock interpreted by Ferdinand Doumerc (saxophones), Pierre Bauzerand (keyboard), Paul Vernhères (guitar), Mathieu Royer (bass) and Pierre Pollet (drums), at the Salle des Fêtes at 19:30. Tarif €10. Telephone: 05 53 23 82 37.

10 – 24 December : 7eme Marche artisanal de Noel at Chateau Font-Vidal  9h30 -12h30 and 15h – 18h in the week.  11h – 18h30 at the weekend.

10 December 19h30: Paella géante soirée dansante. Soirée dansante animée par Valérie BELLA
au Lac de la Cadie, Mouliets et Villemartin  : 25 €, paella à volonté, fromage et dessert, ¼ vin, café : sur réservation avant le 5 décembre au 05,57,49,75,01

10,11,17 et 18 décembre de 10h à 18h : Marché de Noël au Château Haute-Nauve
Saint-Laurent-des-Combes - Château Haute-Nauve,
Organisé par :
Marie - Anne REYNIER
Château Haute-Nauve
Lieu-dit "Haute-Nauve"
33330 St Laurent des Combes
Tél. : 05 57 24 73 21

Sunday 11 December

11 décembre, 16h30 : Concert - Les Grandes Heures de Saint-Emilion
Château Cantenac,
Momo Kodama, piano

11 December : Marche de Noel at Saint Florence.