
Monday, 28 May 2012

Week 22 2012

Pretty poppies


I love all the poppies that are everywhere.  My friend told me that it was because the farmers are using less noxious chemicals on the land, so nature is reclaiming it – I like that idea, so I hope it’s true.

Meanwhile, the sunshine has taken me out into the garden with a glass of wine – though not sure who got to it first!

And finally – a plea for help… my satellite system has gone Kaput and I need someone who can help me get up and running asap!  Next weekend is the jubilee and I can’t do without my fix of the Queen.  If you can recommend someone who can help I would be most grateful.

The vide grenier at Mouliets et Villemartin
Have a good week and long live the Queen!

Best wishes,


Week 22

Monday 28 May

Tuesday 29 May

29 May 20.45h : 200 choristers, students from the Conservatoire de Musique Henri Sauguet and the Orchestre de la Philharmonie d'Aquitaine take part in a grand production of Bizet's opera Carmen, at Salle du Manège, E.S.O.G Libourne. Tarifs €22 and €15. Telephone: 05 57 51 15 04.

29 May 13h45 : Cosmopolis  is playing in VO at Libourne cinema.
Riding across Manhattan in a stretch limo in order to get a haircut, a 28-year-old billionaire asset manager's day devolves into an odyssey with a cast of characters that start to tear his world apart.

29 May 14h30 : On the Road is playing in VO at Libourne cinema.
Dean and Sal are the portrait of the Beat Generation. Their search for "It" results in a fast paced, energetic roller coaster ride with highs and lows throughout the U.S.

29 May 13h45 : Dark Shadows is playing in VO at Libourne cinema.
An imprisoned vampire, Barnabas Collins, is set free and returns to his ancestral home, where his dysfunctional descendants are in need of his protection.

Wednesday 30 May

Thursday 31 May

31st May : Book Sale
just turn up with as many friends and bags to fill with books as you like
in the grange  10h00 - 12h30 & 13h00 - 17h00
all books 2 euros + bottle of wine with every 10 books!!!!
Lunch 12h30 12.50 Euros each
I do need a response for this one by Monday, if possible, as I need to book with restaurant.
Poulet Basquaise
I do hope you can do the lunch as well as the books, I would love to see you there.
love Jacqui & Jean-Michel de Robillard
Tel: 33 + (0)5 57 40 15 66
Mob: 33 + (0)6 13 38 26 85

31 May – 4 June : Foire de Bergerac.  Free entry.  Formore information and to see everything that’s going on at the fair go to

Friday 1 June

1-2-3 June : Coupe d’Aquitaine de Jets Ski sur le Lac de Cadie at Mouliets et Villemartin.  Head out of Mouliets towards Ste Radegonde and the lac is on your right, access is ‘behind’.  Keep the lac on your right and you’ll find the way in. More than 100 jet skis.  Free entry, lots to see, for more information 05 57 40 27 58.

1 June 19h45 : Soirée Spectacle Théâtre, Centre Culturel de Castillon-la-Bataille.  Chansons et Sketches par les enfants des écoles, Histoire de l’œuf – Spectacle d’ombres et une pièce de théâtre par les adultes. Entrée adultes €5 renseignements 06 88 96 53 38 / 05 24 24 70 77

Saturday 2 June

2 June 20h : the flamenco dancers (Sevillanas y Flamenco) will perform at the Salle de Fete in Montcaret. Inscriptions until 28th May 0672 14 02 08/0547 77 00 59. Adults 18 Children 8-12yrs 9€

Samedi 2 et Dimanche3 juin 2012 De 10h à 19hLes viticulteurs de Lalande de Pomerol vous ouvrent les portes de leurs propriétés.
Les 2 et 3 juin 2012 l'AOC Lalande de Pomerol ouvre ses portes et vous fait découvrir ses terroirs exceptionnels et ses vins qui sauront répondre à toutes vos attentes et parfois vous surprendre.
19 châteaux vous appartiennent le temps d'un week-end, les viticulteurs, proches de vous auront à coeur de vous faire découvrir la diversité des sols, les subtilités du travail de la vigne et vous feront découvrir les charmes de leurs derniers millésimes.
Venez partager leur passion !

Des animations auront lieu dans les châteaux pendant ces deux jours (animations musicales, artistes peintres, démonstration de tonnellerie, atelier ludique et sensoriel autour des arômes du vin et des fleurs, déjeuners sur l'herbe, visite commentée des chais de la grappe au verre, jeux à la découverte des arômes du vin, promenade dans les vignes, "apprenez à faire chanter les mots sur le vin" (atelier animé par Danielle Pierre-Calary, découvert massages de relaxation, multiré pour les enfants dégustation de jus de raisin et coloriage...

Un restaurant temporaire pour vos repas de midi sera ouvert ouvert par le traiteur Eric Banquier à la Salle des Fêtes de Néac. Menu à 22€ ou à la carte ( réservation au 06 11 99 28 95.

Liste des châteaux ouverts
Syndicat Viticole de Lalande de Pomerol
Tél : +33(0)5 57 25 21 60
Fax : +33(0)5 57 51 82 79

2 June : Coupe d’Aquitaine de Jets Ski sur le Lac de Cadie at Mouliets et Villemartin. 

JUIN 2 - 12/14 H : FOIRE  DE BERGERAC Jazz Pourpre Présente Djangophil 4tet 
2 June 10h – 17h : St. Meard de Gurcon  Fête Patronale, Salle des fêtes, Marche des Artisans, Atelier pour enfants, concours de pétanque, balade à poney, lâcher de ballons, chasse au trésor, buvette sur place, tombola  Inscriptions 05 53 80 16 29
2 June 19h: Marche gourmande St Pey de Castets

2 - 3 June : Pour la 11ème année consécutive, le comité des fêtes de Pineuilh organise la fête des bandas, if you have never been it's a lively evening at the Sports field opposite the new Leclerc.  The entertaining Bandas groups aim to outperform each other (audience participation optional!)  Choose one of the tents for a meal, or have a hotdog on the go... fun for all the family.

2 June 14h30 : Bal Gascon at Civrac sur Dordogne. 

2 June 18h30 : 4e Festival, Saint Michel de Montagne, presented by Foyer Laique Rural.  Featuring : Private Moustache (Kika et Lucy, Allemagne - chansons pop),
La Boca Abierta (Gironde - Chansons en fr),
Rompi (Gironde - pop-rock en fr),
Mike Lécuyer & Les Bouilleurs de Blues (Dordogne - Blues en fr), Youssouf Karembé (Mali - chansons),
Madou Djembé (Mali - African Music).
For further information

2 June 20h30 : Concert at Sourzac eglise.  Chorale ‘Poly Sons’ de St Laurent des Hommes.  40 Choristes.  Free entry but all donations go to charity.

Sunday 3 June

3 June : Coupe d’Aquitaine de Jets Ski sur le Lac de Cadie at Mouliets et Villemartin. 

3 June : Vide Grenier and Vente de Fleurs at Dieulivol.  There is also a beautiful rose garden nearby that you can visit and a lotus garden at a nearby Budist Sanctuary.  You can make a day of it.

3 June : Vide grenier at La Sauve

Coming up…

The night markets are starting up.

Monday, 21 May 2012

Week 21 2012

A bootiful boot!

A week perfect for gardening.  On Wednesday I went to a Le Puch, near Sauveterre, where there is an Association which supports young handicapped adults.  They work in the greenhouses growing a wide range of plants, bedding plants, annuals, perennials and herbs and fruit and vegetables.  So we loaded up the boot of the car and I’ve spent the rest of the week in the garden – at least I don’t have to worry about watering for a while!

Table planting
Further to my plea for cookery classes, I’ve been sent this link a couple of times  Hope it helps.

Next weekend is another long one and plenty to do.

Keep your contributions coming please,

Best wishes,


Week 21

Monday 21 May

21 May 16h :Moonrise Shadows is showing in VO at the Grandecran in Libourne.
Set on an island off the coast of New England in the 1960s, as a young boy and girl fall in love they are moved to run away together. Various factions of the town mobilize to search for them and the town is turned upside down -- which might not be such a bad thing. Starring Jared Gilman, Kara Hayward and Bruce Willis.

21 May 19h25 : Dark Shadows is showing in VO at the Grandecran in Libourne.
An imprisoned vampire, Barnabas Collins, is set free and returns to his ancestral home, where his dysfunctional descendants are in need of his protection.  Starring Johnny Depp, Michelle Pfeiffer and Eva Green.

Tuesday 22 May

22 May 19h40 : Moonrise Shadows is showing in VO at the Grandecran in Libourne.

22 May 13h45 : Dark Shadows is showing in VO at the Grandecran in Libourne.

Wednesday 23 May

Thursday 24 May

24 mai à partir de 18h00 Vernissage (entrée libre et gratuite) 
Exposition "1 château pour 1 artiste" - Château Haut-Chaigneau
Château Haut-Chaigneau, du mardi 15 mai au jeudi 13 septembre 2012
Les vignobles Chatonnet participe au programme de mécénat culturel  "Un château pour un artiste", alliance stratégique de l'art et du vin. 
Cette année ce sera Marie MIGNANO qui exposera ses ouvres au château Haut-Chaigneau.
Cette exposition sera décomposée en deux temps : 
-Une vingtaine de toiles, très colorées, sur le thème de la vigne et du vin présentée dans le chai à barriques.
-Des structures extérieures en plexi installées dans le parc et le vignoble où le but  de l'artiste est de jouer sur la transparence, de laisser entrer la nature dans le cadre pour qu'elle s'y mêle à la peinture tout en valorisant et personnalisant, de manière artistique, une vue sur la propriété ou le vignoble.
Visite "art & vin" Tous les mardi, durée : 1h30, tarif : 8€/adulte

Friday 25 May

25 mai 20h30 : Lalande de Fronsac - Spécialité Tibétaines
Soirée Artisanat et spécialités culinaires Tibétaines
Salle des fêtes de Lalande de Fronsac
Réservation : Mairie de la lande d Fronsac, office de tourisme de Saint-André de Cubzac, office de tourisme du Fronsadais, les comptoirs de Magellan Libourne.
Organisation : TASHI DELEK BORDEAUX, association girondine pour le Tibet. 

25 et 26 mai : Fête Mondiale du Jeu

Saturday 26 May

26 May : Repas Dansant at Civrac sur Dordogne avec l’orchestre Michel at Jean-Michel Cursan.  Prix €36 reservations et infos 05 57 40 33 99, 05 57 40 28 66

26, 27, 28 May : Fête de la Pentecôte, Gensac.  But I don’t have any more information, if you do, then please let me know.

26 - 28 Mai : Pique-Nique au Château Champion, Saint-Emilion
Dans le cadre des "Pique-niques chez le vigneron indépendant "
Le château Champion ouvre ses portes le 26, 27, et 28 mai 
Le principe est simple, apportez votre pique-nique et le vigneron vous offre le vin. 
Présentation du vignobles, balade dans les vignes, visite du chai, initiation à la dégustation 
Pour plus d’informations : 

Sunday 27 May

27 mai : visite des petits jardins de Saussignac,
A 14h, visite de l’exposition de peintures au château.
15h départ de la promenade poétique autour des petits jardins de Saussignac.
Au retour, présentation et dédicace du roman de Geneviève de Dietrich
Organisé par l’Association, le C e P des coteaux de Saussignac,
Tel : 05 53 27 25 13 e-mail :

27 May : Brocante Vide Grenier at the church, Mouliets et Villemartin

27 May : Les Puces du Cœur de Bastide, Rue Victor Hugo, rue d'Alsace Lorraine et adjacentes, Sainte Foy la Grande.

27 May : Journee Gourmande Organisé par Union de Producteurs Baron d'Espiet
Cave Coopérative - lieu-dit Fourcade - 33420 ESPIET
Produits du terroir, artisanat, restauration, degustations gratuites de vins et visites gratuites des chais

27 - 28 May : Historic Vehicles in Velines with a hillclimbing display.  I don't know if this is the same type of thing as the event at the beginning of the month.

27 May : Vide greniers at Eymet 24500.  Apparently there should be 200-300 stands.

27 May : Foire a Tout at Montcaret 24230.

27-28 May : Brocante de la Pentecote, at the Terrain de Football, Les Artigues de Lussac.

Monday 28 May – Lundi de Pentecôte

28 May : Vide greniers at Saint-Méard-de-Dronne

28 May : Saussignac autour du jardin

28 May 20h30 : Cosmopolis is showing in VO at the Libourne Grandecran.
Riding across Manhattan in a stretch limo in order to get a haircut, a 28-year-old billionaire asset manager's day devolves into an odyssey with a cast of characters that start to tear his world apart.  Starring Robert Pattison and Juliette Binoche.

28 May 20h30 : On the road(Sur la Route)is showing in VO at the Libourne Grandecran.
Dean and Sal are the portrait of the Beat Generation. Their search for "It" results in a fast paced, energetic roller coaster ride with highs and lows throughout the U.S. Starring Garrett Hedlund, Sam Riley and Kristen Stewart.

28 May 20h30 : Dark Shadows is showing in VO at the Grandecran in Libourne.
An imprisoned vampire, Barnabas Collins, is set free and returns to his ancestral home, where his dysfunctional descendants are in need of his protection.  Starring Johnny Depp, Michelle Pfeiffer and Eva Green.

Coming up…

29 May 20h30 : Les Grandes Heures de Saint Emilion, Château Soutard,
Jérome Ducros, piano, Gautier Capuçon, violoncelle, Delphine Capuçon, violoncelle
Beethoven, Ducros, Brahms

2 June 20h : the flamenco dancers (Sevillanas y Flamenco) will perform at the Salle de Fete in Montcaret. Inscriptions until 28th May 0672 14 02 08/0547 77 00 59. Adults 18 Children 8-12yrs 9€

Monday, 14 May 2012

Week 20 2012

Battling on in Bordeaux

What a great week, the sun came out and our gardens woke up!

Saturday took me to the Bordeaux International Fair where I was representing the Battle of Castillon on their stand.  The Fair runs until next Sunday, and there’s lots to see and sample.  It’s free for all over 60’s on Tuesday, and for the rest of us it’s €7.90 on the day or €6.20 if you buy ahead on the internet (A tarif internet on the top right hand corner of the page)

Jo's beautiful pottery in Bergerac
The Arts and Crafts exhibition in Bergerac was lovely, wandering round the beautiful Jardin Perdoux in the sunshine, looking at some beautiful art exhibits whilst listening to live Jazz was just bliss.

Another holiday on Thursday, and this week many people are taking the ‘pont’, so be aware that places could be unexpectedly closed.

Le Fleix brocante
Finally, I have had a few requests for someone who gives Cookery Classes.  If you know of anyone who gives these please could you let me know and I’ll add it into the Blog.

Enjoy your week,

Best wishes,


Week 20

Dear Music-Lovers,
The Fourth International Hummel Festival takes place from 19th – 25th May and will include a concert by the S’Otto Voce Choir, conducted by Patrick Oberst-Hilliard, in the church at Gensac, on Sunday 20th May at 4.30pm, at which all are welcome.
Full details of the other concerts taking place at Le Faure during the Hummel Festival are available by following the link below. Amongst the highlights are Beethoven and Hummel Piano Concertos in the same concert, a modern-day premier of a wonderful ballet suite and a return visit by the well-known French tenor, Philippe Do. Again, you are most welcome to attend any of these. Please email or text to book.
Kind regards,
Ian Christians, Orpheus and Bacchus.
For further details including the full programme and how to book please go to

Monday 14 May

Tuesday 15 May

15 May 20h15 : Bellflower is showing in VO at the Grandecran in Libourne.
Two friends spend all their free time building flame-throwers and weapons of mass destruction in hopes that a global apocalypse will occur and clear the runway for their imaginary gang "Mother Medusa".  Starring Evan Glodell, Tyler Dawson and Jessie Wiseman.

15 May 20h30 : My Week with Marilyn is showing in VO at La Breche Cinema in St Foy La Grande. Colin Clark, an employee of Sir Laurence Olivier's, documents the tense interaction between Olivier and Marilyn Monroe during production of The Prince and the Showgirl. Starring Michelle Williams, and Kenneth Branagh.

Wednesday 16 May

May16th 20h30 : The Pacific Spirit Chorus is presently touring Europe. This chorus is from Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. They will be in St.Emilion, performing at the Collegiate Church in St.Emilion.

Thursday 17 May – Ascension

17 May : Brocante and Florales at Coutras

17 May : Blaye’n Broc, vide grenier, brocante and flowers at Blaye.

17 May : Vide Greniers at Sainte Foy la Grande, at Place du Forail.

Friday 18 May

18, 19, 20 May : Concourse National de Music Organise par l’Harmonie des Joyeux Thiberiens.For further information contact michelvillepontoux@o​

18 May 21h : Concert de l’Harmonie Municipale St Cecile – Brive at the Salle de Parc Municipal de Thiviers, part of the Concourse National de Music. Open to all and free entry.

Saturday 19 May

19 – 20 May : Fete Local at Riocaud. 

19 May 15h : Stage de Chef d’orchestre part of the Concourse National de Music.

19 May – 26 May 19.00 : Orpheus &Bacchus Music Festival.
LE FAURE - Gould Trio
Lucy Gould (Violon), Alice Neary (Violoncelle), Benjamin Frith (Piano)
Hummel: Trio, Op. 35
Hummel: Trio, Op. 93
Beethoven: Trio “Archduc”, Op. 97

Sunday 20 May
20 May 11h30 : Orpheus &Bacchus Music Festival.
 LE FAURE Gould Trio
Hummel: Trio, Op. 22
Hummel: Trio, Op. 96
Dvorak: “Dumky” Trio. Op. 90
Dejeuner: Barbecue 20€

S’otto Voce Choeur
Dirigé par Patrick Hilliard
Mozart: Messe de Couronnement, K317
Hummel: Messe Solenelle de 1806
(avec orgue)
20 May : Vide Grenier at Espiet

20 May : Vide greniers at Romagne

20 May : 23eme Foire and brocante at Boisedon, near Mirambeau.

20 May Vide Grenier/ Bourse d’echange at Riocaud.

20 May from 9h30 : Concourse National de Music have a day of musical activities, see the poster for further details.

Coming up…

Monday 21 May 16h and Tuesday 22 May 19h45 Moonrise Shadows is showing in VO at the 
Grandecran in Libourne.
Set on an island off the coast of New England in the 1960s, as a young boy and girl fall in love they are moved to run away together. Various factions of the town mobilize to search for them and the town is turned upside down -- which might not be such a bad thing. Starring Jared Gilman, Kara Hayward and Bruce Willis.

Monday 21 May 19h25 and Tuesday 22 May 13h45 Dark Shadows is showing in VO at the Grandecran in Libourne.
An imprisoned vampire, Barnabas Collins, is set free and returns to his ancestral home, where his dysfunctional descendants are in need of his protection.  Starring Johnny Depp, Michelle Pfeiffer and Eva Green.

Monday, 7 May 2012

Week 19 2012

St Meard in the sunshine

Thank you very much for all the contributions I have received, please keep them coming, it’s great to be able to have so much to share.

The sun shone down on St Meard on Tuesday, the whole village was out in force to celebrate and I bought out all the camomile in the hope of planting a lawn.
Pottery Market at Bergerac.

Cyrano surveys the market.
Bergerac hosted a pottery market on Sunday and there was also the flea market at the foot of Cyrano’s statue, everything is more cheerful when the sun shines.

This week brings another holiday on Tuesday – May’s great for holidays this year, and a musical feast for Jazz lovers in Bergerac.

As the days warm up let’s hope we can finally put the umbrellas away.

Best wishes,

Week 19

Monday 7 May

Tuesday 8 May

8 May : Marche a la Ferme at Chateau de Bonhoste, Saint Jean de Blaignac 33420.  Lots to do and see and you can eat there, choose your lunch from a variety of local producers.  You might want to go prepared with a few napkins and a sharp knife…

8 May : Brocante et Vide Grenier Colombier.  They say there will be over 300 stands. Colombier is 8 km south of Bergerac, off the RN21.

8 May : Foire aux fleurs et L’artisanat, Monsegur. La bastide de Monségur organise sa traditionnelle foire aux fleurs et à l'artisanat ce mardi 8 Mai. Venez flâner autour de la halle de la bastide et venez découvrir tous nos exposants prêts à vous accueillir et vous conseiller.

8 May : Brocante Vide-Greniers at Pessac-sur-Dordogne

8 May : Last day of the Brocante de Printemps at Bordeaux Quinconces.

8 May : Brocante Vide Greniers at Montpon Menesterol

8 – 12 May : 1ère édition du festival de Branne   "Quelques jours au son de l’accordéon"
8 mai - 20h30 - Salle des fêtes  :  Concert du Trio Piazzango - Entrée libre

Wednesday 9 May

9 – 13 May : 9eme Bergerac Jazz Pourpre Festival.  5 days of festivals with more than 15 groups. For more information including details of the groups, when they play and where, listen to their music, and the programme go to

9 May 20h30 : We Want Sex Equality is showing in VO at CinemaxLinder in Creon
This was originally called Made in Dagenham. A dramatization of the 1968 strike at the Ford Dagenham car plant, where female workers walked out in protest against sexual discrimination. Starring Bob Hoskins, Sally Hawkins, Rosamund Pike, Miranda Richardson, Geraldine James.

9 - 12 May : Foire aux vins et Portes ouvertes à Grangeneuve, Romagne 33760.

Thursday 10 May

10 mai - 19h00 -: 1ère édition du festival de Branne  au Snack Bar Le des jeux nés : audition des élèves accordéonistes - Entrée libre

10 May : 9eme Bergerac Jazz Pourpre Festival.

Friday 11 May

11 May : 9eme Bergerac Jazz Pourpre Festival.

11 May 20h45 : My Week with Marilyn is showing in VO at La Breche Cinema in Ste Foy la Grande.
Colin Clark, an employee of Sir Laurence Olivier's, documents the tense interaction between Olivier and Marilyn Monroe during production of The Prince and the Showgirl.  Starring Michelle Williams, Eddie Redmayne and Kenneth Branagh.

11 – 13 May : Fete de Printemps Exposition,  Abbaye de Saint Ferme, Saint Ferme 33580 Cette exposition artisanale est organisée par les Amis de l'abbaye de Saint-Ferme. Le vernissage aura lieu le vendredi à 18h. Un concert "Armée de l'Air Atlantique" sera donné le samedi à 21h et une messe avec chorale aura lieu le dimanche à 11h en l'abbaye.

Saturday 12 May

12 - 20 May : Foire International de Bordeaux.  Something for everyone, from Home and Garden, Life and Leasure, an International Area and Agriculture.  At the Exhibition Centre in Bordeaux.  It's undercover, so if it keeps on raining, you know where to go... More information at

12 May : 9eme Bergerac Jazz Pourpre Festival.

12 May 20h30 : Concert, Choral Poly Sons, St Laurent des Hommes.  Entrance €5

12 May : Vide Greniers at Creon

12 mai 21h00 : 1ère édition du festival de Branne   "Quelques jours au son de l’accordéon" Salle des fêtes : Grand Gala dansant - Entée 10€


12 mai 20h30 : Théatre la Brigade des feuilles
Salle des fêtes de Lalande de Fronsac, Pièce de théâtre : La Brigade des Feuilles, L’énorme succès écrit par les Chevaliers du Fiel.
Prix : 10€  Gratuit -12ans
Renseignement association Carpe Diem -

12 May 20h45 : 4eme Rencontre des Choers Legers, Eglise St Symphoren, Castillon-la-Bataille

12 – 13 May : Championnat de France de rallycross.  If you like motor racing, and can’t get to Spain this weekend for the F1, this is almost the same…

12 – 13 May : Couture et Creations.  Presenting a weekend of individual creations and unique clothing lines.  Fashion shows and wine tasting.

Sunday 13 May

13th of May from 8am to 6pm

Rain drops have stopped fallen on our heads…at looooong last!! So we’ve been thinking of ways to get you out, about and back in the swing of spring again.
Yes indeed it’s that time of the year again for some antiques and antics.
Come and join us up at Sanse for our second annual outdoor brocante: BROC à SANSE.
This year we are hoping to mix the bag up and add in a few new surprises with the participation of some of our local artists and crafts people.
Our restaurant will be open to serve you and light snacks will be available on the market place.
We are counting on you to spread the word and we look forward to seeing you here for this event.
Maître d'Hôtel
Château de Sanse
33350 Sainte Radegonde
05 57 56 41 10

13th May 10h-19h : Expo of artists and craftspeople from the region,( Artistes á Ciel Ouvert Peinture, sculpture, métiers d’art (de la terre, du bois, du cuir, du tissu, du verre, des métaux, du plastique, de l’émail, de la reliure, de la pierre, maquettisms). Jardin Perdoux, Parc Jean Jaures, Bergerac.

13 May : 9eme Bergerac Jazz Pourpre Festival.

13 May 14h30 :  Mozaic Jazz Band will be playing in the Jardin Perdoux in Bergerac (near the Hotel des Impots and the Clinique Pasteur).  There is now a web site for Mozaic at An hour of standards of jazz, swing and blues by a group of 20+ amateur musicians based at St Laurent des Hommes.  Well worth a visit whilst you are at the arts and crafts exhibition.

13 May : Vide Greniers at Agnac, between Miramont de Guyenne et Eymet.

13 May :  Brocante at Sauveterre in the square.  Apparently it was good last year.

13 May : Vide Greniers, Rue de la Tour, Lamothe Montravel.

13 May : Brocante Vide Greniers, Port, Le Fleix 24130.

13 May : Vide Greniers Villefranche de Lonchat 24120.

13 May : Marche Fermier at Menesplet.

13 mai : toute la journée a Razac de Saussignac :

Coming up…

14 May 20h30: Les Grandes heures de Saint Emilion ,
Château Canon.  Akiko Suwanai, violon, Itamar Golan piano
Bartok, Enesco, Beethoven

The Pacific Spirit Chorus is presently touring Europe. This chorus is from Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. They will be in St.Emilion on May16th, performing at the Collegiate Church in St.Emilion @ 8:30PM. 
