
Wednesday, 26 August 2020

Week 35 2020


I've been invited to take part in an Exhibition and Sale of works of art in Castillon this week.  This 2 day event will be held at the upholstery shop in rue Victor Hugo. (the old CastiPrix)

The Exhibition is open from Friday morning and runs until Saturday afternoon.  I will certainly be there on Saturday afternoon, so please pop in and say 'Hello!' if you're in the neigbourhood. It will be lovely to see you!

Whatever you do this week in the Gironde and Dordogne regions, keep safe and well and have a good week.

Best wishes,

Week 35


Monday 24 August


Tuesday 25 August


Wednesday 26 August

La Breche cinema in Ste Foy


Thursday 27 August


Friday 28 August

Saturday 29 August


Sunday 30 August

Porte St Foy


Coming up...

This is me!


And finally...

Please wear a mask in Castillon.



Thursday, 20 August 2020

Week 34 2020

Apologies... this is the second attempt to post 😣 🤞


The talented Claire Schofield is currently exhibiting in St Emilion, but you can join her in her studio for a live modeling course on 30 August.


Call her directly to reserve a place.

Whatever you do in the Gironde and Dordogne regions, keep safe and well and have a good week.

Best wishes,


Week 34

Monday 17 August

Tuesday 18 August

Wednesday 19 August

La Breche in Ste Foy


Thursday 20 August


Friday 21 August

Saturday 22 August


Sunday 23 August


Coming up...

Porte Ste Foy

And finally...

When you have a glut of home grown tomatoes, make pizza!



Wednesday, 12 August 2020

Week 33 2020


Duras wine fair was the place to be last Sunday.  We were there in the morning before the day got too hot. There was a one way system and hand sanitizer.  Mask were recommended, but that gets a little tricky when you're tasting.


Whatever you do in the Gironde and Dordogne regions, have a great time.

Please excuse the formatting of this week's Newsletter.  Blogger, the platform I use for this Newsletter, have updated their system and I'm not getting to grips with it very quickly.  The most frustrating thing is not being able to consistently put the images next to each other.  Also, the background image, which I like to update weekly to show the changing year is coming out the size of a postage stamp! So, please bear with me as I wrestle the formatting into submission... 🤞

Best wishes, 


Week 33

Monday 10 August 

Tuesday 11 August 


Claire will be at Chateau La Couspaude every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon in August to explain her works

Wednesday 12 August 

La Breche cinema in Ste Foy

Thursday 13 August 

Thursdays throughout August


Friday 14 August 


Saturday 15 August - Jour ferie
The Feast of the Assumption of Mary (L'Assomption de Marie) celebrates the Catholic belief that the Virgin Mary's spirit and body was assumed to heaven.


Sunday 16 August 


Coming up...

And finally... 

I love how the noughts and crosses games came out for the August pottery workshop in Sauveterre.  I think they would make a great gift too.