
Monday, 29 August 2011

Newsletter 14


A week of sunshine and showers and the beginning of the end of summer - but the start of the wine harvest.  Chateau Carbonneau are picking their white grapes on Friday and would like to invite you to join in the experience.  If you'd like to go, then give them a call (details below) and you can be part of it.
If you can't make the event on Friday, but would like to visit their beautiful chateau you can go and have tea (or wine) and cake in the garden on Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday afternoons from 2-6pm.

I don't have any photos of the Francobritish week events to share, but if you do, I'd love to post them onto the blog.  The same goes for any photos of events featured here.  Please email them to me at

Have a good week, I love getting your feedback (and maybe your photos too!) and if you call up Carbonneau please mention that you read about it in the newsletter/blog.  You'll have a great day.

Best wishes,


Week 35

Le Comptoir des Sports  (otherwise known as Eric's) 
Ce weekend le Comptoir fête ses 1 an déjà !!! Alors pour vous, une grande soirée Fruits de mer à déguster en toute simplicité !!!
On vous attends nombreux pour fêter cet évènement et puis pour profitez du dernier weekend avant la rentrée ! ;)

Pour plus de renseignements, laissez un message sur la page Facebook ou téléphonez au 05 57 46 17 79.

Monday 29 August

Tuesday 30 August

30 August -4 September : Exposition peintre - Monique Marché-Seyrat
Saint-Emilion - Salle gothique, entre libre

Wednesday 31 August

Thursday 1 September

September 1 : Jazz and Wine.  Final concert of the season at Château Faugères,
Appellation Saint-Emilion

rue Saint-Etienne-de-Lisse
33330 Saint-Emilion
Plateau artistique
Glenn Ferris (Trombone)
Don Moye (Batterie)
Darryl Hall (Contrebasse)
Kirk Lightsey (Piano)
Jean-Jacques Quesada (Saxophone)
Jean Toussaint (Saxophone)

Friday 2 September

2 September : Chateau Carbonneau, Pessac.  We’re going to be picking our Sauvignon Blanc on Friday (by hand) – if you would like an experience you’re more than welcome to join us. Anyone who wants to try their hand and enjoy a picnic lunch followed by an evening winery meal can contact Jacquie or Wilfred on 05 57 47 46 46 or 06 75 58 86 10 before Thursday.

2-3-4 September : Fete locale at Galgon.  Friday, fete foraine

Saturday 3 September

3 September 8h : vide greniers . 19h, Marche Nocturne at Doulezon

3 September 10h – 14 : Forum des associations at Galgon,  19 30h repas dansant et feu d’artifice.

3 – 4 September : Fete locale St-Genes-de-Fronsac.  Samedi 14h course cycliste.  19h30 repas champetre ou chacun apporte son panier repas.  22h bal anime par Night Music suive du feu d’artifice.
3 September 21h.: Theatre Pomerol - Salle polyvalente
Une soirée théâtre organisée par l'association " BONS VIVANTS A POMEROL" avec la troupe Rebeca de Beychac et Caillau.
"La Bonne Adresse"
une pièce de Marc CAMOLETTI.
 Une soirée théâtre à ne pas manquer, les rires sont assurés !
 Entrée 8€, gratuit pour les enfants de - de 12 ans.
Sans réservation
Renseignements : 05 57 51 83 48 - 05 57 51 91 95

Sunday 4 September
4 September 7h : vide grenier, brocante et artisanat  - St-Genes-de-Fronsac.

4 September : Vide grenier and brocante at Blasimon

4 September : vide grenier at Camarsac

4 September :24th Brocante, vide greniers et Artisanat d’art.  Lussac

4 September : Bergerac, the first Sunday of every month, Marche des Puces. Place de la Myrte et rue des Récollets.

4 septembre 10h : 7èmes Rencontres Historiques du Libournais
Saint-Emilion - Cloître de la Collégiale,
7èmes rencontres historiques en Libournais organisées par la Société d'Histoire et d'Archéologie de Saint-Emilion.
20 associations patrimoniales, historiques et archéologiques présentent leurs activités et leurs travaux.
2 ateliers animés par l'association l'ADRAHP sur les thèmes du FEu et du GUERRIER GAULOIS.
18h : conférence sur "La morphogenèse du territoire de Saint-Emilion"  présentée par M. Ezechiel JEAN-COURRET
19h : Verre de l'amitié
Pauses musicales dans la journée.
Renseignements :
Philippe RIVIERE - 06 80 15 40 27 -
Guy-Pétrus LIGNAC - 05 57 74 40 04 -

Orpheus and Bacchus Autumn Festivals: Beethoven Symphonies by the Sinfonia d'Amici

The first of our two Autumn Festivals takes place from the 4th-9th September and promises a rich week of musical feasting, with Beethoven Symphonies performed in the churches of Ste Foy La Grande and Gensac by the Sinfonia d’Amici. This London-based orchestra, led by the outstanding young conductor Harry Ogg, is comprised of 34 vibrant and talented musicians who are all recent alumni of the London Schools Symphony Orchestra.
The varied programme also includes works by Mozart, Berlioz, Delius and Mendelssohn amongst others. Tickets for individual concerts are 15€ and will be available at the door, or can be reserved in advance by emailing All welcome! For those who wish to make a week of it, we are pleased to offer a special Music Lovers’ Ticket (45€) which gives entry to any 4 of the evening concerts, enabling you to take in the full programme over the course of the week. Please phone Fiona Valpy on 05 57 41 28 18 or email to book.
Sunday 4th September - Orpheus and Bacchus Concert in the Eglise de Gensac. 18h00
DELIUS:                Two pieces for Small Orchestra /MOZART: Sinfonia Concertante for Violin, Viola and Orchestra K. 364 / BEETHOVEN: Symphony No. 4 in B Flat Major Op. 60
Tickets at the door - 15 Euros. Tel: 05 57 41 28 18 / email:
Monday 5 September, Orpheus and Bacchus Concert at Domaine du Faure, Le Goge, Gensac. 19h00
HUMMELL: Octet for Winds / SCHUBERT: Octet
Tickets - 15 Euros. Book in advance - tel: 05 57 41 28 18 / email:
Tuesday 6 September, Orpheus and Bacchus Concert in the Eglise de Ste. Foy. 18h30
HUMMEL: Overture from the Sappho von Mitelene Suite Op. 68 / BERLIOZ: Les nuits d'été Op. 7 / BEETHOVEN: Symphony No. 7 in A Major Op. 92
Tickets at the door - 15 Euros. Tel: 05 57 41 28 18 / email:
Wednesday 7 September, Orpheus and Bacchus Concert in the Eglise de Ste. Foy. 18h30
DELIUS: Two pieces for Small Orchestra / MOZART: Sinfonia Concertante for Violin, Viola and Orchestra K. 364 / BEETHOVEN: Symphony No. 4 in B Flat Major Op. 60
Tickets at the door - 15 Euros. Tel: 05 57 41 28 18 / email:
Thursday 8 September, Orpheus and Bacchus Concert at Domaine du Faure, Le Goge, Gensac. 19h00
Tickets - 15 Euros. Book in advance - tel: 05 57 41 28 18 / email:
Friday 9 September, Concert at the Eglise de Gensac. 18h30
HUMMEL: Overture from the Sappho von Mitelene Suite Op. 68 / BERLIOZ: Les nuits d'été Op. 7 / BEETHOVEN: Symphony No. 7 in A Major Op. 92
Tickets at the door - 15 Euros. Tel: 05 57 41 28 18 / email:

Friday, 26 August 2011

A little extra for the weekend!


I've just received some last minute items - it's never too late to send them in, I'm always very happy to include everything.

Enjoy the weekend.

From Helen

Saturday 27th August 18h : Concert at Villefranche de Lonchat
Nordic Sun "Pieces a cappella de Bach, Eriksson, Poulenc, Sibelius"
Notre Dame Church in Villefranche (24610). This is the main square.
Free entry
There is also a web address if anyone needs further information ateliersdufiguier@free.frThere are also drinks afterwards at Chateau Mondesir which is 2 minutes drive from where the concert is to be held.

27-28 August : Coupe d'Europe Pony-games in Libourne. Free entry. 

27 - 28 August : Fete locale at Port-Sainte-Foy.  Starting at 14h with a funfair and games for chldren at Place 8 mai.  20h  repas dansant avec l'orchestre Nostalgia.
Sunday, from 10h exposition des voitures anciennes en centre ville.  Brocante avec restauration sur place.  19.30h repas moules frites sur les quais.  22.30h feux d'artifice aves descente aux flambeaux.

Sunday 28 August 19h : Marche nocturne at St-Sulpice-de-Faleyrens

Monday, 22 August 2011

Newsletter 13

Monestier Big Band play into the night
A glorious picnic in the park
What a great week!  The Party in the park was lovely - well done Monestier Big Band!  Great fun and a super atmosphere with lots of dancing.  We even managed to escape the storm.

Closely followed by the Night market in Castillon on Thursday, where we caught up with lots of friends from the Battle.  (The cote de boeuf is worth a mention in it's own right!)

The Castillonais enjoying supper
And on to Friday - whilst the sun shone - we went to Flaujagues night market, and another delicious meal with friends.  We're now totally organised, not leaving home without napkins and sharp knives!

Flaujagues night market.
Sunday night saw us on the stone bridge at Castillon watching the fireworks - fabulous, with fireworks bouncing into the river and exploding into colour from the water.

This week is the 6th Francobritish week, with plenty to do, not least 'Bangers and Mash' at the Comptior des Sports.

Have a good week, Helen

Week 34

Franco British week

Monday 22 August

22-27 August : Francobritish week : Exposition “Artistes du Monde”  Henk Shoen, Sculpture & Francis Linglet, Peintre.  Salle Paul Broca, Ste Foy La Grande.  10-12h 14-18h

22 August 10h: Portes ouvertes Salle de Sport ASOF, Allee Montagne, Ste Foy la Grande

Tuesday 23 August

23 August 15h: Visite commentée de la Bastide. Départ de l’Office de Tourisme Ste Foy la Grande

23 August 16h 30 : Degustation Cave Laregnere. “Les Bergerac” 10€ / pers. Res 05 57 46 31 23

23 August 20h : MADS, une soiree de theatre britannique.  Salle Clarisse Briand, Ste Foy la Grande 10€/pers.

23 August 18h : Le Pizou, Les Festines, Marches Nocturnes

Wednesday 24 August

24 August 15h : Univers Jeunesse, Place de la Mairie, Ste Foy la Grande. Differents ateliers pour les enfants avec la participation : d’Am Stram Gram et de l’Atelier 104

24 August 16h30 :  Degustation Cave Laregnere. “Pomerol, Pessac-Leognan” 10€ / pers. Res 05 57 46 31 23

24 August 20h : Soiree Quiz et Sketches, au Lemon Café, Allee Coreilhes, Ste Foy la Grande 05 57 46 35 75

24th August as part of Franco British Week, Eric at the Comptoir de Sports (known to most as 'Eric's') is offering
Bangers 'n Mash with Onion Gravy & Desert for 10 euros per person
The sausages are made by Sue Jones - who, as most of you know, makes the best English sausages in France.
To book in advance (highly recommended), please call 0557 46 17 79.

24 August : The Cinema de la Breche is also showing the film "Larry Crowne"

Thursday 25 August

25 August : Marche Nocturne, Pl de la Mairie, Coutras.

25 August : Tapas Night at La Plage, Castillon la Bataille

25 August 14h : Cream Tea at Sucree-Salee, 9 rue de la Republic Ste Foy la Grande.  Res 05 57 46 11 30

25 August 15h30 : Atelier Patisserie Chez M, Sylvian Mazzocco, 28 rue J L Faure.  2 groups of 6 people. €7/ pers.  Reservation 06 11 37 22 45

25 August 16h30 :  Degustation Cave Laregnere. “Fronsac, Blaye, Bourg” 10€ / pers. Res 05 57 46 31 23

Friday 26 August

26-27-28 August : Fete Gourmande, Marche Nocturne, Live music,  Montagne.  Office de Tourism de Lussacais 05 57 24 95 62

26 August : Fete locale St Suplice de Faleyrans

26 August 16h30 :  Degustation Cave Laregnere. “Medoc, Margaux, St Julien, St Estephe” 10€ / pers. Res 05 57 46 31 23

26 August 16h30 – 18h30 : Golf des Vigiers.  Initiation par leur professionnel, accès au parcours six trous, balles de practice, prêt du matériel pour une participation de
15e. Réservation : 05 53 61 50 33

26 August 19h30 : Dîner à la Brasserie Le Chai du Château des Vigiers à Réservation à l’Office du tourisme n° 05 57 46 03 00 ou à Bastide et Campagne au n° 05 57 46 56 73 avant le 22 août.
Au menu : Brochette de crevettes roses, tartare et citron confit / Carré de porc
fermier laqué aux épices douces de miel, fricassée de légumes du marché.
Café gourmand. 25e par personne.

Saturday 27 August

27 August : Marche Nocturne and Fireworks, Ruch

27 August 12h :  Dédicace de Danièle Lernould Librairie-Presse des Arcades - Sainte Foy la Grande
pour son livre : « Un jour, j’ai croisé ton chemin…» Pierregord

27 August 16h30 : Degustation Cave Laregnere. “Champagne” 15€ / pers. Res 05 57 46 31 23

27 August : Grain D’autumne. An eclectic selection of exciting cultural events awaits you during the new Grain d’Automne Festival !
Something for everyone – Film, classical Spanish dancing, traditional dancing from Seville, jazz, French variety performances, theatre, story-telling, photographic exhibitions…
and much more !
From the end of August until mid-October, in the heart of wine-growing country, a multitude of events has been organised and produced in cooperation with the local population – artists, scholars and wine-growing professionals, with the rich wine producing heritage of the area as a backdrop.

27 August 18h : first event of Grain D’autumne.  Marche Gourmande followed by Cinema de Plein Air : LE SANG DE LA VIGNE à Bonneville et St Avit de Fumadières

27 August : Night Market, St Jean de Blaignac

27 August : Brocante vide-greniers, Saint Genes de Castillon

Sunday 28 August

28 August : Raft race along the Dordogne, Starting from Pessac.  You can enter your own raft if you like!  for more info.

28 August : Brocante et Vide Grenier Saint Surplice de Faleyrans

28 August : Marche Nocturnes, Pessac s/Dordogne.  Arts, vins, gastronomie.

28 August : Vide grenier et Restauration, Villegouge

28 August : Vide Greniers Porte Sainte Foy et Ponchapt, Plaine Sinsout, centre ville

Tuesday, 16 August 2011

A Party in The Park


I've just received this and it looks like a lovely evening.

Best wishes,


A fantastic 'Party in the Park' event has been organised to take place on Wednesday 17th August 2011 in the parkland gardens of Chateau Fayolle Luzac in Fougueyrolles, just outside Sainte Foy la Grande. The concert will start at 19h30, but the gates will open at 18h30 - the event will finish at 23h00. It will feature the Monestier Big Band and other combinations (details below). Bring your friends, bring your picnic, bring your table and chairs, bring your dancing shoes - and join us for a fantastic evening of music and fun.
Tickets for this superb musical evening will be 10 euros if you buy 'on line' in advance. You can send your cheque (made out to A Gregory and dated 17 August) to me (address below), and I will email you individually-numbered tickets. If you prefer to wait and pay at the gate the cost will be 12 euros and cash will be required. Should the weather be bad the event will be cancelled and your cheque will not be banked. We will make a decision by midday on 17th August.
Chateau Fayolle will be selling all their superb wines, including chilled white and rose, and some beer. As they have generously provided the venue for this event we are hoping that you will buy your wine from them. It is very reasonably priced and is excellent wine!

Monday, 15 August 2011

Newsletter 12


The end of another busy week with the grand finale of the Battle for this year.  It was magnificent and the pyrotechnics were amazing.

Next weekend is the start of the FrancoBritish Week, a week earlier than usual.  The sharing picnic is on the Sunday with the chance to win a weekend away - all you need is a showstopping hat!

If you haven't been eating out at the night markets, then try and get to one this week, for some towns, it's the last one.
Have a fun week,


Week 33

Monday 15 August - Jour Férié

15 August : Vide grenier Lamothe Montravel

15 August : Brocante at Eymet

Tuesday 16 August

16 August 14h : Les Mardis découverte Montpon. Circuits en bus a la rencontre d’artistes, d’artisans, des producteurs locaux.  Depart de l’office de Tourism sur reservation 05 53 82 23 77

16 August 18h : Les Festines, Marches nocturnes at Le Pizou.

16 August : Flanerie et Degustation.  Lalande-de-Pomerol 05 57 51 15 04 – 05 57 25  00 58

16 August 19h : Saint Emilion Parc Guadet marche de producteurs

Wednesday 17 August

17 August 19h – Blazimon marche de producteurs

17 – 28 August : Exposition M. Serodes, Saint Emilion, Salle Gothique

17 août 20H30 : Concert - Kouban, les Grandes Voix Cosaques
Saint-Emilion - Eglise Collégiale,
Organisé dans le cadre des COLLEGIADES DE SAINT-EMILION par l'association AEMILIANUS.
L'ensemble polyphonique russe Kouban, composé des plus belles voix issues d'opéras prestigieux, tels ceux de Saint-Petersbourg, Moscou, Kiew.
Chants liturgiques orthodoxes traditionnels russes - ukrainiens.
Tarifs :15 €, réduit 13 €, libre - 12 ans.

Thursday 18 August

18 August 19h : Sainte-Foy-la-Grande marche de producteurs with live music from Mystere Daoud

18 August : Night Market at Castillon on the waterfront a la Pelouse

18 August : Balade nocturnal conte de la Bastide PL Abel Surchamp, Libourne.

Friday 19 August

19 August : Night market in Flaujagues.

19-20-21-22 August : Fete Nautique, Canoes Fleuris.  Bommes, 33210 Langon. Information from the Office of Tourism 05 56 63 68 00 – 05 56 76 69 13

19 August : Manifestation culturel, Marche nocturne et concert.  St-Denis-de-Pile.  05 57 74 20 30

19 August 19h30 : Marche Nocturne, La Plage St-Seurin-sur-L’Isle

19-20-21 August : Balades en Cadillac.  Un itinerere entre swing et voltige

19 – 22 August : Fete de la St Roch, Montpon.  Maneges, course cycliste, bals,animations

Saturday 20 August
20 August : en ville Castillon Fest-Folies, vide grenier and brocante

20 August : Fete pres de la riviere et brocante.  La Fangard, Coutras.

20 August 19h : Créon  Rencontre musique et gastronomie – point Relais Velo.  Concerts, et marches de producteurs, artisans traiteurs

20 August : Brocante at Castillones

20-21 August : Fete local Port-Ste-Foy-et-Ponchapt

20 – 27 August FrancoBritish Week in Ste Foy la Grande.  For the full programme of the week’s activities visit

20 – 26 August :  Vigiers Wine & Golf Festival
A week of wine tasting (Saint-Emilion, Bergerac and Duras wines), golf, beauty treatments and exploration.

Sunday 21 August

21 August : sur les quays Castillon Fest-Folies, vide grenier and brocante.
21 August 12h : FrancoBritish Week picnic with Hat Competition.

21 August : Brocante vide grenier.  Pres de la Creche, Camps-sur-L’Isle.

21 August 8h : Brocante Vide Grenier at Genissac.