
Friday, 26 August 2011

A little extra for the weekend!


I've just received some last minute items - it's never too late to send them in, I'm always very happy to include everything.

Enjoy the weekend.

From Helen

Saturday 27th August 18h : Concert at Villefranche de Lonchat
Nordic Sun "Pieces a cappella de Bach, Eriksson, Poulenc, Sibelius"
Notre Dame Church in Villefranche (24610). This is the main square.
Free entry
There is also a web address if anyone needs further information ateliersdufiguier@free.frThere are also drinks afterwards at Chateau Mondesir which is 2 minutes drive from where the concert is to be held.

27-28 August : Coupe d'Europe Pony-games in Libourne. Free entry. 

27 - 28 August : Fete locale at Port-Sainte-Foy.  Starting at 14h with a funfair and games for chldren at Place 8 mai.  20h  repas dansant avec l'orchestre Nostalgia.
Sunday, from 10h exposition des voitures anciennes en centre ville.  Brocante avec restauration sur place.  19.30h repas moules frites sur les quais.  22.30h feux d'artifice aves descente aux flambeaux.

Sunday 28 August 19h : Marche nocturne at St-Sulpice-de-Faleyrens


  1. There is certainly plenty to do this weekend,hope the weather is good for you, better than here in England

  2. Sun has come out for Saturday - should be the same for Sunday. :)
