
Monday, 5 September 2011

Newsletter 15


We had a great time picking grapes at Chateau Carbonneau.  Possibly one of the warmest mornings for grape picking yet.  Normally I'm wearing lots of layers and you can see your breath in the air, but Friday morning was beautiful.  8 am and we were already in short sleeves.

Thank you Jacquie and Wilfred for inviting us.  Weary limbs were forgotten as we ate a delicious meal together outside that evening - still in short sleeves!

This weekend coming is the Fete du Mascaret.  If you have never been it's certainly worth a visit.  The wave comes up the Dordogne and a crowd of keen surfers and kayakers wait to surf with the wave.  They only get one chance, and once you fall off it's all over... till the next time!  There are 2 waves this weekend.  Have a look at the website to plan your visit.

I love seeing your photos, so if you have any you'd like to share please send them and I'll post them on the blog.

Have a lovely week,

Best wishes, Helen

Week 36
Orpheus and Bacchus Autumn Festivals: Beethoven Symphonies by the Sinfonia d'Amici
The first of our two Autumn Festivals takes place from the 4th-9th September and promises a rich week of musical feasting, with Beethoven Symphonies performed in the churches of Ste Foy La Grande and Gensac by the Sinfonia d’Amici. This London-based orchestra, led by the outstanding young conductor Harry Ogg, is comprised of 34 vibrant and talented musicians who are all recent alumni of the London Schools Symphony Orchestra.
The varied programme also includes works by Mozart, Berlioz, Delius and Mendelssohn amongst others. Tickets for individual concerts are 15€ and will be available at the door, or can be reserved in advance by emailing All welcome! For those who wish to make a week of it, we are pleased to offer a special Music Lovers’ Ticket (45€) which gives entry to any 4 of the evening concerts, enabling you to take in the full programme over the course of the week. Please phone Fiona Valpy on 05 57 41 28 18 or email to book.

Monday 5 September

5 Sept – 3 October : Exhibition – Interpretations croisees.  Photos Collages Peintures.  By Laurence Gautier, Cecile Mallet, Lydie Revnga.  Château de Pressac, Sainte Etienne de Lisse.Vernissage 9 Sept 18h30.  Contact Association Art Angmen – 06 85 06 11 70

5 September, Orpheus and Bacchus Concert at Domaine du Faure, Le Goge, Gensac. 19h00HUMMELL: Octet for Winds / SCHUBERT: OctetTickets - 15 Euros. Book in advance - tel: 05 57 41 28 18 / email:

Tuesday 6 September

6 septembre 20h30 : Concert - Les Grandes Heures de Saint-Emilion Château de Pressac,
Marc Coppey, violoncelle, Liana Gourdja, violon Bach, Ravel, Kodaï

6 September, Orpheus and Bacchus Concert in the Eglise de Ste. Foy. 18h30HUMMEL: Overture from the Sappho von Mitelene Suite Op. 68 / BERLIOZ: Les nuits d'été Op. 7 / BEETHOVEN: Symphony No. 7 in A Major Op. 92 Tickets at the door - 15 Euros. Tel: 05 57 41 28 18 / email:

Wednesday 7 September

7 September, Orpheus and Bacchus Concert in the Eglise de Ste. Foy. 18h30DELIUS: Two pieces for Small Orchestra / MOZART: Sinfonia Concertante for Violin, Viola and Orchestra K. 364 / BEETHOVEN: Symphony No. 4 in B Flat Major Op. 60Tickets at the door - 15 Euros. Tel: 05 57 41 28 18 / email:

Thursday 8 September

8 - 15 septembre : Artpotes Saint-Emilion - Salle Gothique,
Organisée par l'association AAA/ ARTPOTES  Tous les jours de 10h à 19h.
"ARTPOTES"  6 créateurs vous proposent, de l'artisanat d'art : accessoires de mode,  bijoux, céramique, bois flotté...
Venez les rencontrer,  ils seront heureux de partager leurs secrets avec vous !
Plus d'informations

8 September, Orpheus and Bacchus Concert at Domaine du Faure, Le Goge, Gensac. 19h00
BEETHOVEN: Septet / MENDELSSOHN: OctetTickets - 15 Euros. Book in advance - tel: 05 57 41 28 18 / email:
Friday 9 September
9 September : Village en Fete a St Germain-du-Puch

9 - 11 septembre : Manifestation proposée par
PARALLELES ATTITUDES DIFFUSION Festival Ouvre la Voix (9ème édition)
Fontet, Monségur, Gironde sur Dropt, Sauveterre de Guyenne, Espiet, Creon, La Sauve, Sadirac, Frontenac, Saint Brice, Cenac
Bike rides, picnics and concerts in and around the Entre deux Mers cycle path.

9 September : Concert at the Eglise de Gensac. 18h30 HUMMEL: Overture from the Sappho von Mitelene Suite Op. 68 / BERLIOZ: Les nuits d'été Op. 7 / BEETHOVEN: Symphony No. 7 in A Major Op. 92Tickets at the door - 15 Euros. Tel: 05 57 41 28 18 / email:

Saturday 10 September

10 – 11 September : Weekend Portes Ouvertes.  Francs Cotes de Bordeaux.  

10 September : Marche de nuit et feu d’artifice, St-Germain-du-Puch   

10 September : Les Agapes (evening harvest party)at Château des Chapelains.  A meal in the chai surrounded by barrels of wine – can’t be bad !

10-11 September : Fête du Mascaret organise par Association de Mascaret in Saint Pardon.  This is the festival celebrating the great wave that comes up the Dordogne river, a bit like the Severn Bore.  There are surfers and people in boats and canoes who ‘catch’ the wave and surf up-river.  Visit  

10 septembre 20h30 : Concert - Gaztelu Zahar - Choeur d'Hommes
Saint-Emilion - Eglise Collégiale,
Organisé dans le cadre des COLLEGIADES DE SAINT-EMILION par l'association AEMILIANUS.
Chorale hendayaise composée de 40 membres, elle tient son nom du lieu-dit de Hendaye signifiant "Vieux Port".
Chants traditionnels basques, espagnols.
Oeuvres de Gounod, Rameau, Tchaïkovski.
Tarifs : 12 €, -12 ans libre.

Sunday 11 September

11 Sept  : vide greniers at Sainte Florence

11 Septetmber : Vide Greniers at Pomerol

11 September : Vide grenier et animations avec Bandas a St-Gemain-du-Puch

11 September : Foire d'automne / vide greniers / brocante at Fargues-St-Hilaire
11 September : Pineuilh , 4eme Grand Deballage de rentree, vide grenier, Brocante

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