
Monday, 30 January 2012

Week 5 2012


Hoping that the cold weather isn’t too much of a shock to our gardens, the snowdrops in my garden seem happy enough…

Following on from previous information about radars this seems to clarify the situation :

RADAR WARNING DEVICES  These have been banned in France since 28th November 2011. Drivers using radar detectors (speed camera detectors) are liable for a fine of 1500 Euros and 6 points off their license. This applies to specific radar warning devices, such as the Coyote, which must have their software updated to remain legal.
    With regard to TomToms and other GPS systems, which have speed camera locations programmed in to their software, the situation is confusing. These are not officially "radar detectors", but manufacturers are obliged to make new software available, and most will be doing so in early 2012. By summer 2012, Tomtoms and other GPS systems will be technically in breach of the law if they still have radars listed in their Points of Interest software; and even if it is not clear how roadside police can stop and check for offending software, rather than hardware, drivers are warned to err on the side of precaution and download the latest map software for France.  This is advisable anyway, since older software is not up to date with regard to new routes, new speed restrictions, and other changes.
   For both existing radar warning devices and GPS devices, current radar information is being replaced with warnings to announce "danger zones", many of which will be areas with speed cameras.
For more info
Have a good week,

Best wishes,


Week 5

28 January – 5 February : Bordeaux's Salon des Antiquaires et de l'Art Contemporain (Antiques and Contemporary Art Fair) at Bordeaux's Parc des Expositions welcomes top antique and contemporary art dealers. Browse 17th to 19th-century furniture, antique jewellery and works by today's emerging and confirmed artists. Entrance €8.  For more information

Monday 30 January

From 30th January to 2nd Febuary Sara Daniels is building a strawbale wall with a volunteer group located at St Geraud de Corps, just outside the village at the Lieu dit 'Le Neples'.If people want to participate they are all welcome, no experience necessary. Sara has already built a strawbale and lime lined cottage.
Let Sara know beforehand if you, or anyone you know, might be interested in participating or simply going to have a look, call her on 05 53 80 14 13 or email

30 January 13h35, 16h, 19h20 and 21h45 : Sherlock Holmes and A Game of Shadows is showing in VO at Libourne Multiplex.
Sherlock Holmes and his sidekick Dr. Watson join forces to outwit and bring down their fiercest adversary, Professor Moriarty.  Starring Jude Law, Robert Downey Jr and Jared Harris.

30 January 16h and 20h15 : J. Edgar is showing in VO at Libourne Muultiplex.
As the face of law enforcement in America for almost 50 years, J. Edgar Hoover was feared and admired, reviled and revered. But behind closed doors, he held secrets that would have destroyed his image, his career and his life.  Starring Leonardo DiCaprio, Armie Hammer, Naomi Watts, Clint Eastwood.

Tuesday 31 January

31 January 13h35, 16h, 19h20 and 21h45 : Sherlock Holmes and A Game of Shadows is showing in VO at Libourne Multiplex.
Sherlock Holmes and his sidekick Dr. Watson join forces to outwit and bring down their fiercest adversary, Professor Moriarty.  Starring Jude Law, Robert Downey Jr and Jared Harris.

30 January 16h and 20h15 : J. Edgar is showing in VO at Libourne Muultiplex.
As the face of law enforcement in America for almost 50 years, J. Edgar Hoover was feared and admired, reviled and revered. But behind closed doors, he held secrets that would have destroyed his image, his career and his life.  Starring Leonardo DiCaprio, Armie Hammer, Naomi Watts, Clint Eastwood.

Wednesday 1 February

1 February : Designworks Sale starts.  Visit for more details.

Thursday 2 February

Friday 3 February

3 February at 21:00: Jazz en Chais Concert
 Tricia Evy, vocal with bass and guitar, swing jazz concert at Château Peroudier. Monbazillac. Telephone: 05 53 73 12 25.

Saturday 4 February

4 February 19h30: Soiree festive a St Emilion. Salle polyvalente, Poule au pot
Organisée par la ville de Saint-Emilion
Animation - projection Nuit du Patrimoine
Inscription en mairie : 05 57 24 72 09 Tarif : 12€ adulte ; 8€ -12 ans

4 February 20h30 : Loto at Salle des Fetes de Mouliets et Villemartin.  Prizes include a flat screen TV and hams !!

4 février 18h :Concert des professeurs Saint-Emilion - Salle des Dominicains
Organisé par l'école municipale de musique de Saint-Emilion.

Sunday 5 February

5 February 14h30 : Loto organised by le Club de Loisirs, Salle Polyvalente, Mouliets et Villemartin.  Special Canards Gras

5 February : Marche des Puces in Rauzan

5 February : Marche des Puces in Bergerac – always the first Sunday of the month.

5 February 11h : Grand-Théâtre Bordeaux – La Mythologie en Music
tarif unique 6 euros gratuit moins de 12 ans placement libre pass dégustation + 4 euros placement libre
 DebussySyrinx pour flûte seule
JolivetLe Chant de Linos pour flûte, harpe et trio à cordes
Berlioz L’Enfance du Christ, trio des Ismaëlites, pour 2 flûtes et harpe
Debussy Les Chansons de Bilitis pour récitant, 2 flûtes, 2 harpes et célesta (Chant pastoral - Les Comparaisons - Les Contes - Chanson - La Partie d’osselets – Bilitis - Le Tombeau sans nom - Les Courtisanes égyptiennes - L’Eau pure du bassin - La Danseuse aux crotales - Le Souvenir de Mnasidica - La Pluie du matin)

Coming up…

Le mardi 7 Février à 20 h 30 au théâtre du Liburnia, récital de piano de Dana CIOCARLIE qui interprètera des œuvres de Schumann, Schubert et Liszt . Le prix des places est fixé à 25 € et la soirée est associée au tirage de la tombola annuelle dotée de nombreux lots de grands crus et crus prestigieux du Bordelais . Contact for bookings.

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