
Monday, 26 March 2012

Week 13 2012


What a beautiful week to be out and about in the garden.  We picked up a few plants at the last Winter Marche des Puces at Rauzan (as well as a bargain or 2 – linen bedding at €5 a sheet),  and there are plenty more opportunities to stock your garden coming up.

I have just heard about the plant sale held in Blesignac this weekend.  Apparently it is really lovely, the best stall is run by an Englishwoman, Jane Phillips, who sells lots of interesting perennial plants and hostas. Thank you to FS for telling me about it, I shall certainly be there.

In the meantime, don’t forget to change the beer and syrup mix in your hornet traps.

I love all the spring blossoms and flowers.

Have a good week,

Best wishes,


Week  13

Monday 26 March

Tuesday 27 March

Wednesday 28 March

Thursday 29 March

29 March 20h30 : Albert Nobbs is showing in VO Creon Cinema.
Albert Nobbs struggles to survive in late 19th century Ireland, where women aren't encouraged to be independent. Posing as a man, so she can work as a butler in Dublin's most posh hotel, Albert meets a handsome painter and looks to escape the lie she has been living.  Starring Glenn Close, Mia Wasikowska and Aaron Johnson.

Friday 30 March

30 mars – 1 avril : 12 ème  édition du Festival de Court-Métrage en Lussacais
Organisé par l'association Images et Culture en Lussacais
Mise en compétition des films d’étudiants, professionnels et amateurs.
Soirée au  Multiplex Grand Ecran  de Libourne.
Projections de films de professionnels.
Présidé par Jean-Pierre Denis.

30 mars: en journée, projection de films étudiants et professionnels en compétitions au lycée viticole de Libourne-Montagne.
Déjeuner sur place : plateau repas à 10€ (salade, viande froide, fromage, dessert).
Soirée : au cinéma Grand Ecran de Libourne, suivi d'un cocktail offert par l'association Images et culture en Lussacais. Programme :

30 March 20h : Simon Goldin. Chanteur Quebecois.  Salle des Fetes Saint Geraud de Corps €5

30-31 March : Journées de la Préhistoire en Pays Foyen, Centre D'études Et De Réflexion Sur La Préhistoire Et L'histoire De La Région De Sainte Foy La Grande.
Salle Clarisse Brian Reclus 33220 SAINTE-FOY-LA-GRANDE.
email :  tel : +33 6 08 05 36 58

Saturday 31 March

31 mars : Grand Carnaval pour tous à Saint-Sulpice-de-Faleyrens.  For the programme go to :

31 March : Cours de cuisine, la lamproire a la bordelaise.

31 mars : en journée, projection de films amateurs en compétition au lycée viticole de Libourne-Montagne.
Déjeuner sur place : Formule à 12€ grillades (faux-filet ou brochettes de canard), pomme de terre grenaille, fromage et salade, dessert.
Sur réservation (au plus tard le 17mars 2012) : soirée autour d'un repas en présence du jury,  des cinéastes et de l'équipe d'Images et Culture en Lussacais. Cette soirée se déroule à la salle des fêtes de Lussac, le tarif est de 20€.

31 Mars 20h30 : Ensemble Orchestral de Bordeaux
Saint-Emilion - Eglise Collégiale, Ensemble Vocal de Bordeaux
Marche funèbre maçonnique
Sopranos Clotilde FITER-LECOMTE & Marion RAIFFĒ
Ténor Stéphane MALBEC-GARCIA Basse Hervé HENNEQUIN
Ensemble Vocal de Bordeaux
Ensemble Vocal Martenot de Gironde
Ensemble Vocal Résonances de Gradignan
Direction Lionel GAUDIN-VILLARD
Entrée : 27€, réduit : 20€ (adhérents aemilianus) 1 Place achetée 1 place offerte.
 Réservation par mail
Dans le cadre des Collégiales de Saint-Emilion.
Consulter le programme des Collégiades -

31 mars - 21 h : Jazz en Chai.  Fabien Mary 4tet at Chateau Masburel, Fouguerolles.
Trompette : Fabien Mary
Guitare : Hugo Lippi
Contrebasse : Fabien Marcoz
Batterie : Mourad Benhammou
Reservations 05 53 73 12 24, or go to

31 mars 21h : L'ensemble de Saxophones du Libournais en concert
Salle des Fêtes de Libourne, Entrée gratuite.
31 March 20h : Théâtre a Gensac avec la Troupe Les Esbaudis théâtre.  Salle Polyvalente, Gensac.  Poule au Pot.  Repas et Spectacle €15.  Réservation 06 81 26 66 65

31 mars - 1er avril Rallye de Vieilles Voitures "Vignes & Virages"à Génissac
Rendez-vous l
e 31 mars à 8h30 de Génissac et départ 13h30 vers Bordeaux.
Organisé par GETSIMINI
Contact : Comité des Fêtes de Génissac 05 57 24 45 17

31 March 20h30 : Soirée Andalouse, Salle des Fetes de Sainte Radegonde.  Danses Sévillanes et Flamenco, anime par les danseuses de Ria Pita.  Adults €15, Enf €7.  Réservations 05 57 40 51 98

31 March 18h : Albert Nobbs is showing in VO Creon Cinema.
Albert Nobbs struggles to survive in late 19th century Ireland, where women aren't encouraged to be independent. Posing as a man, so she can work as a butler in Dublin's most posh hotel, Albert meets a handsome painter and looks to escape the lie she has been living.  Starring Glenn Close, Mia Wasikowska and Aaron Johnson.

31 March – 1 April : Cote Salon. Salon de l’habitat économe et de la construction durable.   Rencontres en Pays Foyen avec les Professionnels du Bâtiment.  Tarif €2
Côté Salon® : 1er  Salon  de  l’Habitat  Économe  et  de  la  Construction  Durable  en Pays foyen se déroulera à la Plaine des Sports de Pineuilh.

Sunday 1 April

1er avril : remise des prix au Château Haut Piquat à Lussac.
Sur réservation (au plus tard le 17 mars 2012): cocktail déjeunatoire sur place, au prix de 22€.

1avril 9h - 18h: Exposition-vente de PLANTES, BLESIGNAC
Les pépiniéristes-collectionneurs en Entre-Deux-Mers (33)
L’Association de Loisirs Blésignacais organise la dixième exposition-vente regroupant des Pépiniéristes Collectionneurs du Grand Sud-Ouest qui présenteront leurs productions de merveilles botaniques, une palette d’idées incomparables pour vos jardins et les meilleurs conseils pour réussir vos cultures.
Des démonstrations de greffage seront dispensées tout au long de la journée par Lucien SABIDUSSI, pépiniériste de notre région, aujourd’hui à la retraite.

1 April 7h30 : Lacher de Truites Etangs Communaux de Saint Meard de Gurcon.

1 Avril : Prochain Dejeuner Jazz avec Djangophil Duo aux Jardins d'Éole, aérodrome de Sainte Foy La Grande.
Repas à thème : Voyage en Orient-express.  Menu basé sur les produits proposés lors du premier voyage de L'orient-express le 10 Octobre 1882 .... Pensez à reserver !  05 53 63 25 62 / 06 11 85 70 89

Coming up…

I  am happy to inform you that after the cancellation of the concert for Fev 7th, it will now take place on April 10that  the same time and place in Liburnia including a tombola with prestigious Bordeaux wines.
The original tickets for February are valid for this new date. But people wishing tickets for this new date can contact me , by phone 0557401672 , or mail at the address below.

Best regards .
Philippe LE BER

15 April : Foire des œufs et poussins at Gensac.

Monday, 19 March 2012

Week 12 2012

Week 12

Is it a working radar or not – the jury’s still out, but take care when entering Bigaroux from the Libourne end, heading towards Castillon.  There’s a radar on your right following a speed trap which shows your speed.  ‘They’ say it’s still being tested, nevertheless, watch your speed.

As I travelled along the other day I met a traffic jam of a completely different kind!

Thank you very much for all the information you send, please keep it coming.  I now have an email address so that you can contact me directly.

Have good week

Best wishes,


Monday 19 March

Tuesday 20 March

20 -24 March :  Le Festin 13 a Creon.  Festival of music, circus and theatre.  For more details see

20 March 20h30: Chants lithurgiques et Populaires.  
Choeurs de Crimée.  Chef de choeur Igor Mikhailevski
Eglise Saint Jean de Libourne
Tarifs : 15€ , à l'avance : 12€, réduit : 6€, gratuit pour les - de 12 ans
Renseignements : 05 57 51 51 76
Vente des billets à l'Office de Tourisme du Libournais : 05 57 51 15 04

Wednesday 21 March

21 March 20h30 : Take Shelter is showing in VO at Montpon Menesterol.
Plagued by a series of apocalyptic visions, a young husband and father questions whether to shelter his family from a coming storm, or from himself.

Thursday 22 March
Friday 23 March

23 mars 20h30 : Manuel Salguero en spectacle
Espace Culturel Maurice Druon, Coutras. €6

23 Mars 20h15 :Manon de Kenneth Mac Millan
Ballet en 5 actes enregistré au Royal Opera House Au Cinéma Multiplex Grand Ecran de Libourne.  Avec la musique expressive et sensuelle de Massenet, Manon est un des plus grands ballets dramatiques et une magnifique vitrine pour la performance et le pouvoir dramatique des principaux solistes et troupes de ce genre.
Chef d'orchestre : Martin Yates
Musique : Jules Massenet
Manaon : Tamara Rojo
Des Grieux : Carlos Acosta
Durée 1h57 5 actes et un entracte de 10 mn
Présenté en VO et sous-titré en français
Programme complet de la saison
Tarif : 15€  et 12€ pour les moins de 18 ans, les étudiants, les familles nombreuses

Saturday 24 March

24 March 21h : Concert Jazz, Salle des Loisirs, Saint Aulaye.  Featuring a 25 piece Big Band. Entrance €10

24 – 27 March : My small village's 10th Anniversary celebration to be held in GORNAC.
I would encourage you to stop by and appreciate the superior level of about 25 artists
on display, all of whom have been honoured each year for their talents. There will be a
demonstration on Sunday afternoon, and visits are FREE to the public. Hope to see
you there!
Marie Maitrepierre
Gornac-33540 (05 56 71 60 98)
24 March 14h : Carnival for all the family in Coutras

24 March 14h30 à 18h30: Atelier danse celtique irlandaise à la Salle des Fêtes de Saint Denis de Pile
Atelier organisé par l'association Dionys Country et animé par Nathalie.
Réservation : 05 57 74 49 23

24 March 20h30 : Les Chorales chantent pour la vue. Temple, Ste Foy la Grande.

24 March from 16h : Taguito Libourne fete le Tango.  Salle des fetes de Libourne.  Dance course, shows and a themed meal.  Contact Tanguito Libourne 06 79 33 41 05

24-25 March : Last weekend of the Rauzan Marche d’hiver is on both Saturday and Sunday. Alongside there will also be a plant market so you can replenish your garden after everything died in the snow!

24- 25 Mars : Marché de Bric et de Broc 2012
Le marché de bric et de broc de la barrière Judaïque et de l'avenue de la République est organisé par l'association des commerçants de la barrière Judaîque, Bordeaux.

Sunday 25 March

25 March 20h30 : Take Shelter is showing in VO at Montpon Menesterol.
Plagued by a series of apocalyptic visions, a young husband and father questions whether to shelter his family from a coming storm, or from himself.

24-25 March : Last weekend of the Rauzan Marche d’hiver is on both Saturday and Sunday. Alongside there will also be a plant market so you can replenish your garden after everything died in the snow!
24- 25 Mars : Marché de Bric et de Broc 2012
Le marché de bric et de broc de la barrière Judaïque et de l'avenue de la République est organisé par l'association des commerçants de la barrière Judaîque, Bordeaux.

Coming up…

31 March 20h30 : Festival de Pâques.  Mozart Grande Messe en ut Mineur
Eglise Collégiale, Saint Emilion

Monday, 12 March 2012

Week 11 2012


We made a lovely discovery yesterday in Bordeaux.  We set off early to go to the flea market around St Michel only to discover that it was more of a building site than a flea market.  What we didn’t know was that the Quai des Salinaires is now hosting brocantes on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Sunday.  It’s worth a look.  Did we find a bargain?  Not this time, but we’ll go back another time.

I’m continuing to update this site, there are additional pages listed at the side of the blog with events and activities in the coming months.  I add information as it comes my way, so keep an eye on them.

Calling all food-lovers!  This week in Bordeaux,( 12-18 March) la Ronde des Quartiers de Bordeaux and partners are organising« Restaurants en Fête »
When you have a meal at one of the participating restaurants you can join in the fun and try and win with scratch cards available at the restaurants.  Prizes include concert tickets, bottles of wine, meals for 2 people and much more.  For more information and a list of participating restaurants go to

If you missed out on collecting sarments for your BBQ, Château Haute-Nauve is running another day on Saturday, have a look below for more details.

Enjoy your week,

Best wishes,


Week 11

Film lovers are spoilt for choice this week, the Iron Lady, The Descendants and A Dangerous Method are all showing in VO in cinemas in the area.

The Artist continues to play at the Libourne Multiplex.  For the times visit

Monday 12 March

Tuesday 13 March

13 March 20h30 : Les Grandes Heures de St Emilion
Maurice Bourgue, haut-bois, Jean-Bernard Pommier, piano
J.S Bach, Mozart, Robert Schumann, Clara Schumann, Poulenc, Haas

Wednesday 14 March

14 March : Sara Daniels is continuing with her strawbale wall project.  Today and tomorrow are workshops on the Earther plaster application.  If you are interested or even just curious, contact her at or call 05 53 80 14 13.

14 March 20h30 : The Iron Lady is showing in VO at St Foy Cinema La Breche.
A look at the life of Margaret Thatcher, the former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, with a focus on the price she paid for power.  Starring Meryl  Streep.

Any excuse for a George photo!
14 March 20h30 : The Descendants is showing in VO at Cinemax Linder in Creon.
A land baron tries to re-connect with his two daughters after his wife is seriously injured in a boating accident.  Starring George Cloony.

14 March 20h30 : A Dangerous Method is showing in VO at Le Lascaux cinema in Montpon.
A look at how the intense relationship between Carl Jung and Sigmund Freud gives birth to psychoanalysis.  Starring Keira Knightly.

Thursday 15 March

15 March 20h30 : The Descendants is showing in VO at Cinemax Linder in Creon.
A land baron tries to re-connect with his two daughters after his wife is seriously injured in a boating accident.  Starring George Cloony.

15 March 20h45 : Che… Malambo!  Theatre Liburnia present an energetic dance show. A combination of ballet and Argentinian Malambo.

Friday 16 March

Saturday 17 March

17 March 15h30 : a new Zumba class is running in the Salle de Loto in Mouliets et Villemartin.  I went last week – great fun, and certainly energetic.  Take a bottle of water and €5. See more info in 'Getting fitter' on the left of the page.

17 mars 9h30 à 16h : Journée sarments de vigne au Château Haute-Nauve
Organisée par le Château Haute-Nauve. Saint-Laurent-des-Combes
"Confection de sarments de bois" à la propriété.
Informations et inscriptions :

17 March 17h45 : The Iron Lady is showing in VO at St Foy Cinema La Breche.
A look at the life of Margaret Thatcher, the former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, with a focus on the price she paid for power.  Starring Meryl  Streep.

17 March – 1 April : Fête foraine des rameaux at Le Cours Tourny, Libourne.  This Palm Sunday funfair runs for 3 weekends and 2 weeks in the run up to Easter.  You’ll need to look elsewhere for free parking in Libourne…

17 March : Vinotaste are running English language wine tasting morning once a month at St Emilion chateaux.  For further information see and also

17 March 19h30 : Soiree Carnival, Pujols.  Dinner and Country Dancing, Dress up in your ‘Western’ clothes and dance!  €12 adult/€7 child


17 – 18 March : 17 mars à 20h30
Opus 12.2 Bacchanales, d’Alexandros Markéas est un oratorio profane pour récitant, voix solistes, chœurs et ensembles instrumentaux.
Cette création, entre théâtre et messe profane, propose de révéler les différents visages de Dionysos… Les poésies bachiques antiques et contemporaines, les textes mythologiques, les rêveries philosophiques et également les musiques traditionnelles méditerranéennes sont les ingrédients de ce festin vivant à consommer sans modération.
Bacchanales place les auditeurs au cœur du dispositif sonore.
Plus de 450 artistes, groupes amateurs et professionnels, se mélangent ainsi au public dans une mise en espace festive.

Sunday 18 March

18 March 11 - 13h: Bring and Buy Book Sale in Duras in Aid of the Poppy Appeal.

18 mars à 15h :  Opus 12.2 Bacchanales, d’Alexandros Markéas est un oratorio profane pour récitant, voix solistes, chœurs et ensembles instrumentaux.

18 March : Marche des Puce in Rauzan

18 March : 24° Salon De La Collection - Le plus grand salon de collections d'aquitaine.
Organisé par Association Les Collectionneurs Bergeracois .
Salle Anatole France - Rue Anatole France - 24 Bergerac.
La manifestation est fléchée depuis tous les accès à Bergerac.
Ou vous trouverez : Monnaies, cartes postales anciennes et modernes,
Livres, vieux papiers, timbres, minéraux, militaria : insignes et décorations..., parfums, objets de vitrine, jouets, fèves, capsules de champagne, etc...
Entrée : 3 euros. Gratuit pour les membres du Club.
Dans la salle, exposition thématique : "30 COLLECTIONS SUR L'ART DE LA TABLE"
Restauration sur place. (traiteur).

18 March : Vide Grenier St Yzan de Soudiac

18 March 20h45 : The Iron Lady is showing in VO at St Foy Cinema La Breche.
A look at the life of Margaret Thatcher, the former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, with a focus on the price she paid for power.  Starring Meryl  Streep.

18 March 20h30 : A Dangerous Method is showing in VO at Le Lascaux cinema in Montpon.
A look at how the intense relationship between Carl Jung and Sigmund Freud gives birth to psychoanalysis.  Starring Keira Knightly.

Coming up…

Easter Saturday April 7th Grand Charity Evening
At The Salle De Fete In Duras 7.00pm
Listening And Dancing To The Leeds University Swing Band
Tickets 10e Per Person Bring Your Own 'Picnic'
All Profits To Shelterbox Supplying Tents And Equipment To
People Suffering In Natural Disasters And To Emmaus (France)
For Vunerable Families And Children.
INFO +tickets at or

One last thing...

There has been much talk about a spate of robberies in and around Ste Foy.  To find out more you can
Google "Anglo Info Dordogne France"
Then click on "Forum"
then on the right under Classifieds and Discussions you'll see the little search window - then type in
"Robberies in Ste. Foy la Grande" and you should see the conversations.

Monday, 5 March 2012

Week 10 2012

The beginning of March, and everything and everyone is starting to come out of hibernation!  There are things coming up in future months, so I've made some additional pages, you can find them on the right of the page.  That way you can start to plan ahead.

If you haven’t seen the film The Artist it’s still showing, and so mesmerising, that one dear friend couldn’t remember if it was in black and white or colour!! (you know who you are…!)

Reports on the new Leclerc have been filtering back – the most common adjective used has been BIG…

This Wednesday is International Women’s Day, and when I lived in Slovakia all the men gave women a single flower – not just to a significant other woman, but to lots of women.  Do you think it might catch on here?

I forgot to mention last week that hornet traps must be taken down by the beginning of May, otherwise they will trap the good insects in our gardens, and anyway, by then the queens will have started their colonies.

One last thing, Lyn Maltus is looking for someone who would be interested in going to their Chateau for a couple of days to type visiting cards onto their computer system.  They would be paid the hourly SMIC rate (9.22€ brut).  If you are interested please contact her on 05 57 84 64 22.  She says that they have very good coffee in the office too!

Have a good week,

Best wishes,


Week 10

The Oscar winning film The Artist is showing at Libourne Multiplex all week at 16h and 19h30. For complete details of the screenings visit

2 March – 18 April : Exhibition of Bird photographs "Comme un oiseau" at the Mediatheque Jean Cocteau at St Seurin-sur-Isle. See

3 - 13 March : 8 Mars 8 Femmes Ste Foy la Grande. Le service culturel de Sainte-Foy-la-Grande profite de la Journée Internationale des Droits de la Femme le 8 mars, pour renouveler sa désormais traditionnelle manifestation 8 MARS 8 FEMMES, durant laquelle les pratiques artistiques de plusieurs femmes sont mises en exergue. Cette année, l’accent est mis sur le thème « Souviens-toi… ».

Monday 5 March

Monday 5 March : Quiz Night. Evening starts at 7pm, questions then break for food then further questions and giving of prizes all for 11 euro each.
Sometime as many as 10 teams of 8 per team take part and a good time had by all. For full details refer to Andrea & David Gregory

5 March 21h :  Carnage  is showing in VO at the cinema Le Lascaux in Montpon.
A drama/comedy - Two pairs of parents hold a cordial meeting after their sons are involved in a fight, though as their time together progresses, increasingly childish behaviour throws the evening into chaos.  Starring Kate Winslet and Jodie Foster.

Tuesday 6 March

6 mars 20h30 : Concert - Les Grandes Heures de Saint-Emilion Château La Tour Figeac.
Vahan Mardiriossian, piano Beethoven
To see the full programme for 2012 go to

Wednesday 7 March

7 - 8 March : Sara Daniels is continuing with her strawbale wall project.  Today and tomorrow are workshops on the Earthern plaster fabrication, and next week - 14 and 15 March she will be doing the Earther plaster application.  If you are interested or even just curious, contact her at or call 05 53 80 14 13.

Thursday 8 March – International Women’s Day

8 March : The city of Bordeaux invite you to participate in Women’s Day at the Hotel de Ville.  See the publicity below for further details or go to

8 March 14h-18h : The dansant avec l’orchestre Pierre Sander at Lac de la Cadie, Mouliets et Villemartin. 11€ reservations and information 05 57 49 75 01

8 March 18h30 : Expo-phonie.  L’association Scen’Arts is holding a Jazz and Art evening at the Salle Cascante in Castillon next to the tourist office.  A due of double bass and clarinet will perform and paintings by Daniele Hirtzlon will be on display.

Friday 9 March

9 – 23 March : Exhibition of sculpture and paintings” treize jours a bolatty “by Mme de Deitrich at Salle cascante, Castillon

9 mars 20h : Dîner truffe au Château Troplong-Mondot Saint Emilion
Le Château Troplong Mondot organise un dîner autour de la truffe.
Menu préparé par le Chef, Jérôme Cadillat – see the menu alongside.
Informations et réservation : 05 57 55 32 05

Saturday 10 March

10 – 11 March : Brocante Nationale Bordeaux Lac
Organisé Par : Expantika / Pierre Biglione
Parc Ces Expositions De Bordeaux Lac.  Free Entrance.

10 - 11 Mars : Bourse Toutes Collections et Brocante, Coutras.
Organisé Par : Association Adl
Parkings Et Salle Polyvalente Doursat- Nouvelle Organisation Adl
Restauration Sur Place Pendant Les 2 Jours- Grillades, Entrecotes Frites -
Prix Visiteur : Gratuit

10 -11 March : Vide grenier, Centre ville, Langon. Braderie, exposition d'animaux, restauration sur place. Organisé par Fédération des sociétés

10 March 9h-15h Cookery Course at St Terre.
Cook, taste and find out all about lamprey/lamproie. For more information visit
Further courses on 17th and 31st March and 14th April.

10 March 19h30 : Couscous royal et soiree dansante with l’orchestre Lucien Morin et son chanteur Willy at Lac de la Cadie, Mouliets et Villemartin.  25€ reservations and information 05 57 49 75 01

10 March 19h30 : Buffet Campignard, Soiree dansant et Spectacle at Salle de Fetes, St Vincent de Pertignas.  Animes par la troupe Danse Project. 20€ Reservations 05 57 84 16 43

Sunday 11 March

11 March : Marche des Puces in Rauzan.  Different stall holders turn up each week, so it’s worth revisiting.

10 – 11 March : Brocante Nationale Bordeaux Lac
Organisé Par : Expantika / Pierre Biglione
Parc Ces Expositions De Bordeaux Lac.  Free Entrance.

10 Et 11 Mars : Bourse Toutes Collections et Brocante, Coutras.
Organisé Par : Association Adl
Parkings Et Salle Polyvalente Doursat- Nouvelle Organisation Adl
Restauration Sur Place Pendant Les 2 Jours- Grillades, Entrecotes Frites -
Prix Visiteur : Gratuit

10 -11 March : Vide grenier,Centre ville, Langon. Braderie, exposition d'animaux, restauration sur place. Organisé par Fédération des sociétés

Coming up…

Mardi 13, 20h30 : : Concert - Les Grandes Heures de Saint-Emilion
Château Fombrauge
Maurice Bourgue, haut-bois, Jean-Bernard Pommier, piano
J.S Bach, Mozart, Robert Schumann, Clara Schumann, Poulenc, Haas