
Monday, 5 March 2012

Week 10 2012

The beginning of March, and everything and everyone is starting to come out of hibernation!  There are things coming up in future months, so I've made some additional pages, you can find them on the right of the page.  That way you can start to plan ahead.

If you haven’t seen the film The Artist it’s still showing, and so mesmerising, that one dear friend couldn’t remember if it was in black and white or colour!! (you know who you are…!)

Reports on the new Leclerc have been filtering back – the most common adjective used has been BIG…

This Wednesday is International Women’s Day, and when I lived in Slovakia all the men gave women a single flower – not just to a significant other woman, but to lots of women.  Do you think it might catch on here?

I forgot to mention last week that hornet traps must be taken down by the beginning of May, otherwise they will trap the good insects in our gardens, and anyway, by then the queens will have started their colonies.

One last thing, Lyn Maltus is looking for someone who would be interested in going to their Chateau for a couple of days to type visiting cards onto their computer system.  They would be paid the hourly SMIC rate (9.22€ brut).  If you are interested please contact her on 05 57 84 64 22.  She says that they have very good coffee in the office too!

Have a good week,

Best wishes,


Week 10

The Oscar winning film The Artist is showing at Libourne Multiplex all week at 16h and 19h30. For complete details of the screenings visit

2 March – 18 April : Exhibition of Bird photographs "Comme un oiseau" at the Mediatheque Jean Cocteau at St Seurin-sur-Isle. See

3 - 13 March : 8 Mars 8 Femmes Ste Foy la Grande. Le service culturel de Sainte-Foy-la-Grande profite de la Journée Internationale des Droits de la Femme le 8 mars, pour renouveler sa désormais traditionnelle manifestation 8 MARS 8 FEMMES, durant laquelle les pratiques artistiques de plusieurs femmes sont mises en exergue. Cette année, l’accent est mis sur le thème « Souviens-toi… ».

Monday 5 March

Monday 5 March : Quiz Night. Evening starts at 7pm, questions then break for food then further questions and giving of prizes all for 11 euro each.
Sometime as many as 10 teams of 8 per team take part and a good time had by all. For full details refer to Andrea & David Gregory

5 March 21h :  Carnage  is showing in VO at the cinema Le Lascaux in Montpon.
A drama/comedy - Two pairs of parents hold a cordial meeting after their sons are involved in a fight, though as their time together progresses, increasingly childish behaviour throws the evening into chaos.  Starring Kate Winslet and Jodie Foster.

Tuesday 6 March

6 mars 20h30 : Concert - Les Grandes Heures de Saint-Emilion Château La Tour Figeac.
Vahan Mardiriossian, piano Beethoven
To see the full programme for 2012 go to

Wednesday 7 March

7 - 8 March : Sara Daniels is continuing with her strawbale wall project.  Today and tomorrow are workshops on the Earthern plaster fabrication, and next week - 14 and 15 March she will be doing the Earther plaster application.  If you are interested or even just curious, contact her at or call 05 53 80 14 13.

Thursday 8 March – International Women’s Day

8 March : The city of Bordeaux invite you to participate in Women’s Day at the Hotel de Ville.  See the publicity below for further details or go to

8 March 14h-18h : The dansant avec l’orchestre Pierre Sander at Lac de la Cadie, Mouliets et Villemartin. 11€ reservations and information 05 57 49 75 01

8 March 18h30 : Expo-phonie.  L’association Scen’Arts is holding a Jazz and Art evening at the Salle Cascante in Castillon next to the tourist office.  A due of double bass and clarinet will perform and paintings by Daniele Hirtzlon will be on display.

Friday 9 March

9 – 23 March : Exhibition of sculpture and paintings” treize jours a bolatty “by Mme de Deitrich at Salle cascante, Castillon

9 mars 20h : Dîner truffe au Château Troplong-Mondot Saint Emilion
Le Château Troplong Mondot organise un dîner autour de la truffe.
Menu préparé par le Chef, Jérôme Cadillat – see the menu alongside.
Informations et réservation : 05 57 55 32 05

Saturday 10 March

10 – 11 March : Brocante Nationale Bordeaux Lac
Organisé Par : Expantika / Pierre Biglione
Parc Ces Expositions De Bordeaux Lac.  Free Entrance.

10 - 11 Mars : Bourse Toutes Collections et Brocante, Coutras.
Organisé Par : Association Adl
Parkings Et Salle Polyvalente Doursat- Nouvelle Organisation Adl
Restauration Sur Place Pendant Les 2 Jours- Grillades, Entrecotes Frites -
Prix Visiteur : Gratuit

10 -11 March : Vide grenier, Centre ville, Langon. Braderie, exposition d'animaux, restauration sur place. Organisé par Fédération des sociétés

10 March 9h-15h Cookery Course at St Terre.
Cook, taste and find out all about lamprey/lamproie. For more information visit
Further courses on 17th and 31st March and 14th April.

10 March 19h30 : Couscous royal et soiree dansante with l’orchestre Lucien Morin et son chanteur Willy at Lac de la Cadie, Mouliets et Villemartin.  25€ reservations and information 05 57 49 75 01

10 March 19h30 : Buffet Campignard, Soiree dansant et Spectacle at Salle de Fetes, St Vincent de Pertignas.  Animes par la troupe Danse Project. 20€ Reservations 05 57 84 16 43

Sunday 11 March

11 March : Marche des Puces in Rauzan.  Different stall holders turn up each week, so it’s worth revisiting.

10 – 11 March : Brocante Nationale Bordeaux Lac
Organisé Par : Expantika / Pierre Biglione
Parc Ces Expositions De Bordeaux Lac.  Free Entrance.

10 Et 11 Mars : Bourse Toutes Collections et Brocante, Coutras.
Organisé Par : Association Adl
Parkings Et Salle Polyvalente Doursat- Nouvelle Organisation Adl
Restauration Sur Place Pendant Les 2 Jours- Grillades, Entrecotes Frites -
Prix Visiteur : Gratuit

10 -11 March : Vide grenier,Centre ville, Langon. Braderie, exposition d'animaux, restauration sur place. Organisé par Fédération des sociétés

Coming up…

Mardi 13, 20h30 : : Concert - Les Grandes Heures de Saint-Emilion
Château Fombrauge
Maurice Bourgue, haut-bois, Jean-Bernard Pommier, piano
J.S Bach, Mozart, Robert Schumann, Clara Schumann, Poulenc, Haas

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