
Monday, 3 December 2012

Week 49 2012


As we launch into the festive season and the countdown to Christmas here’s a photo to bring a smile to your face (though I’m told that close up it’s more grey than white!)

We went along to the Brocante and Christmas Market in Bordeaux on what was probably the coldest day of the year so far.  The Brocante was a nice surprise because as well as the traditional stands with three incredibly beautiful and expensive pieces of furniture, a rug and a lamp, there were also stands with stacked shelves and lots of interesting things to discover.

Lots to see in Bordeaux
For those of you who like to count… 22 ‘sleeps’ until Christmas and plenty of things to keep you busy in the meantime.

Have a good week,

Best wishes,

Week 49

The Brocante and the Christmas Market continue in Bordeaux.

Monday 3 December

3 – 28 December : Painting Exhibition at la Halte Nautique, route de Cabara,  33420 Branne.

Tuesday 4 December

Wednesday 5 December
5 – 19 December : Exhibition ‘La nature depuis Mondriaan’ featuring 7 artists at the Salle Capitulaire de la Cour Mably, 3 rue Mably, Bordeaux.

Thursday 6 December

6 December 18h : Vernissage for the painting exhibition at la Halte Nautique, Branne.

6 December 18h : Vernissage for the art exhibition at the Salle Capitulaire de la Cour Mably, 

6 – 7 – 8 December Mads presents ‘Living Together’ by Alan Ayckborne at Chateau Issigeac.  Tickets  from €8. For more information including ticket sales go to

Friday 7 December

7 December 19h30 : Fete du Cremant.  Sur le site de la cave des vignerons de Saint Pey de Castets : en présence des vignerons, une soirée avec animation musicale, dégustation d'huîtres, jambon à la coupe, lunch, accompagné de crémant produit par la cave. Adultes : 10 €, enfants (-12ans) 5€ : Réservation - places limitées :

7 December 20h30 : Concert - Les Grandes Heures de Saint-Emilion Château Cantenac,
Quatuor de saxophones Morphing, Chabrier, Bord, Haydn, Tanada, Mendelssohn

7 – 8 – 9 December : Foire Bio de Bergerac at Salle Anatole France, plaine de Picquecailloux, rue Anatole France, Bergerac.  For information including lists of the stands and times of events go to

7 – 8 – 9 – 10 December : Marche artisanal de Noel at Château Font Vidal, 33890 Juillac.


Saturday 8 December
8 December : Marche de Noel du Lussacais at the Espace de la Mairie de Lussac.

8 December 10h – 18h : Marche de Noel at the Salle des Fêtes Jean Teyssandier, Branne 33370

8 December 10h30 – 18h : Christmas Craft and Gift Fair at the Salle des Fetes, St Colomb de Lauzan 47410.  Including a Christingle festive workshop for children in the afternoon.  For more information call 05 53 94 78 13  or visit

8 December 19h30 : Concert at the church at Ste Florence, 33350.

8 – 9 December : Le Supermarché de Noel de l’I.Boat Bordeaux.  For directions and a list of Stands go to


8 – 9 December : Marche de Noel des enfants at Creon.
8 – 9 December : Marche de Noel, Saint-Emilion - Cloître de l'Eglise collégiale.

 8 – 9 December : Marche de Noel des 4 Communes, 4 Salles in Saussignac, including for the first time ‘les gourmandises de Noel’


Sunday 9 December

9 December : The covered flea market in Rauzan continues.  Always worth a visit, but wrap up well and wear at least 2 pairs of socks!

9 December : Marche de Noel – vide coffer a jouets in the centre of Sainte Florence 33350.  

9 December : Marche de Noel and Vide grenier at Le Sauvetat de Dropt 47800  in the Salle des Sports and the surrounding area.

Coming up…

Tuesday 11 December 18h : Christmas Carol Service at the church in Saussignac.

And finally…

The rain and frost has finished off most of the plants in the garden, so I was quite surprised to see these just by the front steps.


  1. Off to Bordeaux tomorrow so will go and look at all the markets. Thanks for the count my youngest and I were just talking about sleeps tonight at bedtime so now I won't have to work it out. Lovely photo.

  2. I know there are so many markets featuring this weekend, but there is another Marché de Noël at Pineuilh 33220, just outside Saint Foy la Grande.
    Saturday 8 December 14-19h and Sunday 10-18h.
    I will be there both days with Knitting kits and gifts, cross stitch kits, Christmas cards and hand made knitted jewellery.
    If you are out and about at some of the other markets or shopping at Leclerc, just turn left at roundabout after Leclerc's.
    Pop in and say bonjour!
