
Monday, 4 March 2013

Week 10 2013

Brocante at St Michel


What a beautiful weekend – sunshine and blue skies.  We took ourselves off to Bordeaux for the Sunday and meandered through the brocante and bric-a-brac at St Michel where we finally tracked down an old fashioned chicken shaped water jug.  

Open-air dining in Bordeaux

Then we headed along the waterfront to the Hangers where everybody who is anybody was out in the sunshine, cycling, roller-blading and wandering along.  The market was full of people, and open air dining was in full swing.  There was a huge selection from the traditional oysters and white wine, to tapas and tagines – we were spoilt for choice.

Hope your Sunday was as relaxed as ours was.

Have a good week,

Best wishes,

Week 10 2013

2 – 10 March : 8 mars 8 femmes.  A collection of events in Ste Foy celebrating International Women’s Day.  Go to for complete listings.

2 - 17 mars salle Cascante, Castillon : Exhibition featuring 3 artists. Hélène van Cuyck, peintre, Florent Bret, sculpteur et Marion Delannoy, vitrailliste.

Monday 4 March

4 March 16h, 19h30 and 21h45 : Hydepark on Hudson (French title Weekend Royal) is showing in VO(English) at the Grandecran, Libourne.
The story of the love affair between FDR and his distant cousin Margaret "Daisy" Suckley, centered around the weekend in 1939 when the King and Queen of the United Kingdom visited upstate New York.  Starring Bill Murray, Laura Linney and Olivia Williams.

Tuesday 5 March

5 March 16h, 19h30 and 21h45 : Hydepark on Hudson (French title Weekend Royal) is showing in VO(English) at the Grandecran, Libourne.
The story of the love affair between FDR and his distant cousin Margaret "Daisy" Suckley, centered around the weekend in 1939 when the King and Queen of the United Kingdom visited upstate New York.  Starring Bill Murray, Laura Linney and Olivia Williams.

Wednesday 6 March

Thursday 7 March

7 March 20h30 : Shadow Dancer is showing in VO at the Eden in Monsegur.
Set in 1990s Belfast, an active member of the IRA becomes an informant for MI5 in order to protect her son's welfare.  Starring Clive Owen, Andrea Riseborourgh and Gillian Anderson.
Friday 8 March

8 – 9 March : Brocante des Grands-Hommes in Bordeaux.

Saturday 9 March

9 – 24 March : The Funfair comes to Libourne to coincide with the 2 week school holidays.  The fair takes over much of Cours Tourney leaving you with the quandary of where to park…  All suggestions gratefully received!  You can try parking along beside the river as some parts are free, and there is always the free carpark which is next to the music shop on the road into Libourne from Castillon.

9 – 10 March : Brocante Vide Grenier in the streets and beside the river at Coutas 33230.

9 - 10 March : Final Marche d'hiver at Rauzan is on for the weekend, not just the Sunday.  Go and snap up a bargain - do the stall holders really want to pack up everything to take it away?

9 March : Brocante at Place Abel Surchamp in Libourne.

9 March 15h : Shadow Dancer is showing in VO at the Eden in Monsegur.
Set in 1990s Belfast, an active member of the IRA becomes an informant for MI5 in order to protect her son's welfare.  Starring Clive Owen, Andrea Riseborourgh and Gillian Anderson.

Sunday 10 March

10 mars 9h - 18h : Marché aux vieux papiers.  Vignonet - Salle polyvalente

Retrouvez cartes postales anciennes et timbres poste pour faire un saut dans le passé.
Événement organisé par "LES AMATEURS D'ART" Entrée libre

10 March : Marche de Printemps.  L’ecole de Music in Blasimon are organising a Spring market with local artisans and regional foodstuffs.

10 March : Marche des Puces in Rauzan.

10 March : Carnival in Saint-Sulpice-de-Faleyrens.  Events and activities start at 15h.  For the full programme go to

10 March 20h30 : Foxfire  is playing inVO at Le Lascaux cinema in Montpon Menesterol.
The story of five teenage girls who form an unlikely bond after beating up a teacher who has sexually harassed them. They build a solid friendship but their wild ways begin to get out of control.  Made in 1996, this film stars a very young Angelina Jolie, Hedy Burress and Jenny Lewis

10 March 20h30 : Gambit is showing in VO at the Eden in Monsegur.
Curator Harry Deane is an expert in fine art, but he's equally accomplished in taking abuse from his insolent boss. That's about to change. The plan - trick the avid art collector into buying a fake Monet painting. To assist in the heist, Deane hires a rowdy Texas cowgirl to help him fool the richest man in England. But as the plan begins to unravel, Deane finds he is falling in love with the rodeo queen, ensuing further complications.  Starring Colin Firth and Cameron Diaz

Coming up…

Castillon-la-Bataille Le samedi 16 mars à 18h30, dans le cadre de l'exposition présentée actuellement salle Cascante, une expo-phonie est proposée par l’association Scèn’Arts avec le groupe Aleph- Zéro.
Entrée libre

19 – 24 March : Le Festine 14 in Creon.  For information and the complete programme go to

And finally…

The last 2 slices of a delicious Malt loaf.  Many thanks to KG for putting me on to this simple and delicious cake (with a surprising secret ingredient!)


·         1 cup All Bran
·         1 cup sugar
·         1 cup milk
·         1 cup mixed dried fruit
·         1 cup self raising flour


1.       Mix the All Bran, sugar, milk and dried fruit and leave overnight to soak.
2.       Stir in the self raising flour.
3.       Spoon the mixture into a lined and greased 2lb loaf tin.
4.       Bake at 190C/fan 170C/gas 5 for about an hour.

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