
Monday, 18 March 2013

Week 12 2013

As I write this, the rain gauge informs me that we have had 8mm of rain since 8am this morning!  But we have also had blue skies, sunshine and even hail!  4 seasons in one day that’s for sure.

Some interesting events coming up including Cookery Courses at Chateau Ambe Tour and the new season of Les Grandes Heures de St Emilion Concerts gets underway.

Finally, check out the For Sale page as a huge basket of hardly worn teenage girls’ clothes is there.

Have a good week,

Best wishes,


Week 12 2013

Jappeloup is playing in cinemas all around the area.  Calling all horse lovers - this is a French film, filmed against the backdrop of the Dordogne countryside.  It’s the story of a man, a horse and the Olympic games… to find out more about this heart-warming story, go to or

Monday 18 March

18 – 24 March  : La Semaine de la Mongolfiere en Pays Foyen.  A week of hot-air balloon events sponsored by Vac’Dor Voyages.  For the complete programme see the listings below.


Tuesday 19 March

Tuesday evening Cookery Courses.  Chateau Ambe Tour Pourret is running cooking classes each week for up to 12 people.  Each week there will be a different theme.  To find out more please go to

19 March, 20h30 : Château Ripeau Concert - Les Grandes Heures de Saint-Emilion
Raphaël Oleg, alto, Rachel Givelet, violon, Jeremy Menuhin, piano
Mozart, Schubert, Brahms

19 March 20h15 : Gimme the Loot is showing in VO at the Grandecran in Libourne.
Two young Bronx-ites dream of 'bombing the apple', a graffiti artist's term for tagging the giant mascot that appears at Yankee stadium with the home team score a homerun. But they hadn't counted on having to pay the guy giving them access to the stadium $500 and as they hustle to raise the money their ambition comes tantalisingly close to being fulfilled... 

19 – 23 March : Le Festin 14 at Creon. The annual Circus and Music Festival in Creon starts today.  Each day has a selection of events.  To see the full programme and to get a flavour of the festival please go to  

Wednesday 20 March

20 March 20h30 : Searching for Sugar Man  is showing in VO at Le Lascaux in Montpon Menesterol.
Two South Africans set out to discover what happened to their unlikely musical hero, the mysterious 1970s rock 'n' roller, Rodriguez.  Visit for a more in-depth review.

Thursday 21 March

21 March 20H : Soiree Chocolate & Wine at Domaine des Collines, “Le Bayle” 33420 Branne.  For reservations and information call 06 76 81 53 36

21 mars : Concert - Les Grandes Heures de Saint-Emilion , Château La Couspaude  
Jeremy et Mookie Menuhin, piano, Raphaël Oleg, violon, josephine Knight, violoncelle, Tim Jones, cor Bridge, Beethoven, Brahms

Friday 22 March

22 March 20h15 : The Royal Ballet’s Performance of Sleeping Beauty is showing at the Grandecran Libourne.
22 March : Dany Doriz Trio Jazz Concert at Chateau des Vigiers.  Go for the evening, or go just for the Jazz.  To find out more visit

Saturday 23 March

23 March : Rally Day.  If the start of the F1 season has whet your appetite for speed then a trial Rally Day might be just what you need!  Go to for more details.

24 mars 12h30: Paëlla printanière organisée par Pineuilh Autrement, salle des fêtes Robert Teyssandier. Contact : 06 25 88 04 14

23 March : Carnival Celtique in Coutras.  The street procession sets off at 14h.

23 March 17h : Django Unchained is playing in VO at the Eden Cinema in Monsegur.

 23 March 19h30 : Mike Lecuyer & Les Bouilleurs de Blue are playing at the Comptoir des Sports in Ste-Foy.  It's often packed out - so worth ringing ahead to book a table 05 57 46 17 79

Sunday 24 March

24 March 9h – 18h : 25eme Salon de la Collection at Salle Anatole France, Bergerac.

24 March : 5eme Carnaval in Pays Foyen.  Street procession with 14 floats sets off at 14h30.


24 march 15h : Guillaume de Chassy is performing a Piano Jazz / Classique concert ay the Church at 
St Jean de Blaignac.  Reservations 05 57 84 19 72

24 March 20h30 : Lincoln is playing in VO at  Eden Cinema in Monsegur.

23 Mars 20h30 : Club Esprit Country en Montravel
Salle des fêtes de Montcaret pour une soirée dansante pur Country
Entrée :  4€,   gratuit pour les moins de 14 ans
Boissons et petite restauration sur place

Coming up…

If you hear of any Easter events coming up, please let me know.

And finally…

The police have recently unveiled a new kind of mobile radar speed trap which they can operate from inside an unmarked car (though the police themselves must be in uniform).  Apparently it is capable of issuing up to 9 fines a minute, sent directly from the car.  Rural spies have informed me that it’s a black Megane with the number plate CG 792 AV

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