
Wednesday, 16 January 2019

Week 3 2019


I love cold days when the sun shines and the skies are blue.  We went walking up to the Moulin de Launay which is said to be the highest point in the Gironde at the dizzy heights of 146m above sea level. The views are fabulous - vines in all directions.

It's also on the Route des Abbeyes which takes in Pellegrue, Monsegur, Sauveterre and Blasimon.

Whatever you do in the Gironde and Dordogne regions, keep warm and have a great week.

Best wishes,

Week 3 

Monday 14 January

Tuesday 15 January

Wednesday 16 January

Thursday 17 January

Friday 18 January

Saturday 19 January

Sunday 20 January

20 January 10h30 - 11h45 : An exhibition of classic cars at the Rauzan brocante

18h at the Temple Protestante

Coming up...

And finally...

Hello there

We're running an Instagram Workshop here at Rigaud, both for residential guests staying the weekend and also opening for local people who want to join in. The tutor is Matt Inwood, a leading food photographer with a lot of tricks up his sleeve for improving phone photography and getting your post and your Instagram account noticed by the right audience. It's a four hour workshop, two hours of presentation before lunch and two hours practical afterwards, with lunch from our Rigaud chefs, plus cake and a glass of fizz at tea time, for the princely sum of 85 euros. 

Why would you join us?

Social Media such as Facebook and Instagram, is the only form of paid for advertising that we use at Rigaud and we have found it to be super effective. In the past couple of years Instagram seems to have taken over from Facebook, particularly with the younger clients (anyone under 50!) who will check out our Instagram presence before they visit Rigaud and the region in general. I think Instagram is going to become even more important over the next few years and that a little bit of learning can go a very long way to becoming effective at Instagram marketing. 

If you'd like to join us for the day on Saturday, for both days, or even to stay for the weekend, then check out the link here. This one allows you to book just the Saturday. If you want more than the one day workshop then drop me an email direct. 

Please do pass this on to anyone you think might be interested. Places are limited but if there's strong demand we could always run an extra day. 




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