
Thursday, 22 August 2024

Week 34 2024


This summer has introduced a great selection of guinguettes to choose from along the waterfront. Flaujagues has their own 'Pop-Up' called Le Flot, which is only open on a Friday evening. There are a couple of Fridays left before the 'rentrée' (back to school).

A quick search on Google - threw up this...

The guinguette originating in the 17th Century, was a type of popular tavern in the suburbs of Paris The term comes from guinguet, a type of cheap green wine served there.

During the 18th century, a consumer revolution led once isolated villages and hamlets outside Paris to be swept up in a booming material culture. Commodities, and particularly alcohol, consumed outside the customs barrier of the city were considerably cheaper, being exempt from state taxes. This encouraged the growth of an entertainment industry just beyond the tax man's reach and a network of drinking establishments was established. They were especially popular on Sundays and holidays, when Parisians would visit to enjoy themselves and to get drunk cheaply. Today, the term 'guinguette' is still used for a waterside refreshment stand, particularly open-air, all over France.

So, check the quality of your cheap green wine, and enjoy your visits to the Guinguettes around the region 🥂

Whatever you do in the Gironde and Dordogne this week, have a lovely time.
Best wishes,

Week 34


23 August


24 August

25 August

Coming up...


And finally...

We have the cutest noughts and crosses games for sale in the Arts Typiques Boutique in Sauveterre. Each game has 10 ceramic themed pieces (2 sets of 5) which live in a fabric pouch. The fabric pouch serves as the board for the game. 

Here's a selection, but there are more in the shop. A perfect portable game - no batteries needed!  It's a collaboration that I love being part of.

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