
Monday, 27 February 2012

Week 9, 2012

Difficult to see in the photo - but lots and lots of cranes.


What a difference a couple of weeks makes  now I believe that spring is on the way, especially as I saw lots of cranes flying overhead yesterday.

A hornet trap.
Now is also the time to put out your Asiatic Hornet traps.  These evil hornets are destroying the bees, not to mention the nasty sting you can get from one. 

It’s very simple to make a trap, you need an empty water bottle.  Slice the top off the bottle and turn it upside down and slide it back into the bottle so that the 2 cut ends are together.  Staple or sellotape them together.  Make holes on opposite sides to attach a string for hanging it in a tree.  Fill the trap with a mixture of beer and syrop.  Bees don’t like this mix, but the hornets do.  The idea is to catch the queen before she has time to get laying.

1 trap per hectare is enough and check and change the beer mixture every 2 weeks until the end of April.  

To read more about it in the newspaper go to 

Best wishes for a good week,


Week 9

The Oscar winning film The Artist is showing at Libourne Multiplex all week at 16h and 19h30. For complete details of the screenings visit

Monday 27 February

Tuesday 28 February

Wednesday 29 February

29 February : The new Leclerc in Ste Foy opens.

Thursday 1 March

Friday 2 March

2 - 4 March : The Salon du Chocolat is arriving in Bordeaux.  How delicious is that!!!!!
The first Salon du Chocolat in Bordeaux will welcome visitors at Hangar 14 in partnership with Congrès et Expositions de Bordeaux.

3rd  MARCH, 9.30 - 11.30 :  Pottery workshop,15 euros per child including all
If I get lots of interest, I will run one in the afternoon as well,
2 - 4pm.
Please let me know if your child / children would like to come.Best wishes,
Jo McKinnon
Email :

2 March 20:30 :  An evening of musical entertainment by mother and daughter duo Pink Fizz. Their repertoire ranges from the 40's to current day chart hits, ensuring there is something for everyone to enjoy, dance to, sing along to or simply tap their feet to. At Le Pub, 7 place Gambetta, Eymet. Telephone: 05 53 23 33 41.

2 March 19:00: In association with Jazz Poupre a special jazz evening at Château des Vigiers. The Pierrick Mennau quartet pays tribute to jazz music from the 40s and 50s and interpret some of the great tunes composed by Duke Elligton, Georges Gershwin, Cole Porter and many others. Several options are available. For the concert only at 21:15 the tarif is €14 and for dinner, the concert and wine tasting the tarif is €39. Dinner is from 19:00 and the wine tasting is at 20:15. Reservations for the concert: 05 53 73 12 25 and reservations for dinner : 05 53 61 50 39 or e-mail:
For more information about Jazz Poupre go to

Saturday 3 March

3 au 11 mars 10h/13h - 15h30/19h (vernissage samedi 3 à 10h30) : Exhibition at Salle Paul Broca, Sainte Foy-la-Grande
8 artistes exposent quelques-unes de leurs œuvres lors d’une exposition collective à la salle Paul Broca. Cette année, Cath KALIN, Chris PILLOT, Christine DUFOUR, Helen HILL, FHARA, Anne LE LOUARN, Monique DUGENET et Jacqueline COVI présentent leurs sculptures, peintures, photographies et collages.
(Vous verrez peut-être le nom de Diane Meunier sur les premiers documents de communication publiés. En raison de problèmes de santé, elle est remplacée par Chris PILLOT).
Entrée libre

3 March 15h - 16h30 : One off Zumba session in Pujols, €5.  Bring a bottle of water, wear sports clothes and get ready to dance.  For more information call Monique 06 83 45 22 20

3-4 March : Expostion de Maquettes at St Pey d'Armens in the Salle des Fetes.  Free entrance. 

3-4 March : Antiques Brocante at Cadillac town centre.

3-4 March : Brocante Vide Greniers at Cestas, 311 av St-Jacques de Compostelle.

Sunday 4 March

The Grand Theatre in Bordeaux has concerts for €6 on first Sunday of the month.  Tickets are sold out for March, but there is still availability for April.  Book ahead to avoid disappointment!

4 March : Marche d’Hiver at Rauzan.  Well worth a visit if you haven’t been yet.  We found a 1920’s enamel wood burning stove there.

4 March : Brocante Vide-grenier at St Denis de Pile at Place de la Mairie. 100 – 200 stands expected.

4 March 8:00 - 13:00: Second Hand Market at the Place Cayla, Bergerac, the first Sunday of each month.

4 March 10:00-19:00 : Cars are forbidden in Bordeaux town centre on the first Sunday of every month. A variety of walks, concerts, exhibitions and entertainment takes place during this time. There is also an open-air artisanal market at Place Pey Berland. For more information: 05 56 10 20 30.

Coming up…
Monday 5 March : Quiz Night. Evening starts at 7pm, questions, then break for food then further questions and giving of prizes all for 11 euro each.
Sometimes as many as 10 teams of 8 per team take part and a good time had by all. For full details refer to Andrea & David Gregory

6 mars 20h30 : Concert - Les Grandes Heures de Saint-Emilion Château La Tour Figeac.
Vahan Mardiriossian, piano Beethoven
To see the full programme for 2012 go to

Friday, 24 February 2012

Weekend 8


A slightly shorter addition this week as we had to nip over to the UK at the last minute, nevertheless we still managed to fit in a typical gourmet meal!
...and after!

If you are in Libourne on Saturday afternoon you should try and get a look at the procession of the Confreries through the town, starting at 14h30 at the quai du Priorat and heading into the town centre.  The robes and banners are often quite spectacular, I know that Castillon can put on a show, so I imagine Libourne would be more impressive.

If you want to catch a fish now’s the time and there are plenty of opportunities to choose from, see the excerpt from Le Resistant :

Have a good weekend, the temperatures are rising and the snow just feels like a memory…

Best wishes,


Weekend 8

Saturday 25 February

25 February 7h30: Trout fishing in Galgon, a l’etang de Daniel-Bruneau au chateau ‘La Majeste’.  

25 -26 February : Tournoi de Billard - Open de Saint-Emilion
Saint-Emilion - Salle Polyvalente , Organisé par l'association "Les Mortimers 98"

25 -26 Février 8h-18h : Bourse d'échanges autos motos anciennes, Bergerac.
Organisé par Les Vieilles Automobiles du Périgord
Site de Picquecailloux, Particuliers et professionnels,  Nombre estimé d'exposants : De 100 à 200

25 février 14h30: 14ème Chapitre Magistral de la Confrérie de Saint Romain en Bordelais & Pays Libournais.
14h30 : départ du quai du Priourat en habits, défilé vers le centre ville, aux sons des bandas, arrivée sur la place Abel Surchamp et accueil : remise des clés de la ville par Monsieur le Maire à la Confrérie de Saint Romain.

25 February 15h30 à 18h30 : Atelier et Bal Country à Saint Denis de Pile, uniquement sur réservation. Bal de 20h30 à 1h, tarif 5€. Atelier et bal, tarif:10€
Renseignements : 05 57 74 49 23

Sunday 26 February

26 février 9h00 : dégustation place Abel Surchamp  des produits de  terroir  offerts par les Commerçants du Marché Couvert et des Confréries des Tripaphages et des rillettes de Tours.

26 February : 3eme Vide Grenier d’hiver en Salle Pierre Lachaise, Monestier
16 February 9h-17h30 : Brocante at Port Sainte Foy at la salle Argon.

26 February 14h30 : L' Association "les Amis de l'Orchestre de Chambre de la Gironde" organise un loto à la Salle Polyvalente de Gensac.
Nous comptons sur votre amicale présence et vous demandons de bien vouloir le faire savoir autour de vous.
A très bientôt et musicalement vôtre

26 February 14h30 : Thé Dansant au Centre cultural : entrée €10 comprenant boissons et pâtisseries.  Réservations 05 57 41 20 07 après 20h.

26 February 20h45 : J.Edgar is showing in VO at Cinema La Breche in Ste-Foy-la-Grande.
As the face of law enforcement in America for almost 50 years, J. Edgar Hoover was feared and admired, reviled and revered. But behind closed doors, he held secrets that would have destroyed his image, his career and his life.  Starring Leonardo DiCaprio, Armie Hammer, Naomi Watts, Clint Eastwood

Coming up…

Hi Everyone,

Just wanted to let you know that I'm running a pottery workshop on
FRIDAY 3rd  MARCH, 9.30 - 11.30. 15 euros per child including all

If I get lots of interest, I will run one in the afternoon as well,
2 - 4pm.

Please let me know if your child / children would like to come.
Email :

Happy half term!
Best wishes,
Jo McKinnon

And finally this looks really interesting… I shall certainly link to the website.  Good luck Sue…

I have created a website/blog aimed at people who speak English and garden (or dream about gardening) in France. It is targeted at people who grow vegetables, keep chickens/bees and are smallholders as well as those who are into flowers, trees and shrubs. Initially it will be a blog with the opportunity to interact via our Facebook page (The French Garden) but I plan to develop it into an interactive resource. As well as being something people can read, it will be an opportunity to advertise events, take part in forums, swap and test recipes and ways of preserving food you grow, ask questions and contribute – an on line gardening magazine for people who start to garden in France and need information or who want to share their own knowledge and experiences.
The website is currently very basic, and not yet perfect. I am looking for an internet expert to develop it with me in the longer term when we should be able to make the site itself interactive, have a library of information people can access and possibly use it as a vehicle for sourcing gardening/smallholding related products which are sometimes difficult to find here.
Please have a look at the web site; I would be very interested to know what you think. And if you know someone who could help me run the website/facebook page please let me know. And above all, I would be very grateful if you would help spread the word.
The web link is
Many thanks
Sue Adams

Monday, 13 February 2012

Week 7 2012


What a week of cold weather, 20cm of snow in our garden and it’s still not melting.
Here’s a cautionary photo showing the perils of driving too quickly on the road by our house!  Fortunately driver and passenger got out safely, though the water was rather chilly!

If you are on the lookout for fire wood Château Hate-Nauve at Saint-Laurent-des-Combes is offering the opportunity for you to gather your own sarments and visit their chai next weekend.  For more details see below.

Take care when you’re out and about and wrap up warm.

Best wishes,


Week 7

Monday 13 February

13 February 20h30 : L’Association de sauvegarde de l’environnement (ASE) organise une réunion d’informations sur le frelon asiatique le a la salle des asso, derrière la mairie.  Les différents thèmes ci-dessous seront débattus : la vie du frelon asiatique (vespa velutina nigrithorax), son impact sur la faune, l’environnement, l’agriculture et sur l’homme, le piégeage raisonne, la destruction des nids, consignes de sécurité, dernières nouvelles.

13 February 13h45, 16h and 21h45 : The Artist is showing at Libourne Multiplex.  It’s a silent with English intertitles, so it must be VO surely…? Let me know if you’ve been to see it please.
Outside a movie premier, enthusiastic fan Peppy Miller literally bumps into the swashbuckling hero of the silent film, George Valentin. The star reacts graciously and Peppy plants a kiss on his cheek as they are surrounded by photographers. The headlines demand: "Who's That Girl?" and Peppy is inspired to audition for a dancing bit-part at the studio. However as Peppy slowly rises through the industry, the introduction of talking-pictures turns Valentin's world upside-down.

13 February 16h and 19h20 : Sherlock Holmes and A Game of Shadows is showing in VO at Libourne Multiplex.
Sherlock Holmes and his sidekick Dr. Watson join forces to outwit and bring down their fiercest adversary, Professor Moriarty.  Starring Jude Law, Robert Downey Jr and Jared Harris.

Tuesday 14 February

Valentine’s Day – for all you romantics there are plenty of restaurants nearby hosting specially themed evenings, alternately, you could throw yet another log on the fire and open a bottle of bubbles!

14 February 13h45, 16h and 21h45 : The Artist is showing at Libourne Multiplex.  It’s a silent with English intertitles, so it must be VO surely…? Let me know if you’ve been to see it please.
Outside a movie premier, enthusiastic fan Peppy Miller literally bumps into the swashbuckling hero of the silent film, George Valentin. The star reacts graciously and Peppy plants a kiss on his cheek as they are surrounded by photographers. The headlines demand: "Who's That Girl?" and Peppy is inspired to audition for a dancing bit-part at the studio. However as Peppy slowly rises through the industry, the introduction of talking-pictures turns Valentin's world upside-down.

14 February 16h : Sherlock Holmes and A Game of Shadows is showing in VO at Libourne Multiplex.
Sherlock Holmes and his sidekick Dr. Watson join forces to outwit and bring down their fiercest adversary, Professor Moriarty.  Starring Jude Law, Robert Downey Jr and Jared Harris.

Wednesday 15 February

Thursday 16 February

16 février 2012 20h : Conférence - « Gourmandise et gastronomie en bordelais au XVIIIème » Saint-Emilion
Organisée par la Société d’Histoire et d’Archéologie
« Gourmandise et gastronomie en bordelais au XVIIIème » par M. Philippe
MEYSIE, maître de conférences en histoire moderne à l’université Michel
Montaigne Bordeaux III.
Lieu à définir.
Renseignements au 05 57 74 40 04.
Renseignements complémentaires :
En raison des travaux de mise en conformité de la salle gothique, nous vous communiquerons les lieux manquants des conférences ultérieurement. Merci de votre compréhension.

Friday 17 February

17 February 20h45 : Drive is showing in VO at the cinema at Ste Foy la Grande.
A mysterious Hollywood stuntman, mechanic and getaway driver lands himself in trouble when he helps out his neighbour.

17 février  20h30 : Cosy Fan Tutte ou "L'Ecole des Amants"
Opéra de WA Mozart
A la Salle des Fêtes de Libourne
Compagnie Opéra Bastide
Mise en scène Jean-François Gardeil
Ensemble vocal Hémiole : Michèle Lhopiteau
Philaharmonie d'Aquitaine
Direction Bruno RicaudEntrée : 18€
Renseignements et réservations :
Office de Tourisme du Libournais :  05 57 51 15 04
Conservatoire de Musique Henri Sauguet : 05 57 51 13 48

17 February 20h30 'til late : A belated Valentine's Night Party with live music from Geoff Barker and friends. Rock 'n Roll, Blues, Country, Folk, and more at Pub Gambetta, Eymet, in the market square. Bar meals available.

Saturday 18 February

18 février 9h30 à 16h : Here’s a novel way to go and collect wood for your fire or BBQ and visit a chateau at the same time.
Journée sarments de vigne au Château Haute-Nauve
Saint-Laurent-des-Combes - Château Hate-Nauve,
"Confection de sarments de bois" à la propriété.
Organisée par le Château Haute-Nauve.
Informations et inscriptions :

Journée également proposée le 17 mars 2012.

18 February 20h30 : A Jazz concert with Phyllipa Scammell; voice, double-bass, cello and her little Magic Box, at Au Plus-Que-Parfait, 12 rue des Fontaines,Bergerac. Free entry. Telephone: 05 53 61 95 11. This concert was due to be last week, but has been rescheduled to 18 Feb.

18 February 21h : Soiree Cabaret Saint Pey de Castets.  Organisee par l'organisation La Roue des Moulins.  Diamond's Girls, Chanteurs, Humeristes. Adults €12, Enfants €6.  Reservations 05 57 40 33 99

Sunday 19 February
TEL: 0553 27 25 92
MOB: 0604 45 33 69
In view of my impending departure from France to live in England, I am having a house contents sale on Sunday 19 February 2012. Items available: assorted tables including extendable mahogany dining table, large gilt wall mirrors, piano, lamps, bookcases, books, glass fronted French antique bibliotheque, vases, glasses, tableware, nick-nacks etc. Come and view- all must be sold!

19 February : Marche des Puces in Rauzan, it’s still there, even in the snow.  We went yesterday and there was plenty to see.

Monday, 6 February 2012

Week 6 2012

Castillon.  Taken by Karine

What a difference a week makes, I can’t find my snowdrops any more they're hidden under the blanket of snow.  I have never seen so much snow in my garden.  I love all the beautiful pictures of the area, thank you to my friends for letting me show them here.
The Lavoir in Castillon

Last week Sara Daniels raised a straw bale wall in her grange, which is part of an on-going project of straw bale accommodation at her Chambres d’hotes ecologiques.  I went to have a look at the beginning of the project, with her team of builders, a large pile of strawbales and a wooden frame already in place.  What a difference when I returned a few days later, the wall was almost finished and it was noticeably snug in the space behind the new wall. I hope to go back in a few weeks when she puts the clay onto the walls.

For more information about the project visit or click the link at the side of the page.

The first layer of straw bales.

Almost to the top.

Take care and keep warm,

Best wishes,


Week 6
3 – 9 February : Exposition de photographies "Un humain dans la ville" par Sébastien Cordon
Salle Paul Broca - Place de la Mairie SAINTE-FOY-LA-GRANDE tel : +33 5 57 46 10 84

3 February – 2 March : Photographic exhibition “lieux amis” by Perrine Degrie a la mediatheque, Gensac.

Monday 6 February

6 February 13h35 and 19h20 : Sherlock Holmes and A Game of Shadows is showing in VO at Libourne Multiplex.
Sherlock Holmes and his sidekick Dr. Watson join forces to outwit and bring down their fiercest adversary, Professor Moriarty.  Starring Jude Law, Robert Downey Jr and Jared Harris.

6 February 16h and 20h : J. Edgar is showing in VO at Libourne Multiplex.
As the face of law enforcement in America for almost 50 years, J. Edgar Hoover was feared and admired, reviled and revered. But behind closed doors, he held secrets that would have destroyed his image, his career and his life.  Starring Leonardo DiCaprio, Armie Hammer, Naomi Watts, Clint Eastwood.

6 February 13h50, 16h and 19h35 : The Artist is showing at Libourne Multiplex.  It’s a silent with English intertitles, so it must be VO surely…?
Outside a movie premier, enthusiastic fan Peppy Miller literally bumps into the swashbuckling hero of the silent film, George Valentin. The star reacts graciously and Peppy plants a kiss on his cheek as they are surrounded by photographers. The headlines demand: "Who's That Girl?" and Peppy is inspired to audition for a dancing bit-part at the studio. However as Peppy slowly rises through the industry, the introduction of talking-pictures turns Valentin's world upside-down.

Tuesday 7 February    

7 Février 20 h 30 : Théâtre du Liburnia, récital de piano de Dana CIOCARLIE qui interprètera des œuvres de Schumann, Schubert et Liszt . Le prix des places est fixé à 25 € et la soirée est associée au tirage de la tombola annuelle dotée de nombreux lots de grands crus et crus prestigieux du Bordelais.  Contact for bookings.

7 February 13h35 and 19h20 : Sherlock Holmes and A Game of Shadows is showing in VO at Libourne Multiplex.
Sherlock Holmes and his sidekick Dr. Watson join forces to outwit and bring down their fiercest adversary, Professor Moriarty.  Starring Jude Law, Robert Downey Jr and Jared Harris.

7 February 16h : J. Edgar is showing in VO at Libourne Multiplex.
As the face of law enforcement in America for almost 50 years, J. Edgar Hoover was feared and admired, reviled and revered. But behind closed doors, he held secrets that would have destroyed his image, his career and his life.  Starring Leonardo DiCaprio, Armie Hammer, Naomi Watts, Clint Eastwood.

7 February 13h50, 16h and 19h35 : The Artist is showing at Libourne Multiplex.  It’s a silent with English intertitles, so it must be VO surely…?
Outside a movie premier, enthusiastic fan Peppy Miller literally bumps into the swashbuckling hero of the silent film, George Valentin. The star reacts graciously and Peppy plants a kiss on his cheek as they are surrounded by photographers. The headlines demand: "Who's That Girl?" and Peppy is inspired to audition for a dancing bit-part at the studio. However as Peppy slowly rises through the industry, the introduction of talking-pictures turns Valentin's world upside-down.

Wednesday 8 February

8 février 19h30 à 21h00 : Culture & Compagnie vous propose les rendez-vous de "L'Entre-Scènes" "Soul Musique" avec Peyodel'O
D'origine béninoise, Elodie Noutaïs s'est formé au chant et à la danse dès 12 ans.
Aujourd'hui, elle charme par son énergie et son charisme, qui n'ont d'égal que sa musicalité : simplet et spontanée...
Une merveilleuse Ella Fitzgerald Eurafricain
Au théâtre Le Liburnia, 14, rue Donnet, 33500 Libourne
Restauration possible sur place.
Réservation des assiettes : tapas, fromages, charcuterie, petits fours.
05 57 74 13 14

Thursday 9 February
Friday 10 February

10 février 20h15 : Il Trittico de Jules Massenet
3 opéras en 1 acte enregistré en 2011 au Royal Opera House
Au Cinéma Multiplex Grand Ecran de Libourne

C'est la première présentation complète du Royal Opera de "Il Trittico" de Puccini depuis 1965. Le directeur Richard Jones  a mis en scène sa réalisation pleine d'esprit, sombre et comique de Gianni Schicchi pour le Royal Opera en 2007 et maintenant il complète le trio.

Chef d'orchestre : Antonio Pappano
Mise en scène : Richar Jones
Il Tabarro / Suor Angelica / Gianni Schicchi
Durée 2h42 3 opéras en 1 acte et un entracte de 10 mn
Présenté en VO et sous-titré en français
Tarif : 15€  et 12€ pour les moins de 18 ans, les étudiants, les familles nombreuses

Saturday 11 February

11 February  19:30 : Jazz argentin with the Santos Chillerni Trio at the Salle des Fêtes, Eymet. Tarif €12. Telephone: 05 53 23 82 37.

11 February 20h : Soiree Jimboura a la Salle associative organise par Memories et Traditions. €16 Adult / €8 enfant

Sunday 12 February

12 Février 7h-19h : Vide-greniers
Salle Delhuc et plaine des Jeux de Picquecailloux, Bergerac.

12 February : Marche des Puces in Rauzan

12 Février 8h-18h : Brocante, vide grenier, bourse des collectionneurs
Organisé par : 3M en fêtes et amicale philatélique et cartophile de Montpon
Gymnase des Massias, rue Foix de candalle, Montpon Menesterol
Buvette et restauration sur place

12 February 15h30 : The Artist is showing at Creon.  It’s a silent with English intertitles, so it must be VO surely…?
Outside a movie premier, enthusiastic fan Peppy Miller literally bumps into the swashbuckling hero of the silent film, George Valentin. The star reacts graciously and Peppy plants a kiss on his cheek as they are surrounded by photographers. The headlines demand: "Who's That Girl?" and Peppy is inspired to audition for a dancing bit-part at the studio. However as Peppy slowly rises through the industry, the introduction of talking-pictures turns Valentin's world upside-down.

Coming up…

13 February : L’Association de sauvegarde de l’environnement (ASE) organise une réunion d’informations sur le frelon asiatique le 13 février 20h30 a la salle des asso, derrière la mairie.  Les différents thèmes ci-dessous seront débattus : la vie du frelon asiatique (vespa velutina nigrithorax), son impact sur la faune, l’environnement, l’agriculture et sur l’homme, le piégeage raisonne, la destruction des nids, consignes de sécurité, dernières nouvelles.