
Friday, 24 February 2012

Weekend 8


A slightly shorter addition this week as we had to nip over to the UK at the last minute, nevertheless we still managed to fit in a typical gourmet meal!
...and after!

If you are in Libourne on Saturday afternoon you should try and get a look at the procession of the Confreries through the town, starting at 14h30 at the quai du Priorat and heading into the town centre.  The robes and banners are often quite spectacular, I know that Castillon can put on a show, so I imagine Libourne would be more impressive.

If you want to catch a fish now’s the time and there are plenty of opportunities to choose from, see the excerpt from Le Resistant :

Have a good weekend, the temperatures are rising and the snow just feels like a memory…

Best wishes,


Weekend 8

Saturday 25 February

25 February 7h30: Trout fishing in Galgon, a l’etang de Daniel-Bruneau au chateau ‘La Majeste’.  

25 -26 February : Tournoi de Billard - Open de Saint-Emilion
Saint-Emilion - Salle Polyvalente , Organisé par l'association "Les Mortimers 98"

25 -26 Février 8h-18h : Bourse d'échanges autos motos anciennes, Bergerac.
Organisé par Les Vieilles Automobiles du Périgord
Site de Picquecailloux, Particuliers et professionnels,  Nombre estimé d'exposants : De 100 à 200

25 février 14h30: 14ème Chapitre Magistral de la Confrérie de Saint Romain en Bordelais & Pays Libournais.
14h30 : départ du quai du Priourat en habits, défilé vers le centre ville, aux sons des bandas, arrivée sur la place Abel Surchamp et accueil : remise des clés de la ville par Monsieur le Maire à la Confrérie de Saint Romain.

25 February 15h30 à 18h30 : Atelier et Bal Country à Saint Denis de Pile, uniquement sur réservation. Bal de 20h30 à 1h, tarif 5€. Atelier et bal, tarif:10€
Renseignements : 05 57 74 49 23

Sunday 26 February

26 février 9h00 : dégustation place Abel Surchamp  des produits de  terroir  offerts par les Commerçants du Marché Couvert et des Confréries des Tripaphages et des rillettes de Tours.

26 February : 3eme Vide Grenier d’hiver en Salle Pierre Lachaise, Monestier
16 February 9h-17h30 : Brocante at Port Sainte Foy at la salle Argon.

26 February 14h30 : L' Association "les Amis de l'Orchestre de Chambre de la Gironde" organise un loto à la Salle Polyvalente de Gensac.
Nous comptons sur votre amicale présence et vous demandons de bien vouloir le faire savoir autour de vous.
A très bientôt et musicalement vôtre

26 February 14h30 : Thé Dansant au Centre cultural : entrée €10 comprenant boissons et pâtisseries.  Réservations 05 57 41 20 07 après 20h.

26 February 20h45 : J.Edgar is showing in VO at Cinema La Breche in Ste-Foy-la-Grande.
As the face of law enforcement in America for almost 50 years, J. Edgar Hoover was feared and admired, reviled and revered. But behind closed doors, he held secrets that would have destroyed his image, his career and his life.  Starring Leonardo DiCaprio, Armie Hammer, Naomi Watts, Clint Eastwood

Coming up…

Hi Everyone,

Just wanted to let you know that I'm running a pottery workshop on
FRIDAY 3rd  MARCH, 9.30 - 11.30. 15 euros per child including all

If I get lots of interest, I will run one in the afternoon as well,
2 - 4pm.

Please let me know if your child / children would like to come.
Email :

Happy half term!
Best wishes,
Jo McKinnon

And finally this looks really interesting… I shall certainly link to the website.  Good luck Sue…

I have created a website/blog aimed at people who speak English and garden (or dream about gardening) in France. It is targeted at people who grow vegetables, keep chickens/bees and are smallholders as well as those who are into flowers, trees and shrubs. Initially it will be a blog with the opportunity to interact via our Facebook page (The French Garden) but I plan to develop it into an interactive resource. As well as being something people can read, it will be an opportunity to advertise events, take part in forums, swap and test recipes and ways of preserving food you grow, ask questions and contribute – an on line gardening magazine for people who start to garden in France and need information or who want to share their own knowledge and experiences.
The website is currently very basic, and not yet perfect. I am looking for an internet expert to develop it with me in the longer term when we should be able to make the site itself interactive, have a library of information people can access and possibly use it as a vehicle for sourcing gardening/smallholding related products which are sometimes difficult to find here.
Please have a look at the web site; I would be very interested to know what you think. And if you know someone who could help me run the website/facebook page please let me know. And above all, I would be very grateful if you would help spread the word.
The web link is
Many thanks
Sue Adams

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