
Monday, 13 February 2012

Week 7 2012


What a week of cold weather, 20cm of snow in our garden and it’s still not melting.
Here’s a cautionary photo showing the perils of driving too quickly on the road by our house!  Fortunately driver and passenger got out safely, though the water was rather chilly!

If you are on the lookout for fire wood Château Hate-Nauve at Saint-Laurent-des-Combes is offering the opportunity for you to gather your own sarments and visit their chai next weekend.  For more details see below.

Take care when you’re out and about and wrap up warm.

Best wishes,


Week 7

Monday 13 February

13 February 20h30 : L’Association de sauvegarde de l’environnement (ASE) organise une réunion d’informations sur le frelon asiatique le a la salle des asso, derrière la mairie.  Les différents thèmes ci-dessous seront débattus : la vie du frelon asiatique (vespa velutina nigrithorax), son impact sur la faune, l’environnement, l’agriculture et sur l’homme, le piégeage raisonne, la destruction des nids, consignes de sécurité, dernières nouvelles.

13 February 13h45, 16h and 21h45 : The Artist is showing at Libourne Multiplex.  It’s a silent with English intertitles, so it must be VO surely…? Let me know if you’ve been to see it please.
Outside a movie premier, enthusiastic fan Peppy Miller literally bumps into the swashbuckling hero of the silent film, George Valentin. The star reacts graciously and Peppy plants a kiss on his cheek as they are surrounded by photographers. The headlines demand: "Who's That Girl?" and Peppy is inspired to audition for a dancing bit-part at the studio. However as Peppy slowly rises through the industry, the introduction of talking-pictures turns Valentin's world upside-down.

13 February 16h and 19h20 : Sherlock Holmes and A Game of Shadows is showing in VO at Libourne Multiplex.
Sherlock Holmes and his sidekick Dr. Watson join forces to outwit and bring down their fiercest adversary, Professor Moriarty.  Starring Jude Law, Robert Downey Jr and Jared Harris.

Tuesday 14 February

Valentine’s Day – for all you romantics there are plenty of restaurants nearby hosting specially themed evenings, alternately, you could throw yet another log on the fire and open a bottle of bubbles!

14 February 13h45, 16h and 21h45 : The Artist is showing at Libourne Multiplex.  It’s a silent with English intertitles, so it must be VO surely…? Let me know if you’ve been to see it please.
Outside a movie premier, enthusiastic fan Peppy Miller literally bumps into the swashbuckling hero of the silent film, George Valentin. The star reacts graciously and Peppy plants a kiss on his cheek as they are surrounded by photographers. The headlines demand: "Who's That Girl?" and Peppy is inspired to audition for a dancing bit-part at the studio. However as Peppy slowly rises through the industry, the introduction of talking-pictures turns Valentin's world upside-down.

14 February 16h : Sherlock Holmes and A Game of Shadows is showing in VO at Libourne Multiplex.
Sherlock Holmes and his sidekick Dr. Watson join forces to outwit and bring down their fiercest adversary, Professor Moriarty.  Starring Jude Law, Robert Downey Jr and Jared Harris.

Wednesday 15 February

Thursday 16 February

16 février 2012 20h : Conférence - « Gourmandise et gastronomie en bordelais au XVIIIème » Saint-Emilion
Organisée par la Société d’Histoire et d’Archéologie
« Gourmandise et gastronomie en bordelais au XVIIIème » par M. Philippe
MEYSIE, maître de conférences en histoire moderne à l’université Michel
Montaigne Bordeaux III.
Lieu à définir.
Renseignements au 05 57 74 40 04.
Renseignements complémentaires :
En raison des travaux de mise en conformité de la salle gothique, nous vous communiquerons les lieux manquants des conférences ultérieurement. Merci de votre compréhension.

Friday 17 February

17 February 20h45 : Drive is showing in VO at the cinema at Ste Foy la Grande.
A mysterious Hollywood stuntman, mechanic and getaway driver lands himself in trouble when he helps out his neighbour.

17 février  20h30 : Cosy Fan Tutte ou "L'Ecole des Amants"
Opéra de WA Mozart
A la Salle des Fêtes de Libourne
Compagnie Opéra Bastide
Mise en scène Jean-François Gardeil
Ensemble vocal Hémiole : Michèle Lhopiteau
Philaharmonie d'Aquitaine
Direction Bruno RicaudEntrée : 18€
Renseignements et réservations :
Office de Tourisme du Libournais :  05 57 51 15 04
Conservatoire de Musique Henri Sauguet : 05 57 51 13 48

17 February 20h30 'til late : A belated Valentine's Night Party with live music from Geoff Barker and friends. Rock 'n Roll, Blues, Country, Folk, and more at Pub Gambetta, Eymet, in the market square. Bar meals available.

Saturday 18 February

18 février 9h30 à 16h : Here’s a novel way to go and collect wood for your fire or BBQ and visit a chateau at the same time.
Journée sarments de vigne au Château Haute-Nauve
Saint-Laurent-des-Combes - Château Hate-Nauve,
"Confection de sarments de bois" à la propriété.
Organisée par le Château Haute-Nauve.
Informations et inscriptions :

Journée également proposée le 17 mars 2012.

18 February 20h30 : A Jazz concert with Phyllipa Scammell; voice, double-bass, cello and her little Magic Box, at Au Plus-Que-Parfait, 12 rue des Fontaines,Bergerac. Free entry. Telephone: 05 53 61 95 11. This concert was due to be last week, but has been rescheduled to 18 Feb.

18 February 21h : Soiree Cabaret Saint Pey de Castets.  Organisee par l'organisation La Roue des Moulins.  Diamond's Girls, Chanteurs, Humeristes. Adults €12, Enfants €6.  Reservations 05 57 40 33 99

Sunday 19 February
TEL: 0553 27 25 92
MOB: 0604 45 33 69
In view of my impending departure from France to live in England, I am having a house contents sale on Sunday 19 February 2012. Items available: assorted tables including extendable mahogany dining table, large gilt wall mirrors, piano, lamps, bookcases, books, glass fronted French antique bibliotheque, vases, glasses, tableware, nick-nacks etc. Come and view- all must be sold!

19 February : Marche des Puces in Rauzan, it’s still there, even in the snow.  We went yesterday and there was plenty to see.

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