Difficult to see in the photo - but lots and lots of cranes. |
What a difference a couple of weeks makes now I believe that spring is on the way, especially as I saw lots of cranes flying overhead yesterday.
A hornet trap. |
Now is also the time to put out your Asiatic Hornet traps. These evil hornets are destroying the bees, not to mention the nasty sting you can get from one.
It’s very simple to make a trap, you need an empty water bottle. Slice the top off the bottle and turn it upside down and slide it back into the bottle so that the 2 cut ends are together. Staple or sellotape them together. Make holes on opposite sides to attach a string for hanging it in a tree. Fill the trap with a mixture of beer and syrop. Bees don’t like this mix, but the hornets do. The idea is to catch the queen before she has time to get laying.
1 trap per hectare is enough and check and change the beer mixture every 2 weeks until the end of April.
To read more about it in the newspaper go to http://www.sudouest.fr/2012/02/25/pieges-a-frelons-des-maintenant-642613-713.php
Best wishes for a good week,
Week 9
The Oscar winning film The Artist is showing at Libourne Multiplex all week at 16h and 19h30. For complete details of the screenings visit http://www.grandecran.fr/libourne/horaires/
Monday 27 February
Tuesday 28 February
Wednesday 29 February
29 February : The new Leclerc in Ste Foy opens.
Friday 2 March
2 - 4 March : The Salon du Chocolat is arriving in Bordeaux. How delicious is that!!!!!
The first Salon du Chocolat in Bordeaux will welcome visitors at Hangar 14 in partnership with Congrès et Expositions de Bordeaux. http://bordeaux.salon-du-chocolat.com/accueil.aspx
3rd MARCH, 9.30 - 11.30 : Pottery workshop,15 euros per child including all
If I get lots of interest, I will run one in the afternoon as well,
2 - 4pm.
Please let me know if your child / children would like to come.Best wishes,
Jo McKinnon
If I get lots of interest, I will run one in the afternoon as well,
2 - 4pm.
Please let me know if your child / children would like to come.Best wishes,
Jo McKinnon
Email : joandstuart@orange.fr
2 March 20:30 : An evening of musical entertainment by mother and daughter duo Pink Fizz. Their repertoire ranges from the 40's to current day chart hits, ensuring there is something for everyone to enjoy, dance to, sing along to or simply tap their feet to. At Le Pub, 7 place Gambetta, Eymet. Telephone: 05 53 23 33 41.
2 March 19:00: In association with Jazz Poupre a special jazz evening at Château des Vigiers. The Pierrick Mennau quartet pays tribute to jazz music from the 40s and 50s and interpret some of the great tunes composed by Duke Elligton, Georges Gershwin, Cole Porter and many others. Several options are available. For the concert only at 21:15 the tarif is €14 and for dinner, the concert and wine tasting the tarif is €39. Dinner is from 19:00 and the wine tasting is at 20:15. Reservations for the concert: 05 53 73 12 25 and reservations for dinner : 05 53 61 50 39 or e-mail: reserve@vigiers.com
For more information about Jazz Poupre go to http://www.jazzpourpre.com/
Saturday 3 March

8 artistes exposent quelques-unes de leurs œuvres lors d’une exposition collective à la salle Paul Broca. Cette année, Cath KALIN, Chris PILLOT, Christine DUFOUR, Helen HILL, FHARA, Anne LE LOUARN, Monique DUGENET et Jacqueline COVI présentent leurs sculptures, peintures, photographies et collages.
(Vous verrez peut-être le nom de Diane Meunier sur les premiers documents de communication publiés. En raison de problèmes de santé, elle est remplacée par Chris PILLOT).
Entrée libre
3 March 15h - 16h30 : One off Zumba session in Pujols, €5. Bring a bottle of water, wear sports clothes and get ready to dance. For more information call Monique 06 83 45 22 20
3-4 March : Expostion de Maquettes at St Pey d'Armens in the Salle des Fetes. Free entrance.
3-4 March : Antiques Brocante at Cadillac town centre.
3-4 March : Brocante Vide Greniers at Cestas, 311 av St-Jacques de Compostelle.
Sunday 4 March
The Grand Theatre in Bordeaux has concerts for €6 on first Sunday of the month. Tickets are sold out for March, but there is still availability for April. Book ahead to avoid disappointment!
4 March : Marche d’Hiver at Rauzan. Well worth a visit if you haven’t been yet. We found a 1920’s enamel wood burning stove there.
4 March : Brocante Vide-grenier at St Denis de Pile at Place de la Mairie. 100 – 200 stands expected.
4 March 8:00 - 13:00: Second Hand Market at the Place Cayla, Bergerac, the first Sunday of each month.
4 March 10:00-19:00 : Cars are forbidden in Bordeaux town centre on the first Sunday of every month. A variety of walks, concerts, exhibitions and entertainment takes place during this time. There is also an open-air artisanal market at Place Pey Berland. For more information: 05 56 10 20 30.
Coming up…
Monday 5 March : Quiz Night. Evening starts at 7pm, questions, then break for food then further questions and giving of prizes all for 11 euro each.
Sometimes as many as 10 teams of 8 per team take part and a good time had by all. For full details refer to Andrea & David Gregory Andrea@le-grande-bost.com
6 mars 20h30 : Concert - Les Grandes Heures de Saint-Emilion Château La Tour Figeac.
Vahan Mardiriossian, piano Beethoven
To see the full programme for 2012 go to http://www.grandesheuresdesaintemilion.fr/Programme.html