Many, many thanks to everyone who supported the Coffee
Morning on Saturday, from the team that helped on the day to the people who
came and drank coffee, the folks that made cakes and those who sent
donations. A big THANK YOU We raised just over €750 for the
Macmillan Trust and the Institut Bergonie.
It was a beautiful morning, the sun shone and we were all
outside by the river. The little extra
games were so well supported, and for those who are curious there were 4856
100s and 1000s on the cake. The winners
have kindly re-donated their prize to the cause; again, I can’t thank you
Whatever you do this week, have a great time in the Gironde
and Dordogne regions and if you know of an event, then please don’t hesitate to
let me know. I can always add an event
even after the blog has been posted – it’s not too late.
Best wishes,
Week 40 2014
Monday 29 September
Wednesday 1 October
Thursday 2 October
2 October 16h10 : Get
On Up is showing in VO at the Grandecran in Libourne.
A chronicle of James
Brown's rise from extreme poverty to become one of the most influential
musicians in history. Starring Chadwick Boseman, Nelsan Ellis and Dan Aykroyd.
Friday 3 October
3 – 19 October : Salon d’Automne at the Salle des
Dominicains, Rue Guadet in St Emilion.
exhibition of images and sculptures.3 October 18h30 : Opening of a Photograph Exhibition at the Cave Co-operative in St Vivien.
Saturday 4 October
4 October : Brocante and Antiques at Cadillac.
4 October 21h : 2 Comedies are to be performed at the Salle
des Fetes in Civrac sur Dordogne. Une
Demande en Maraige followed
by Feu la Mere de Madame For further
information and reservations call 05 57 48 37 70 / 05 57 40 33 99

4 – 5 October :
Fete de la Moto at Saint Avit Saint Nazaire.
All things motorbike.
Sunday 5 October
5 October : 3 Sundays in Autumn host concerts at the Chateau
de Duras. The first starts with a
Causerie (Talk) at 15h, followed by a Concert at 16h30 by the Ensemble Vocal
Maurice Ravel.

5 October 16h10 : Get
On Up is showing in VO at the Grandecran in Libourne.
5 October : Vide
grenier at Croignon
5 October : Brocante and Antiques at Cadillac.
5 October 15h30 : Concert of Basque Songs at the Eglise
Notre Dame in Creon.
Coming up…

And finally…