A top bar hive |
We keep bees, and on Wednesday at midday, I was roused from
my lunch by the tremendous sound of buzzing.
Rushing out to the garden I was met by a cloud of bees as they were in
mid swarm! The hive had increased in
number, causing the queen to lay a queen egg which had now hatched and she had taken
half the swarm with her. This is the way
that swarms multiply and now is the time that it is happening.
The bees that are about to head off with their new queen stock
up on a big meal of honey and set out in search of a new home. At this stage they are not dangerous (nor are
you when you’ve just had a giant meal) and will fly to a nearby resting place
whilst seeking bees look for a good home.
Bee keepers are all interested as they want this new swarm in their
empty hives.
We currently have 2 empty hives; a traditional square hive
and an African top bar hive and are on the lookout for new swarms. If you find a swarm has arrived in your
garden, don’t worry, they’re not dangerous.
They won’t thank you for poking them with a stick, but you can get quite
close and they shouldn’t bother you, or be worried by you. Typically they will be hanging from a branch
of a tree or a vine.
Bee suit at the ready... |
If you drop me an email, or give me a call, then Tom or
another bee-keeping friend will come and take them away and re-home them. Bees are essential for the survival of our
flowering plants and trees. We need to protect them and help them flourish.
Whatever you do this week in the Gironde or Dordogne, have a
great week and enjoy the Friday holiday.
Best wishes,
06 30 89 85 36
Week 18 2015
The Foire de Printemps on the Quinconces in Bordeaux runs from 24 April - 10 May.
Monday 27 April
Tuesday 28 April
28 April 20h30 : Big
Eyes is showing in VO at La Breche Cinema in Ste Foy.
A drama about the awakening of the painter Margaret Keane,
her phenomenal success in the 1950s, and the subsequent legal difficulties she
had with her husband, who claimed credit for her works in the 1960s. Starring
Amy Adams, Christoph Walz and Krysten Ritter
Wednesday 29 April
Thursday 30 April
Friday 1 May – Holiday (Journee International du Travail/Labour
Day – when no-one works!)
1 May : Flower Market, Arts and Crafts and Vide grenier in

1 May : The Fabulous Flower market and Vide Grenier in St
Meard de Gurcon
1 May : Vide grenier in Merignas
1 May : Vide
grenier in Villefranche de Longchat
1 May : Vide Grenier in Frontenac
1 May : Fete des
Fleures Vide Greniers on the Quais in La Reole
1 May :
Brocante Vide Greniers in Moulon
1 – 2 May : Le Club Ephemere at Château La Fleur Picon
hosts Tapas and concerts followed by DJs
from 18h30. Visit their Facebook page
for more details https://www.facebook.com/events/810001982413073/
1 -2 May : Craft Market in Lauzun . Find out more here http://folkforum47.com/eventsevenements/
1 – 3 May : Portes Ouvertes in St Emilion. A golden
opportunity to take a break in the vines and honour the unmissable invitation
from the winegrowers of the Saint-Émilion, Saint-Émilion Grand Cru, Lussac
Saint-Émilion and Puisseguin Saint-Émilion appellations, who are opening their
doors from to welcome visitors, share their passion and introduce them to their
wines with a tasting.
You can find the programme here http://www.saint-emilion-tourisme.com/uk/7-agenda/907-saint-emilion-portes-ouvertes-des-chateaux.html
1 – 3 May : UDP (L’Union de Producers de Saint Emilion)
welcome visitors to their chai with craft exhibitions and stands and produce
stalls as well as visits to their cellar and wine tastings.
Saturday 2 May
2 – 9 May : Exhibition ‘Les Femme Pendent la Deuxieme Guerre
Mondial’ (Women during WW2) at the Salle Cascante in Castillon.

2 – 3 May : Exhibition ‘Cicatrice de Guerres’ at the Salle
Polyvalent next to the river in Flaujagues
2 May : Opening of the Restaurant and Bar at Guingette d’Espiet
with a Concert with What the Funk http://whatthefunk.fr/
3 May 9h30 – 17h : Exhibition and Craft Sale in the Salle
Communale in Les Salles de Castillon
3 May : Vide Grenier and Flea market in Saint Etienne de
3 May : Vide
grenier Foire a tout des crampons du vignoble in Saint Magne de Castillon
3 May : Phoenix Home Grown Plant Sale in Lieu dit
Vignas, 24600 Vanxains
3 May 15h : The Association
for the Restoration of the Church Saint-Etienne of Branne and
the City of Branne invite you to a free concert on May, the 3rd at 3 PM at
Branne's Church.
The pipe organ and trumpet duo formed by Caroline Dubroca-Chaudru and Yannick Belkanichi, will
revisit Bach, Haendel, Vivaldi, Clarke, Delerue, Torelli
and Hovhaness.
up of the " Indes Galantes " of J.P. Rameau
Prayer d’Alan
Cantata de
Georges Delerue
Gothic minuet
of Léon Boellmann
Elegy of G.
Grand Chœur de J.J. Beauvarlet-Charpentier
Ave Maria of
Elevation of
L.J.A. Lefébure-Wely
of Haendel
Concerto en ré
majeur of G. Torelli
1st movement of
the 3rd Sonate for keyboard layout C.P.E. Bach
Concerto en ré
mineur of Vivaldi/Bach
Prelude en sol
mineur of D. Buxtehude
Coming up…

And finally…
Bank holidays in May…
The month of May in France is infamous for the number of
national holidays that often fall in this month, and this year is no exception. Be prepared, shops and offices will be closed
and public transport will have limited services.
Friday 1 May is La Fête du Travail (Labour Day) or sometimes called La Fête du Muguet
(Lily-of-the-valley Day). It’s a day
when the French traditionally campaign for and celebrate workers’ rights, but
more easy to spot is the tradition of giving Lily-of-the-valley to loved ones.
Historically Charles IX of France was presented with lily-of-the-valley flowers
on May 1, 1561. He liked the gift and decided to present lily-of-the-valley
flowers to the ladies of his court each year on May 1. By around 1900, men
started to present a bouquet of lily-of-the-valley flowers to women to express
their affection.
Friday 8 May is WW2 Victory Day. This day marks the anniversary of the
official end of World War II and is a public holiday in France. Many people attend parades and church
services, they also sing patriotic songs and display the French national flag
on their homes and public buildings.
Thursday 14 May is Ascension. This holiday marks the day
that Jesus ascended to heaven, according to Christian belief. Ascension Day always falls on a Thursday so
many people take a day of their annual leave on Friday and so enjoy a four-day
weekend, this is known at the pont (bridge).
Sunday 24 May is Pentecost and is 50 days after Easter
Sunday. It marks the Holy Spirit's descent onto Jesus' followers, according to
Christian belief.
And finally finally…
Monday 25 May is Pentecost Monday, or Whit Monday and is
the day after Pentecost. Pentecost Monday was a public holiday in France until
2005 and again from 2008. The holiday was reintroduced after about 15,000
elderly people died in a heatwave in the summer of 2003. The French government
made a commitment to financially support the elderly and people with
disabilities by deciding that Pentecost Monday would no longer be a public
holiday from 2005 onwards.
The public holiday was replaced with the Day of Solidarity. On this day people worked for
no pay. Their wages were collected to assist the elderly and persons with
disabilities. However, there were demonstrations and Pentecost Monday became a
public holiday again in 2008.