1st May is just around the corner, also called May Day, La Fête du Muguet, La Fête du Travail in
France is a public holiday to campaign for and celebrate workers rights. It is also an occasion to present lily-of-the-valley to loved ones.
King Charles IX of France was presented with lily of the valley flowers on 1st May 1561. He liked the gift and decided to present lily of the valley flowers to the ladies of his court each year on 1st May. Around 1900, men started to present a bouquet of lily of the valley flowers to women to express their affection. The flowers are a more general token of appreciation between close friends and family members these days.
Look out for the Muguet on sale, especially as we're spoilt for choice with brocantes and vide greniers on Sunday.
Week 17
30 April

Meetings with wine growers, wine tastings, guided tours of the properties, châteaux and surrounding area of Saint-Emilion, photo exhibitions, farmers’ markets, children’s areas, wine workshops… There will be something for everyone!
A key event, not to be missed. See more here
1 May - jour ferie - May Day
Coming up...
And finally...
Developing a new product in the pottery workshop... do you know what it is? I've had a few requests, so I thought I'd give it a go, and so far... so good!