At the onion fete. |
When I look out onto the river now, the leaves are changing colour and the days are getting shorter.
I like all the harvesting, we've had a very successful apple harvest as you can see from the photo! Our Reine Claude tree that we proudly planted 3 years ago has finally given us fruit - though not what we expected!
What a harvest! |
Wednesday was a beautiful sunny afternoon and we went to the Onion fete in Guitre, a pretty town beside the river.
Plenty to do next weekend, enjoy your week,
Creative Writing Courses
Chez Castillon is situated in a magnificent eighteenth century townhouse in the heart of Castillon La Bataille on the beautiful river Dordogne. Here Mike and Janie offer painting, photography and creative writing courses.
Coming up on Saturday 1st October – Friday 7th October 2011 they are running a writing course entitled ‘Writing Commercial Woman’s Fiction’ to uncover the secrets of page-turning in a five-day hands-on workshop. Veronica Henry is coming over for the event.
Veronica Henry is a scriptwriter and author. She has written for some of our best-known dramas, including The Archers, Heartbeat and Holby City. She has just published her ninth best-selling novel, The Birthday Party (Orion Books).
Commercial women’s fiction covers a huge range of best-selling authors, from Maeve Binchy via Jilly Cooper to Adele Parks and Marian Keyes. Students will collaborate on developing a commercial women’s fiction novel from start to finish, thereby learning first-hand everything from narrative structure and character development to the importance of a good title. Although we will be working together, there will be plenty of opportunity to express yourself and find your own voice, and each student will also have a one-to-one session with the course tutor throughout the week to discuss how to progress their own ideas. The aim is to de-mystify the art of writing and to give students the tools and the confidence to embark on their own novel.
For local (non-residential) students we would charge 75 euros per day...for tuition and lunch with wine.
Anyone interested can contact us direct...through w/site or straight to me:
Karin Raffalt (wonderful facial technician in Eymet) has teamed up with Red Dawn (scary name but excellent reflexologist) to give a limited special €45 for combined facial (standard Swiss facial) and reflexology session
Call on 05 53 57 15 06 or 06 37 06 57 14. An offer not to be missed.
Week 38
16 September - 23 September : Exposition de peintures de Ted TUERSLEY
Le service animation de la Mairie de Sainte Foy La Grande vous convie à l'exposition des tableaux récents de Ted TUERSLEY.
Rendez-vous salle Paul Broca de 10h à 18h sauf le dimanche de 15h à 18h!
Entrée Libre
Monday 19 September
Tuesday 20 September
Wednesday 21 September
Thursday 22 September
22 septembre au lundi 25 avril : Exhibition des Peintures Saint-Emilion - Salle gothique,
22 september 21h : Concert Olivier Villa
L'Office Municipal d'Animation Culturelle vous convie au concert d'Olivier Villa.
Une partie de la recette de ce concert est au profit d'oeuvres caritatives.
Un moment de détente pour écouter des airs de variété!
Rendez-vous au Foyer municipal (Salle Jacques Prévert) à 21h!
Entrée : 15€, gratuit pour les enfants de moins de 12 ans.
Friday 23 September
23 September : fete de la gastronomie. All sorts of tastings, culinary discoveries and visits. Go to the website
www.fete-gastronomie.fr and type in your postcode to find a list of local events.
Saturday 24 September
24 September 19h30 : Night Market, Fête des Vendanges, St Jean de Blaignac
24 September 22h : Concert Elektronik Saturday, Parazik et Intrepids
Le Chai le Bar vous convie à un concert d'Elektronik Saturday, de Parazik et Intrepids (collectif électro).
Deux collectifs, une soirée : BATTLE! www.myspace.com/lechailebarsaintefoylagrande
24 September - 23 October : Exhibition at Sourzac featuring Collette Jost-Guilbart, Anne Le Louran and Elisabeth L’Hopital Boutin
24 September – 3 October : Exhibition at Salle Cascante, Castillon. Artwork by Jean Pierre Fimbel and Florence deSacy
24 September : Nuit des Etoiles, Les Salles des Castillon Soirée d'observation et de découverte du ciel profont avec une télescope « Dobson » de 300mm permettant l'approche des nébuleuses, galaxies, étoiles doubles, triples..., rvs à 21h au château Canon Montségur. organisé par « Demain Les Salles ».
Samedi 24 et dimanche 25 septembre : Salon des Artisans d'Art et Potiers
Saint-Emilion, Organisé dans le cadre des Journées de l'Artisanat.
De nombreux exposants proposent leurs production artisanale à la vente en différents lieux de la cité. Inauguration le vendredi 23 septembre à 18h30
Sunday 25 September
25 September 12h30 : Gerbebaude at Château Font-Vidal. Join us to celebrate the end of the harvest around a mini day market: Jimboura, Roast pig (14€/pers), cakes Wines from 3 different producers.
For reservations please contact : Clos des Forattes, Franc Mio 06 70 70 76 69
Château Moulin de Peyronin, Franck et Veronique Terral 05 57 40 79 34
Château Font-Vidal, Claire Poncet 05 57 40 55 58
25 September : Vide Grenier, La Sauve
25 September : Vide Grenier, Brocante, Moulon
25 September : Vide Grenier, Saint Seurin sur L’Isle
25 September : Vide Grenier dans la cadre des virades de l’espoir, Eymet
25 September 14h30 : Super Loto, Salles des Fetes, Ruch. €1.50 le carton, € les 6 €12 les 13. I’ve never been to one – but it might be fun to brush up on your numbers!! You might even win something!
25 September 14h30 : Concert ODM. Centre Culturel de Castillon. 100% dansant. Tickets €10 05 57 41 20 07