What a wet weekend! Though we have been thoroughly spoilt until now!
Just back from a trip into Bordeaux, it's so easy when you take the tramway and park and ride. I like to use La Buttiniere, just over the Rocade off the N89. It often says that the carpark is full, but I don't worry, I go up the ramp to the carpark anyway and more often than not, there's space for one more. €3 gets a ticket for the driver and up to 4 passengers to travel into Bordeaux and back again. The ticket actually allows for up to 1 hour of travel each way, including transfers - just remember to put your ticket in the machine each time you board the tram. It's just another reason to love Bordeaux.
Plenty of sports to watch this weekend, a mini marathon on Friday, and rugby on Saturday.

Have a lovely week,
Best wishes,
PS. I saw more cranes flying overhead, a sure sign that summer is really, really over!!
Week 45
What a wet weekend! Though we have been thoroughly spoilt until now!
Just back from a trip into Bordeaux, it's so easy when you take the tramway and park and ride. I like to use La Buttiniere, just over the Rocade off the N89. It often says that the carpark is full, but I don't worry, I go up the ramp to the carpark anyway and more often than not, there's space for one more. €3 gets a ticket for the driver and up to 4 passengers to travel into Bordeaux and back again. The ticket actually allows for up to 1 hour of travel each way, including transfers - just remember to put your ticket in the machine each time you board the tram. It's just another reason to love Bordeaux.
Plenty of sports to watch this weekend, a mini marathon on Friday, and rugby on Saturday.

Have a lovely week,
Best wishes,
PS. I saw more cranes flying overhead, a sure sign that summer is really, really over!!
Week 45
6 - 13 novembre 2011 : Exposition 1914 - 1918 / 1939 - 1945
Saint Médard de Guizières Salle des Fêtes. Tous les jours de 10 h à 18h
Entrée libre Organisée par l'Association Nationale des Combattants
Entrée libre Organisée par l'Association Nationale des Combattants
Drive is showing in VO at Libourne Multiplex all week at 16h and 21h45 and Sunday at 16h, 18h10 and 20h15
A Hollywood stunt performer who moonlights as a wheelman discovers that a contract has been put on him after a heist gone wrong.
4-13 November : The annual rendez-vous for the home, house, leisure, sports and lifestyle exhibitions which include the Salon Vivons Bois from the 4th to the 7th and Salon Passion Créatives from the 10th to the 13th. At the Parc des Expositions de Bordeaux Lac from 10:00-19:00. Telephone: 05 56 11 99 00.
5 – 16 November : Pujols, Exposition des oeuvres de Pierre Mourany au château (mairie) tous les jours de 15 h à 18 h. Entrée libre. Organisé par l'amicale laïque Pujolais, Renseignments auprès de la mairie de Pujol au 05 57 40 50 19.
Monday 7 November
7 November 16h and 20h15 : The Help (French title – La Couleur des Sentiments) is showing in VO at Libourne Multiplex.
An aspiring author during the civil rights movement of the 1960's decides to write a book detailing the African-American maid's point of view on the white families for which they work, and the hardships they go through on a daily basis.
Tuesday 8 November
8 November 16h and 20h15 : The Help (French title – La Couleur des Sentiments) is showing in VO at Libourne Multiplex .
An aspiring author during the civil rights movement of the 1960's decides to write a book detailing the African-American maid's point of view on the white families for which they work, and the hardships they go through on a daily basis.
Animé par l'Association d'Asques et d'Ailleurs
Initiation au tournage de films avec un téléphone portable
Animé par l'Association d'Asques et d'Ailleurs
Initiation au tournage de films avec un téléphone portable
Atelier gratuit ouvert aux jeunes de 11 à 16 ans.
Inscription obligatoire - places limitées
Inscription obligatoire - places limitées
Renseignements :
Bureau Information Jeunesse
33, allées Robert Boulin
05 57 74 06 52
Du mardi au vendredi de 9h30 à 17h
et le lundi de 13h à 17h
Bureau Information Jeunesse
33, allées Robert Boulin
05 57 74 06 52
Du mardi au vendredi de 9h30 à 17h
et le lundi de 13h à 17h
Wednesday 9 November
Thursday 10 November
Friday 11 November - Bank Holiday
Most towns and villages will be showing their respects in front of the Mairie in the morning. If you wish to wear a Royal British Legion poppy go to http://dordogne.angloinfo.com/forum/ccdetail.asp?CCID=41783 for further details.
11 November :
5km and 10km runs and walks starting from Quai Richelieu at 10:00. There is also a marche Nordique. The village opens on the quais at 08:00 for inscriptions. The 5km tarif is €8 and €12 in advance for the 10km or €14 on the day. Telephone: 05 56 57 45 45.
11 November : Foire de la St Martin, Duras, Vide greniers Artisanat

11 November 14 h 30: Loto Mouliets et Villemartin, A la salle polyvalente, spécial canards gras. Organisé par le Club de Loisirs. Renseignements aux 05 57 40 29 03 – 06 88 47 10 08.
11 November : Loto, Les Salles des Castillon A la salle polyvalente, organisé par « Demain Les Salles » 06,07,04,00,29 – 06,26,11,36,40
Saturday 12 November
12 November : Soiree cabaret, Comite des Fetes at d’animation, Salle des fetes, Saint-Philippe-du-Seignal colle.pascal@neuf.fr 05 57 46 08 59
12 November 20h55 : Rugby. An Amlin Challenge Cup match between Union Bordeaux-Bègles and London Wasps at Stade Chaban-Delmas. Reservations: 05 57 35 99 99 and information: 05 57 96 86 85.
12 November 20h55 : Rugby. An Amlin Challenge Cup match between Union Bordeaux-Bègles and London Wasps at Stade Chaban-Delmas. Reservations: 05 57 35 99 99 and information: 05 57 96 86 85.
12-13 November : Portes Ouvertes, Château Soussac. Degustation du Vins, Amuse Bouche. Special Offers for Christmas and the opportunity to Win Wine! www.chateau-soussac.com
14h – 18h30 Saturday, 10h30 – 13h Sunday

Des débats à 14h, salle Cascante à Castillon la Bataille :
* samedi 12 : est-ce mieux ailleurs?
*samedi 14: les femmes et la politique avec la participation de Françoise Cartron. A-t-on toujours besoin du féminisme?
Des rencontres à 18h:
*mardi 15:le droit à la contraception et à l'avortement, où en sommes-nous?
*jeudi 17: la féminisation dans la société avec la participation de Martine Faure.
Nous sommes toujours à la recherche de femmes d'origine étrangère pour apporter leurs témoignages sur la condition féminine dans leur pays respectif.
Sunday 13 November
13 novembre 2011 à 14h30 :Thé dansant Saint-Emilion - Salle polyvalente,
13 novembre 14 h 30: Loto, nombreux prix, bons d'achats, jambons secs, quarts de mouton, longes de porc, électro ménager, corbeilles de fruitys, paniers garnis, cartons de vin, etc.... à Pessac sur Dordogne, , Foyer communal (en face l'Eglise St Vincent, grand parking.)
Il y aura également une tombola et vente de crêpes, merveilles, boissons tout l'après-midi.
12-13 November : Portes Ouvertes, Château Soussac. Degustation du Vins, Amuse Bouche. Special Offers for Christmas and the opportunity to Win Wine! www.chateau-soussac.com
14h – 18h30 Saturday, 10h30 – 13h Sunday
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