We made a lovely discovery yesterday in Bordeaux. We set off early to go to the flea market around St Michel only to discover that it was more of a building site than a flea market. What we didn’t know was that the Quai des Salinaires is now hosting brocantes on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Sunday. It’s worth a look. Did we find a bargain? Not this time, but we’ll go back another time.

I’m continuing to update this site, there are additional pages listed at the side of the blog with events and activities in the coming months. I add information as it comes my way, so keep an eye on them.
Calling all food-lovers! This week in Bordeaux,( 12-18 March) la Ronde des Quartiers de Bordeaux and partners are organising« Restaurants en Fête »

If you missed out on collecting sarments for your BBQ, Château Haute-Nauve is running another day on Saturday, have a look below for more details.
Enjoy your week,
Best wishes,
Week 11
Film lovers are spoilt for choice this week, the Iron Lady, The Descendants and A Dangerous Method are all showing in VO in cinemas in the area.
The Artist continues to play at the Libourne Multiplex. For the times visit http://www.grandecran.fr/libourne/horaires/
Monday 12 March
Tuesday 13 March
13 March 20h30 : Les Grandes Heures de St Emilion
Maurice Bourgue, haut-bois, Jean-Bernard Pommier, piano
J.S Bach, Mozart, Robert Schumann, Clara Schumann, Poulenc, Haas
J.S Bach, Mozart, Robert Schumann, Clara Schumann, Poulenc, Haas
Wednesday 14 March
14 March : Sara Daniels is continuing with her strawbale wall project. Today and tomorrow are workshops on the Earther plaster application. If you are interested or even just curious, contact her at saradaniels@hotmail.fr or call 05 53 80 14 13.
14 March 20h30 : The Iron Lady is showing in VO at St Foy Cinema La Breche. http://www.allocine.fr/seance/salle_gen_csalle=P0889.html
A look at the life of Margaret Thatcher, the former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, with a focus on the price she paid for power. Starring Meryl Streep.
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Any excuse for a George photo! |
14 March 20h30 : The Descendants is showing in VO at Cinemax Linder in Creon. http://cinemaxlinder.free.fr/
A land baron tries to re-connect with his two daughters after his wife is seriously injured in a boating accident. Starring George Cloony.
14 March 20h30 : A Dangerous Method is showing in VO at Le Lascaux cinema in Montpon.
A look at how the intense relationship between Carl Jung and Sigmund Freud gives birth to psychoanalysis. Starring Keira Knightly.
Thursday 15 March
15 March 20h30 : The Descendants is showing in VO at Cinemax Linder in Creon. http://cinemaxlinder.free.fr/
A land baron tries to re-connect with his two daughters after his wife is seriously injured in a boating accident. Starring George Cloony.
15 March 20h45 : Che… Malambo! Theatre Liburnia present an energetic dance show. A combination of ballet and Argentinian Malambo. http://www.calameo.com/read/000667437dd963d75bc4f
Friday 16 March
Saturday 17 March
17 March 15h30 : a new Zumba class is running in the Salle de Loto in Mouliets et Villemartin. I went last week – great fun, and certainly energetic. Take a bottle of water and €5. See more info in 'Getting fitter' on the left of the page.
17 mars 9h30 à 16h : Journée sarments de vigne au Château Haute-Nauve
Organisée par le Château Haute-Nauve. Saint-Laurent-des-Combes
"Confection de sarments de bois" à la propriété.
Informations et inscriptions : http://www.chateauhaute-nauve.com/
Informations et inscriptions : http://www.chateauhaute-nauve.com/
or http://www.saint-emilion-tourisme.com/fr/agenda.html?m=03&id=520
17 March 17h45 : The Iron Lady is showing in VO at St Foy Cinema La Breche. http://www.allocine.fr/seance/salle_gen_csalle=P0889.html
A look at the life of Margaret Thatcher, the former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, with a focus on the price she paid for power. Starring Meryl Streep.
17 March – 1 April : Fête foraine des rameaux at Le Cours Tourny, Libourne. This Palm Sunday funfair runs for 3 weekends and 2 weeks in the run up to Easter. You’ll need to look elsewhere for free parking in Libourne…
17 March : Vinotaste are running English language wine tasting morning once a month at St Emilion chateaux. For further information see http://www.libourne-tourisme.com/pratique/agenda-des-manifestations/action/details/evenement/dgustations-vinotaste-727.html and also http://www.degustation-vins-gironde.fr/fr_FR/

17 – 18 March : 17 mars à 20h30
Opus 12.2 Bacchanales, d’Alexandros Markéas est un oratorio profane pour récitant, voix solistes, chœurs et ensembles instrumentaux.
Cette création, entre théâtre et messe profane, propose de révéler les différents visages de Dionysos… Les poésies bachiques antiques et contemporaines, les textes mythologiques, les rêveries philosophiques et également les musiques traditionnelles méditerranéennes sont les ingrédients de ce festin vivant à consommer sans modération.
Bacchanales place les auditeurs au cœur du dispositif sonore.
Plus de 450 artistes, groupes amateurs et professionnels, se mélangent ainsi au public dans une mise en espace festive.
18 March 11 - 13h: Bring and Buy Book Sale in Duras in Aid of the Poppy Appeal.
18 mars à 15h : Opus 12.2 Bacchanales, d’Alexandros Markéas est un oratorio profane pour récitant, voix solistes, chœurs et ensembles instrumentaux.
18 March : Marche des Puce in Rauzan
18 March : 24° Salon De La Collection - Le plus grand salon de collections d'aquitaine.
Organisé par Association Les Collectionneurs Bergeracois .
Salle Anatole France - Rue Anatole France - 24 Bergerac.
La manifestation est fléchée depuis tous les accès à Bergerac.
Ou vous trouverez : Monnaies, cartes postales anciennes et modernes,
Livres, vieux papiers, timbres, minéraux, militaria : insignes et décorations..., parfums, objets de vitrine, jouets, fèves, capsules de champagne, etc...
Entrée : 3 euros. Gratuit pour les membres du Club.
Dans la salle, exposition thématique : "30 COLLECTIONS SUR L'ART DE LA TABLE"
Restauration sur place. (traiteur).
Organisé par Association Les Collectionneurs Bergeracois .
Salle Anatole France - Rue Anatole France - 24 Bergerac.
La manifestation est fléchée depuis tous les accès à Bergerac.
Ou vous trouverez : Monnaies, cartes postales anciennes et modernes,
Livres, vieux papiers, timbres, minéraux, militaria : insignes et décorations..., parfums, objets de vitrine, jouets, fèves, capsules de champagne, etc...
Entrée : 3 euros. Gratuit pour les membres du Club.
Dans la salle, exposition thématique : "30 COLLECTIONS SUR L'ART DE LA TABLE"
Restauration sur place. (traiteur).
18 March : Vide Grenier St Yzan de Soudiac
18 March 20h45 : The Iron Lady is showing in VO at St Foy Cinema La Breche.
A look at the life of Margaret Thatcher, the former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, with a focus on the price she paid for power. Starring Meryl Streep.
18 March 20h30 : A Dangerous Method is showing in VO at Le Lascaux cinema in Montpon.
A look at how the intense relationship between Carl Jung and Sigmund Freud gives birth to psychoanalysis. Starring Keira Knightly.
Coming up…
Easter Saturday April 7th Grand Charity Evening
At The Salle De Fete In Duras 7.00pm
Listening And Dancing To The Leeds University Swing Band
Tickets 10e Per Person Bring Your Own 'Picnic'
All Profits To Shelterbox Supplying Tents And Equipment To
People Suffering In Natural Disasters And To Emmaus (France)
For Vunerable Families And Children.
INFO +tickets at janwinser@orange.fr or lynne.staunton@sfr.fr
One last thing...
At The Salle De Fete In Duras 7.00pm
Listening And Dancing To The Leeds University Swing Band
Tickets 10e Per Person Bring Your Own 'Picnic'
All Profits To Shelterbox Supplying Tents And Equipment To
People Suffering In Natural Disasters And To Emmaus (France)
For Vunerable Families And Children.
INFO +tickets at janwinser@orange.fr or lynne.staunton@sfr.fr
One last thing...
There has been much talk about a spate of robberies in and around Ste Foy. To find out more you can
Google "Anglo Info Dordogne France"
Then click on "Forum"
then on the right under Classifieds and Discussions you'll see the little search window - then type in
"Robberies in Ste. Foy la Grande" and you should see the conversations.
II can see your site is maturing. Congratulations. It really is a great service. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteJacqui Houston de Robillard