The week ahead is full of things to do (see below to find
out more about the national holidays this week)
Thank you to everyone who has sent me contributions, if I
have accidentally missed something out, please let me know. There have also been some new items added to
the For Sale page since last week.
Have a great week,
Best wishes,
Week 19 2013
Monday 6 May
Tuesday 7 May
Wednesday 8 May – Victory Day

8 May : Brocante Vide Grenier at Colombier, 8km south of
8 May : Brocante
Vide grenier at Pessac Sur Dordogne
8 May : Brocante Vide grenier at Montpon Menesterol
8 May 10h :
Marche a la Ferme at Chateauu Bonhoste, St Jean de Blaignac
8 May : Le
marché aux Fleurs de Bazas. For
more information go to http://www.ville-bazas.fr/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=229&Itemid=97

8 May 9h : Troc Plantes at Nerigean. Take some plants to swap and talk to other
plant passionate people. For more
information go to http://www.nerigean.fr/
8 May 14h : Orchid Walk. Start at Saussignac Church 2pm. Return at
5.30 to refreshments.
Guided by Madame Puygauthier Member of Orchid Soc of France.
Tour done in cars with walks to the individual sites.
Particularly good orchids this year. 2 Euros. Please book 05 53 27 25 13
Guided by Madame Puygauthier Member of Orchid Soc of France.
Tour done in cars with walks to the individual sites.
Particularly good orchids this year. 2 Euros. Please book 05 53 27 25 13
Thursday 9 May – Ascension
9 May : Course de
Cote de Velines. Timed Car hill climb on the slopes of Veline. Take a deck chair and a picnic, find a spot
and settle down for a day of petrol fumes and speedy cars.
Friday 10 May
10 – 12 – 13 May : Le Josem S’Eclate at La Sauve. The Young
Symphony Orchestra from Entre Deux Mers has a 3 day event. For the full programme go to http://www.josem.org/le-josem-s-eclate-programmation
– 11 – 12 May : Rallye du Saint Emilion.
A 3 day event with all things automobile. Go to http://www.rallye-saint-emilion.net/
to find out more.
Saturday 11 May
11 May 20h : Dinner and Entertainment by Christian Vagnard
at Lac de la Cadie, Mouiets et Villemartin.
€22 per person.
11 My 20h30 : Procession
aux flambeaux (Torch-lit procession) in
St Emilion, starting at Cloître de la Collégiale. Organised by la Communauté
franco-portugaise du Secteur Pastoral de Saint-Emilion Lussac.
Sunday 12 May
12 May : Vide
Greniers at Pineuilh in the Cour de l'école élémentaire.
12 May : Floralies and Vide Grenier Brocante
at Le Fleix, this should be a Huge event, with between 200 – 300 stands.
12 May : 36th National Dog Show is being held at
the Parc de l’Epinette in Libourne. To find
out all about the Show, go to http://www.scc.asso.fr/mediatheque/Feuillexpos/2013/Libourne2013.pdf
Coming up…
Les Grandes Heures de Saint-Emilion have three concerts in
May. For more details go to http://www.grandesheuresdesaintemilion.fr/Page_daccueil.html

If you or your friends are interested then please contact elacharris@live.co.uk or jacquifr@yahoo.com as soon as
And finally…
Ascension Day (Ascension) marks
the day that Jesus ascended to heaven following his crucifixion and
resurrection, according to Christian belief. It is the 40th day of Easter and
is ten days before Pentecost Sunday. It is a public holiday in France. Ascension
Day falls on a Thursday so many people take a day of their annual leave on
Friday to make the ‘pont’, and so enjoy a four-day weekend. This year it falls
next to the WWII Victory Day (la fête de la victoire,
le jour de la libération) which is
a holiday to celebrate the end of World War II and the French people's freedom.
It is the anniversary of when Charles de Gaulle announced the end of World War
II in France on May 8, 1945.
Therefore, the 2 holidays back to back plus the ‘pont’ makes
this week more of a holiday than a working week. Enjoy…
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