We never have burger and chips at home, and we never have
Paella at home for the very simple reason that neither of us likes both! So, we were delighted to discover that we
could both be gastronomically satisfied at the Restaurant/Bar le Gensaké in Gensac. Recently taken over by Jenny (previously from
Chateau de Sanse) and working with fresh locally sourced produce, mostly organic,
We sat outside
for an apero, before moving to the peaceful courtyard hidden at the back.
And finally, I’m putting together the Night Market page, so if you
know of one in your village, please let me know.
Whatever you eat and wherever you go this week in the Dordogne and
Gironde regions, have a great time.
Best wishes,
Week 24 2014
Monday 9 June
9 June 18h15
&20h30 : Last Days of Summer (or Labor Day to the rest of the world!) is
showing in VO at the Grandecran, Libourne.
Depressed single
mom Adele and her son Henry offer a wounded, fearsome man a ride. As police
search town for the escaped convict, the mother and son gradually learn his
true story as their options become increasingly limited. Starring Kate Winslet, Josh Brolin and
Gattlin Griffith.
Tuesday 10 June

Now some will know and some won't but I have a stand at Ste. Foy-la -Grande market on a Saturday morning on the corner of Louis Pasteur/Alsace Lorraine where if you are a market goer you can find me weekly. However I know there are those of you who would prefer for me to continue with the delivery run. So I propose that since you all pretty much know what I make it would be more practical if you make an order before I arrive that way everyone knows that they will get what they want and with any luck I can be more organised. So all the info is on the website www.franklinfarm.fr
The meatballs I make are either Morrocan, Italian or Greek
The burgers are garlic and paprika or herb and onion.
I can roll lamb joints to various sizes if you let me have an idea of weight or number of people eating.
My next visit in your direction is Tuesday 10th June in St.Méard de Gurçon between 1.30 and 2.30 by the church or preceeded by a delivery route going through Minzac, Villefranche de Lonchat and down towards Castillon la Bataille.
See you there

10 June 20h : Concert in Libourne. The Rotary Club of Libourne St EMilion are
holding a Concert staring Gayane Liebe Petrosyan. For further details please contact philippe.le-ber@wanadoo.fr
Wednesday 11 June
Thursday 12 June
12 June 20h30
: Grandes Heures de Saint Emilion present a concert at Château
Matras-Canon Gautier Capuçon,
violoncelle, Jérome Ducros, piano
Beethoven I

Friday 13 June
13 June 20h30
: Grandes Heures de Saint Emilion present a concert at Château Larcis-Ducasse
Gautier Capuçon, violoncelle, Jérome Ducros, piano
Beethoven II
For more information and reservations http://www.grandesheuresdesaintemilion.fr/Tarifs_et_reservation.html
13 – 14 June : Wendy Narby and Women in Wine… Tourism are
offering the unique opportunity to join The
Art of Breathing by Breathing Master Dominique Lonchant at Spa de Château
Latour Ségur à Lussac, St Emilion. For
further information go to http://us2.campaign-archive1.com/?u=bfc110893be2ed6eaae14333d&id=d916977029
Saturday 14 June
14 June 20h45 : Concert at the St Symphorien church in
14 – 15 June : Weekend de l'été -
9ème Vide Grenier Saint Christophe des Bardes,including Vide grenier over the 2
days, Saturday night Feu de la Saint Jean festivities with the traditional fire
jumping at night fall!
14 – 15 June : Sadirac Ceramics Fair.
Sunday 15 June
15 June : Vide Greniers in Sadirac
15 June : Vide grenier in Pellegrue
15 June : Vide
Grenier at La Sauve
15 June :
Vide grenier in St Pey de Castets
15 June 16h : Chante Monde ‘Viva Italia’ Concert in the
Villamblad church
15 June 17h: The Dordogne Choir in Concert at the Sourzac
15 June 16h30 : The Jurade in St Emilion. Celebrating the New Wine. In all their red robed finery, the wine
makers proceed through the village heading to the Tour du Roy in celebration of
the new wine. A great show to see as
they walk through the streets.
Coming up…

And finally…
Have you ever been woken up on a Sunday morning to hear the
dulcet tones of the neighbour and his lawnmower or strimmer buzzing away? This need not happen. Since 2008 noise pollution has been
regulated. You can mow, strim, chip,
chop and saw to your heart’s desire between 8h30 – 12h30 and 14h30 – 19h30 on a
week day. From 9h – 12h and 15h – 19h on
a Saturday and on Sundays and Jours fériés from 10h – 12h. Outside those hours neither you nor the
neighbour should be making a racket!
When it comes to bonfires though, the regulations
are less distinct. Castillon for example
is classed as an urban area and therefore all types of waste burning fires are
illegal, that includes garden bonfires.
Mouliets et Villemartin on the other hand is rural and you are actively encouraged
to keep the gardens and land clear and free from undergrowth – which can be done
by cutting and burning the vegetation.
What I haven’t discovered is whether or not there are times when this
too becomes restricted… I have a feeling that there are certain months when you
cannot have garden fires. If you know
when these months are, please let me know and we can share the information.
Thank you for the heads up about the Restaurant/Bar in Gensac, we will have to give it a go. Rebecca