The end of another busy week with the grand finale of the Battle for this year. It was magnificent and the pyrotechnics were amazing.

If you haven't been eating out at the night markets, then try and get to one this week, for some towns, it's the last one.
Have a fun week,
Week 33
Monday 15 August - Jour Férié
15 August : Vide grenier Lamothe Montravel
15 August : Brocante at Eymet
Tuesday 16 August
16 August 14h : Les Mardis découverte Montpon. Circuits en bus a la rencontre d’artistes, d’artisans, des producteurs locaux. Depart de l’office de Tourism sur reservation 05 53 82 23 77
16 August 18h : Les Festines, Marches nocturnes at Le Pizou.
16 August : Flanerie et Degustation. Lalande-de-Pomerol 05 57 51 15 04 – 05 57 25 00 58
16 August 19h : Saint Emilion Parc Guadet marche de producteurs http://www.marches-producteurs.com/gironde
Wednesday 17 August
17 August 19h – Blazimon marche de producteurs http://www.marches-producteurs.com/gironde
17 – 28 August : Exposition M. Serodes, Saint Emilion, Salle Gothique
17 août 20H30 : Concert - Kouban, les Grandes Voix Cosaques
Saint-Emilion - Eglise Collégiale,
Organisé dans le cadre des COLLEGIADES DE SAINT-EMILION par l'association AEMILIANUS.
L'ensemble polyphonique russe Kouban, composé des plus belles voix issues d'opéras prestigieux, tels ceux de Saint-Petersbourg, Moscou, Kiew.
L'ensemble polyphonique russe Kouban, composé des plus belles voix issues d'opéras prestigieux, tels ceux de Saint-Petersbourg, Moscou, Kiew.
Chants liturgiques orthodoxes traditionnels russes - ukrainiens.
Tarifs :15 €, réduit 13 €, libre - 12 ans.
Thursday 18 August
18 August 19h : Sainte-Foy-la-Grande marche de producteurs with live music from Mystere Daoud http://www.marches-producteurs.com/gironde
18 August : Night Market at Castillon on the waterfront a la Pelouse
18 August : Balade nocturnal conte de la Bastide PL Abel Surchamp, Libourne. www.libourne-tourism.com
Friday 19 August
19 August : Night market in Flaujagues.
19-20-21-22 August : Fete Nautique, Canoes Fleuris. Bommes, 33210 Langon. Information from the Office of Tourism 05 56 63 68 00 – 05 56 76 69 13
19 August : Manifestation culturel, Marche nocturne et concert. St-Denis-de-Pile. 05 57 74 20 30
19 August 19h30 : Marche Nocturne, La Plage St-Seurin-sur-L’Isle
19-20-21 August : Balades en Cadillac. Un itinerere entre swing et voltige http://baladesencadillac.free.fr/ballades_en_cadillac/
19 – 22 August : Fete de la St Roch, Montpon. Maneges, course cycliste, bals,animations
Saturday 20 August
20 August : en ville Castillon Fest-Folies, vide grenier and brocante
20 August : Fete pres de la riviere et brocante. La Fangard, Coutras.
20 August 19h : Créon Rencontre musique et gastronomie – point Relais Velo. Concerts, et marches de producteurs, artisans traiteurs
20 August : Brocante at Castillones www.castillonnestourisme.com
20-21 August : Fete local Port-Ste-Foy-et-Ponchapt
20 – 27 August FrancoBritish Week in Ste Foy la Grande. For the full programme of the week’s activities visit http://www.francobritishweek.com/
20 – 26 August : Vigiers Wine & Golf Festival

Sunday 21 August
21 August : sur les quays Castillon Fest-Folies, vide grenier and brocante.
21 August 12h : FrancoBritish Week picnic with Hat Competition. http://www.francobritishweek.com/
21 August : Brocante vide grenier. Pres de la Creche, Camps-sur-L’Isle.
21 August 8h : Brocante Vide Grenier at Genissac.
I see there are a lot of night markets in August, are they all over by September? The Sunday picnic looks fun, that was where a few years ago I had my first fresh fig, which was delicious
ReplyDeleteYes, unfortunately the night markets don't seem to run into September. If I hear of any I shall certainly pass the information on. Fresh figs ... delicious!