Monestier Big Band play into the night |
A glorious picnic in the park |
What a great week! The Party in the park was lovely - well done Monestier Big Band! Great fun and a super atmosphere with lots of dancing. We even managed to escape the storm.
Closely followed by the Night market in Castillon on Thursday, where we caught up with lots of friends from the Battle. (The cote de boeuf is worth a mention in it's own right!)
The Castillonais enjoying supper |
And on to Friday - whilst the sun shone - we went to Flaujagues night market, and another delicious meal with friends. We're now totally organised, not leaving home without napkins and sharp knives!
Flaujagues night market. |
Sunday night saw us on the stone bridge at Castillon watching the fireworks - fabulous, with fireworks bouncing into the river and exploding into colour from the water.
This week is the 6th Francobritish week, with plenty to do, not least 'Bangers and Mash' at the Comptior des Sports.
Have a good week, Helen
Week 34
Franco British week www.francobritishweek.com
Monday 22 August
22-27 August : Francobritish week : Exposition “Artistes du Monde” Henk Shoen, Sculpture & Francis Linglet, Peintre. Salle Paul Broca, Ste Foy La Grande. 10-12h 14-18h
Tuesday 23 August
23 August 15h: Visite commentée de la Bastide. Départ de l’Office de Tourisme Ste Foy la Grande
23 August 16h 30 : Degustation Cave Laregnere. “Les Bergerac” 10€ / pers. Res 05 57 46 31 23
23 August 20h : MADS, une soiree de theatre britannique. Salle Clarisse Briand, Ste Foy la Grande 10€/pers.
23 August 18h : Le Pizou, Les Festines, Marches Nocturnes
Wednesday 24 August
24 August 15h : Univers Jeunesse, Place de la Mairie, Ste Foy la Grande. Differents ateliers pour les enfants avec la participation : d’Am Stram Gram et de l’Atelier 104
24 August 16h30 : Degustation Cave Laregnere. “Pomerol, Pessac-Leognan” 10€ / pers. Res 05 57 46 31 23
24 August 20h : Soiree Quiz et Sketches, au Lemon Café, Allee Coreilhes, Ste Foy la Grande 05 57 46 35 75
24th August as part of Franco British Week, Eric at the Comptoir de Sports (known to most as 'Eric's') is offering
Bangers 'n Mash with Onion Gravy & Desert for €10 euros per person
The sausages are made by Sue Jones - who, as most of you know, makes the best English sausages in France.
To book in advance (highly recommended), please call 0557 46 17 79.
24 August : The Cinema de la Breche is also showing the film "Larry Crowne"
Thursday 25 August
25 August : Marche Nocturne, Pl de la Mairie, Coutras.
25 August : Tapas Night at La Plage, Castillon la Bataille
25 August 14h : Cream Tea at Sucree-Salee, 9 rue de la Republic Ste Foy la Grande. Res 05 57 46 11 30
25 August 15h30 : Atelier Patisserie Chez M, Sylvian Mazzocco, 28 rue J L Faure. 2 groups of 6 people. €7/ pers. Reservation 06 11 37 22 45
25 August 16h30 : Degustation Cave Laregnere. “Fronsac, Blaye, Bourg” 10€ / pers. Res 05 57 46 31 23
Friday 26 August
26-27-28 August : Fete Gourmande, Marche Nocturne, Live music, Montagne. Office de Tourism de Lussacais 05 57 24 95 62 www.fetedessaveurs.jimdo.com
26 August : Fete locale St Suplice de Faleyrans
26 August 16h30 : Degustation Cave Laregnere. “Medoc, Margaux, St Julien, St Estephe” 10€ / pers. Res 05 57 46 31 23
26 August 16h30 – 18h30 : Golf des Vigiers. Initiation par leur professionnel, accès au parcours six trous, balles de practice, prêt du matériel pour une participation de
15e. Réservation : 05 53 61 50 33
26 August 19h30 : Dîner à la Brasserie Le Chai du Château des Vigiers à Réservation à l’Office du tourisme n° 05 57 46 03 00 ou à Bastide et Campagne au n° 05 57 46 56 73 avant le 22 août.
Au menu : Brochette de crevettes roses, tartare et citron confit / Carré de porc
fermier laqué aux épices douces de miel, fricassée de légumes du marché.
Café gourmand. 25e par personne.
Saturday 27 August
27 August : Marche Nocturne and Fireworks, Ruch
27 August 12h : Dédicace de Danièle Lernould Librairie-Presse des Arcades - Sainte Foy la Grande
pour son livre : « Un jour, j’ai croisé ton chemin…» Ed.de Pierregord
27 August 16h30 : Degustation Cave Laregnere. “Champagne” 15€ / pers. Res 05 57 46 31 23

Something for everyone – Film, classical Spanish dancing, traditional dancing from Seville, jazz, French variety performances, theatre, story-telling, photographic exhibitions…
and much more !
From the end of August until mid-October, in the heart of wine-growing country, a multitude of events has been organised and produced in cooperation with the local population – artists, scholars and wine-growing professionals, with the rich wine producing heritage of the area as a backdrop. http://www.graindautomne.com/accueil.php
27 August 18h : first event of Grain D’autumne. Marche Gourmande followed by Cinema de Plein Air : LE SANG DE LA VIGNE à Bonneville et St Avit de Fumadières
27 August : Night Market, St Jean de Blaignac
27 August : Brocante vide-greniers, Saint Genes de Castillon
28 August : Raft race along the Dordogne, Starting from Pessac. You can enter your own raft if you like! http://www.stand-art-info.org/actualites.html for more info.
28 August : Brocante et Vide Grenier Saint Surplice de Faleyrans
28 August : Vide grenier et Restauration, Villegouge
28 August : Vide Greniers Porte Sainte Foy et Ponchapt, Plaine Sinsout, centre ville
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