Amazing, this is the 20th Newsletter, where are the weeks going?
We had a good visit to the brocante in Rauzan - once on Friday to have a look round and then again on Sunday to haggle for the things that were still there! Thank you to Jeanette for her photos (they're so much better than mine)

Whatever you get up to - enjoy.
Best wishes,
Week 41
7 – 13 October : Les dessins de Johan Bernard exposés à la salle Broca, Sainte Foy la Grande. Tuesday – Saturday 10h – 12h30, 15h – 18h. Sunday 10h – 12h30. http://www.saintefoylagrande.net/article-les-dessins-de-johan-bernard-exposes-a-la-salle-broca-84337521.html
Monday 10 October
Tuesday 11 October
Wednesday 12 October
Thursday 13 October
13 octobre 14 h 30 - 18 h 30 : thé dansant animé par l'orchestre Lucien MORIN et son chanteur Willy (10 € tout compris)Lac de la Cadie, Mouliets et Villemartin.
Friday 14 October
14 October : Jazz Club de l’Orient. Soirees jazz. Doors open at 19h30, concerts start at 21h. Grand Café l’Orient in Libourne.
14-15-16 October : Fete des Vendanges, Lussac. Soiree choucroute, reservations 06 72 78 01 83
Saturday 15 October
15-16 October 10h – 18h : Marche de Goût, Saint-Emilion - Cloître de la Eglise Collégiale, a tasting market – yum !

15 – 16 October : 15th Portes Ouverts Graves. Visits and wine tastings in 73 chateaux in Graves. Visit the website for the programme with the venues and listings.
15 October 20h : Soiree dansant petillante et conviviale organised by the association ‘Demain, Les Salles’ at le salle communale Les Salles-deCastillon €15 (porter les couverts). Reservations Delphine Vaysee 05 47 84 09 45 (she speaks English)
15 October 22h : Feu d’artifice at Lussac as part of the Fete des Vendanges
15 October 19h30 : Fete de la Biere Bavaroise at Saint Michel de Montagne at the Foyer LaïqueRural. Aperitif, Choucroute garni, dessert + un demi + concert jazz traditional et Blues = €17 (porter vos couverts !)
Sunday 16 October
16 October : Brocante, Vide Grenier at Lussac
16 October : vide greniers as part of the fete des vendanges in Lussac.
16 October 9h – 18h : Plant swap. Chez Simone Villachoux at Croignon (follow the arrows from the Mairie.) Guided tour of the plants of the village at 9am. Non-stop plant and seed swap, gardening advice, cultural stands, artists and produce, vide grenier, restauration sur place.
16 October 14h30 : Loto a la Landaise at Puisseguin au foyer.
16 October 14h30 : Loto at Salle Municipal at Pujols
16 October 14h30 : St-Magne-de-Castillon at Salle Polyvalente. Loto.
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