I’m off to the Battle this weekend, they have already had
some record breaking evenings, on Saturday night they served 963 meals. It’s a really good evening, I’m such a
fan! If you haven’t been there, then why
not? For more information go to http://www.batailledecastillon.com/
Whatever you do, and there’s plenty to choose from, have a
good week. If you’d like an event to be
included in the blog, just send me the information and I’ll add it in.
Best wishes,
Week 30 2013
Monday 22 July
Tuesday 23 July
23 July 21h : Concert by ‘Slovanda’ at Salle Clarisse Brian,
Ste Foy la Grande as part of the Musitineraires. To find out more go to http://festival.paysfoyen.com/
23 July : Night markets in Saint Emilion, Eymet and Castillon
24 July : Open rehearsals for the OCG. To see the times go to http://ocg.free.fr/spip.php?rubrique11
24 July 21h : Jazz concert by ‘French Touch’ at the Centre
Cultural, Castillon la Bataille. We went
along and saw them last year and had a lovely evening. Reservations 06 80 72 65 60 To read about
them go to http://www.sudouest.fr/2013/07/19/boris-vian-le-jazzman-revisite-1118957-2820.php
24 July 21h : Cajan, Blues, Creole concert by ‘Maringouins’
at the Salle Clarisse Brian in Ste Foy la Grande as part of the
Musineraires. To find out more go to http://festival.paysfoyen.com/
24 July : Night markets in Blasimon and Monsegur
Thursday 25 July

25 July : Les Jeudis Gourmandes at Parc du Château in
25 July 21h15 :
Torch lit guided tour around Ste Foy old town.
25 July : Winemaker’s Quiz-rally. An amazing discovery of local wine producers
who open their doors and introduce you to the secrets of wine. For more information visit Vac’Dor Voyages by
the Grand Pineuilh Leclerc.
25 July : Tapas and wine evening. Let Elizabeth guide your tastebuds through
the paring of wines and tapas. For more information visit Vac’Dor Voyages by
the Grand Pineuilh Leclerc.
25 July : Night markets in Ste Foy La Grande and Duras
26 July 21h : Concert by ‘Heureuz Zarar’ at Chateau
Rabouchet in Pineuilh as part of the To find out more go to http://festival.paysfoyen.com/
26 July : Battle of Castillon. One of the biggest shows in the Gironde. To find out more go to http://www.batailledecastillon.com/
26 – 27 – 28 July
: Fete de la Dordogne en Feux at Ste Terre Plage. Friday night starts the festivities
with a Soirée Avalanche de Mousse… Take one large foam machine and a disco, mix
together and enjoy…

26 July : Night markets in Flaujagues (If you mention to Les
Guinots that you read about the market
in the blog they will give you a welcome aperitif!) and Villefranch de Longchat
27 July from 8h : If you like old cars aand motorbikes then
head over to Vignonet. The day includes
a visit to a local winemaker, a vide grenier and a chance for 6 – 14 year olds
to have a go at motocross in a secure set-up.
The evening will include a meal and fireworks. Read more about it here http://www.saint-emilion-tourisme.com/fr/agenda.html?m=07&id=849
27 July – 7 August : The 26th Festival de Gensac
by the Gironde Chamber Orchestra (OCG). The first Concert Decouverte is at 21h
at the church in Lapouyade. To reserve a
free place call 05 57 49 42 89
27 July 17h: Concert de fin de stage choral Pro Musica at
the Eglise Notre Dame in Ste Foy as part of the Musitineraires. To find out more go to http://festival.paysfoyen.com/
27 July : Battle of Castillon. One of the biggest shows in the Gironde. To find out more go to http://www.batailledecastillon.com/

27 July 19h30 – 23h30 : Chateau Font Vidal in Juillac hosts their
annual Marche d’ete. Music by Blues/Rock
group ‘Brother Jack’, Consider reserving a place (or a table) as space is
limited 05 57 40 55 58
27 – 28 July : Portes ouvertes at Chateau Galouchey in
Gensac. See the poster for full details
of all the events over the 2 days.
Sunday 28 July
28 July : Lussac Foire a tout
28 July : Sainte
Foy la Grande, les Puces du cœur de la Bastide
28 July 18h : Gironde Chamber Orchestra (OCG) concert
Decouverte held at Gensac church. Reservations 05 57 47 43 69 / 15 57 47 46 67. Adults €18 Children €5. To see the full programme go to http://ocg.free.fr/spip.php?article45
Coming up…
Franco British Week
24 to 31 August
Many towns and villages,
particularly here in SW France, hold a Franco British Day or even a weekend,
but in Ste Foy la Grande we are unique in devoting a whole week to bring
together the French and English communities.
All the events during the week are aimed not just to be pleasurable but
to enhance the integration of our communities.

A fun feature is the
“design a hat competition”. During the
coming weeks many local shops, services and your local Marie, will display the
FBW poster and have the detailed programme for you to take, but more about the
“Design a hat competition” in our next
blog. So watch this space.
A word of advice, if you
see an event which want to enjoy – book early!!!
And finally…
And there he was… watching the world go by… Have you seen
this flowerpot man in the area?
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