Anything and everything for sale in Baron. |
I never cease to be amazed at the variety of items that are
for sale at a brocante or a vide grenier!
The lines between the two are blurred and it seems that anything goes
Baron was no exception. The huge event
sprawled through the village and out into the field.
Which leads nicely on to the Fete de la Gastronomie which is
now in its 3rd Year. Follow the link below to see what’s going on
near to you.
Whatever you do in the Gironde and the Dordogne region –
have a great week.
Best wishes,
Week 38 2013
Monday 16 September
Tuesday 17 September
Wednesday 18 September
18 September : Photograph Exhibition by Laura Souque and Florent Pacaud at the Salle de Cascante in Castillon. Free entry, Vernissage at 18h30 on Wednesday, ehibition runs until 30 September.

18 September 16h : Behind the Candelabra (Ma Vie avec Liberace) is showing in VO at the Grandecran in Libourne.
Based on the autobiographical novel, the tempestuous 6-year
relationship between Liberace and his (much younger) lover, Scott Thorson, is
recounted. Starring Matt Damon, Scott
Bakula, Michael Douglas and Eric Zuckerman.
Thursday 19 September
19 September 19h25 : Behind
the Candelabra (Ma Vie avec Liberace) is showing in VO at the Grandecran in
19 – 20 – 21 September : ‘From Pirates to Phantom’ a musical
trip dow memory lane by MADS. A musical
evening at Chateau Issigeac. To find out
more, and to buy tickets call 05 53 24 56 11 or contact mads.bookings@gmail.com
Friday 20 September
20 – 21 – 22 September
: Fete de la Gastronomie. To find
out more including which restaurants, Boulangers, Charcouteries and markets are
taking part please go to http://www.gastronomie-libournais.com/index.php/participants?limitstart=0
20 September 16h : Behind
the Candelabra (Ma Vie avec Liberace) is showing in VO at the Grandecran in
20 – 21 September :Le Belvedere Restaurant in Juillac, in
partnership with Les Guinots celebrates the Fete de la gastronomie with a special
menu. To reserve call 05 57 47 40 33
Saturday 21 September
21 September 18h : Frances
Ha is showing in VO at Ciname La Breche in St Foy la Grande

September 20h30 : Les Guyennos are performing ‘Saisons’ a musical comedy in the
Salle des fetes in Blasimon.
September 20h : Repas paëlla animé par la banda des bleuets
Salle des fêtes, Ste Foy la Grande
Entrée : 15€ // 8€ - de 12 ans // gratuit - de 5 ans
Renseignements - réservations (avant le 18.09) :
Association Tempête de sable
21 September 21h45 : Behind
the Candelabra (Ma Vie avec Liberace) is showing in VO at the Grandecran in
21 - 22 September : Medieval Weekend at the Commanderie Templiere d'Arveyres. Lots to see and do over the 2 days.
Sunday 22 September
22 September : If you love all things horsey then you should head to the centre of Ste Foy for the day. Starting with a procession of 200 horses through the centre of the town at 11h. There will be horse rides for children, trips in pony and trap and many other events, culminating in a show at 18h in the Jardin Public. To see the full programme click on the poster, or go to http://www.scoop.it/t/coeurdebastide
22 September : Brocante in Moulon 33420
22 September :
Les Puces de la Bastide in Sainte Foy la Grande.
22 September 13h45 & 20h30 : Behind the Candelabra (Ma Vie avec Liberace) is showing in VO at
the Grandecran in Libourne.
September 15h : Les Guyennos are performing ‘Saisons’ a musical comedy in the
Salle des fetes in Blasimon.
Coming up…

And finally…
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