Can you believe that it’s less than 100 days (or sleeps!)
until Christmas? I’m already receiving information about Christmas Markets, so
if you are holding one, or know of one please let me know. I’m always keen to receive your contributions
about event and activities in and around the Gironde and Dordogne regions, send
me pictures, posters and words and I’ll include them in the relevant weeks.
Have a good week, I guess we’ll all be at the pottery and
art exhibition next weekend, there
really isn’t much I can find going on…
Best wishes,
Week 39 2013
Monday 23 September
Tuesday 24 September
Wednesday 25 September
25 September 16h : Blue
Jasmine is showing in English (VO) at the Grandecran in Libourne.
A New York socialite deeply troubled and in denial, arrives
in San Francisco to impose upon her sister. She looks a million, but isn't
bringing money, peace, or love...
Starring Cate Blanchett, Alec Baldwin and Peter Sarsgaard.
26 September 20h : The Bristol Men's Choir are performing in tthe St Medard de Guizieres church. Entrance €5 reserved (06 06 65 70 71) €8 on the night.
Friday 27 September
27 – 29 September
: 5th Festival de Musiques Anciennes de la Reole. To find out more and see the full
programme please go to http://www.lesrichesheuresdelareole.fr/
Saturday 28 September
28 – 29 September : Marché des Artisans d'art et
Potiers is in and around St Emilion at the following venues: Cloître de la
Collégiale, Logis de Malet, Tonnellerie Demptos, Salle gothique. It’s always lovely to walk around
between the exhibitions and see (and buy if you want) a wide range of arts and
28 September 18h30 : Free Concert by the group Aleph Zero at the end of the exhibition by Laura Souque and Florent Pacaud at the Salle Cascante in Castillon.
28 September 18h30 : Free Concert by the group Aleph Zero at the end of the exhibition by Laura Souque and Florent Pacaud at the Salle Cascante in Castillon.
29 September : Brocante Vide grenier around the church in
Mouliets et Villemartin.
29 September :
Les Puces du Coeur de la Bastide in Ste Foy la Grande
29 September : Artisans D'Art in St Emilion, see the list of venues above.
Who knew James Bond drove a car like this…
Or that one tin of car paint could cover so many cars…
Or that there's always space for a picnic, no matter how small your car is...
We saw these cars at St Medard on our
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