Do you know that the Battle of Castillon in returning to the 7
hectare stage this summer. After a year away,
the new and improved Battle is back!
Still at the same site, on the hills of Belves, behind Castillon, the
Battle has had a makeover. There are still over 400 volunteers performing, and
horses, hounds, geese and goats still play their part.
The format has changed.
There’s only one act lasting an hour and a half. Eric le Collen is still directing and the
French and English are still at war… who will win?
If you want tickets (and you really should support this
event please!), or if you’d like to volunteer and be part of the Battle which
runs from July 15th – August 20th, visit the website http://www.batailledecastillon.com/index_en.html
or drop into the office which is currently above the Tourist Office in
Castillon. (Even the Battle Office is
having a makeover)
Best wishes,
Week 23 2016
Monday 30 May
Tuesday 31 May
Wednesday 1 June
1 – 22 June : Exphibition by Azama ‘effilochee’ at the Salle Gothique in St Emilion
Thursday 2 June
2 – 30 June : Art Exhibition at L’Espace Tourisme et vin at
the Vitrine in Pays Foyen (by the Grande Pineuilh Leclerc)
Friday 3 June
3 June : Soiree Moules Frites at the Relais de Naujan at
Naujan et Postiac.
3 June 20h30 : Les Grandes Heures de Saint-Emilion vous
attendent nombreux pour le concert "Musique et Vins dans les
Châteaux" au
Château Haut-Sarpe.
Au programme : Trio Fontanarosa qui interprétront du Brahms et du Schubert.
Au programme : Trio Fontanarosa qui interprétront du Brahms et du Schubert.
To book go here
3 June 20h30 : Sea Shanties.
Lioube perform at the church in Ste Colombe Entrance €8

3 June 20h45 : Concert with music from the Middle Ages in
the church at Grezillac. Entrance €10
3 June 20h45 : Poly Sons in Concert in the church at St
Laurent des Hommes

3 – 5 June :
Porte Ste Foy et Ponchapt hosts the Journees de la Biodiversite Associative. Find out all about everything on the subject
of climate change, dine at the Marches Gourmands and visitis the stands and displays.
Concert on Saturday night too.
3 – 4 – 5 June: A rare opportunity to see behind the doors
of the private chateau which once belonged to St Michel de Montagne (the one I
wrote about last week). This weekend,
not only can you visit his tower, you can also visit inside the restored
private chateau. Reservations
recommended 05 53 58 63 93
3 -4 -5 June : France
celebrated the 14th Rendez-Vous aux jardins. Click the link here and
follow Acceder au Programme to find a garden to visit near you.
3 – 4 – 5 June :
Le Bruit du Chateau in Pujols. A weekend
full of music

3 – 4 – 5 June : Festival Country at St Martin de Gurson.
All things Country! Think cowboy boots,
line dancing, rock’n’roll, there’s even chilli con carne on the menu. Free entry
Saturday 4 June
4 June : Lamothe Montravel Fete. Games, activities, fishing, night market and
fete de la Musique

4 June : Vide
grenier at the Ecole de l’Epinette, Libourne

4 June : Les
Mardis Soir in Concert at Lamothe
4 June : 19h : Repas Festif at Pessac. In the Foyer Communal – don’t forget your
4 June 19h : Music a l’Euille at the Espace Rene Lazare,
Targon. Concerts, night markets,
artisans and fireworks.
4 June : Marche Nocturne at Saint Jean de Blaignac with
entertainment from Diamond’s Girls, Cristal Diamant’s and Le Group Pee Wee
4 June 20h : Soiree Cabaret in Branne, featuring Pacific Spectacles. Entrance €45
4 June 20h30 : Mozaic Jazz Band at the Centret Culturel in
Castillon. Entrance €15 Includes buffet
and wine tasting

4 June 20h30 :
Concert at Chateau de Duras Entre 2 Sons
Entrance €12
4 June 21h : Theatre and Urban Dance in Espiet.
4 June 21h : Following the success of their last singing and
dancing concert, the Choral des Bastides are in Levignac de Guyenne. €12 entrance to dance. Cake and drinks available.

4 – 5 June : Pineuilh en Fete. All the fun of the fair at
the sports field in Pineuilh. I think
this is what was the Bandas. There’s
still Bandas, but now there’s so much more, and fireworks on
Saturday night.
Sunday 5 June
5 June : Brocante at Capitourlan
5 June : Vide
Grenier, Vide Jardin at the ecole de Garderose in Libourne
5 June Vide
Grenier in Lugaignac
5 June : Vide grenier
in Route de la Chapelle in Castillon la Bataille
5 June :
Foire à tout at Montcaret
5 June 15h30 : Organ Concert at the Collgiades in St
Emilion. €Entrance €15

5 June 18h : Concert Lyrique in the church at Pujols. Entrance
Coming up…

And finally…
Spring fashion…
... need I say more?
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