Many thanks to everyone who came and supported me at the Rencontre des Savoir Faire in Sauveterre. Lots of people had try at throwing a pot on the wheel, no age limits, from 5 years old to 87.
Whatever you do this week in the Gironde and Dordogne regions, have a great time.
Best wishes,
Week 40
Monday 1 OctoberTuesday 2 October
Wednesday 3 October
Thursday 4 October
4 October : Seniors Faites du Sport at the Lac de Gurson.
4 - 5 - 6 October : Fripery in Ste Foy la Grande
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Friperie is a thrift shop |
Friday 5 October
5 October 18:30 : Vernissage for the art exhibition in the Espace Tourism et Vins in Pineuilh.
5 - 6 - 7 : Foire aux Vins at the Caves de Rauzan
Saturday 6 October
6 October 9h30 : Walk against Cancer in Pujols.
6 October : African Dance Courses in Ste Foy la Grande.
6 October : Fiesta at the Stade Mirambeau in Castillon
6 October : Soiree Concert in Coutras.
6 October from 19h : Big Ed and the Red Balls are back playing live in Castillon at the Beer Bar.
6 - 7 October : Castillon supports Octobre Rose - Breast Cancer awareness month.
6 - 7 October : Vide Maison in Les Salles de Castillon - 4 lieu dit Ratagou.
6 - 7 October : Marche de Gout in St Emilion - spread through the village, plenty to taste and discover.
Sunday 7 October
7 October : Vide Grenier Brocante in Libourne
7 October : Vide Grenier in Saint Avit Saint Nazaire
7 October : Vide Grenier in Saint Denis de Pile
7 October 8h30 : Walk against Cancer in Castillon, visit Chateau Ferrasse and Chateau Chainchon
7 October 14h : Dancing at the Salles des Fetes in St Sulplice de Faleyrens.
7 October 16h : Concert at the church in La Sauve-Majeur
Coming up...
And finally...
It really is time to take our heads out of the sand... Brexit is moving closer with a grim inevitability. For most of us Titre de Sejour would appear to be the best (only?) option. My lovely friends have been looking into the best way to move forward with this - see below.
Meanwhile, if there's anybody out there who has successfully negotiated this process, and would be happy to share tips, hints and helpful advice, please don't hesitate to get in touch here.
Here is the check list for the file for retirees with a lot of help
from Brigitte and Peter.
1. Formulaire de demande de rendezvous pour demande de deliverance d’un premier Titre de Sejour.
can be down loaded from internet. Go into prefet de la gironde Click on
Demarches administrative and then go down to Titre de Sejour and click
on that. Then click on formulaires de rendez-vous et notices
explications. Then click on FORMULAIRE B - PREMIER TITRE DE SEJOUR and
then click on the format on which you can print it. There are four pages
to print and we think each individual should fill in the boxes as even
married couple will require card each.
Are you with us so far?
With this formulaire must be a letter stating you wish to apply for a
‘Carte de Sejour ~ Citoyen UE/EEE/Suisse - Sejour permanent ~.’
This should be addressed to Monsieur Le Prefet,
Prefecture de la Gironde,
DASP - Service Etrangers,
2, esplanade Charles de Gaulle,
CS 41397
33077 Bordeaux Cedex
tant que citoyen europeen ayant eu plus de 5 ans de sejour legal et
ininterrompu en France, je souhaite reclamer une de Carte de Sejour
“Citoyen UE/EEE/Suisse - Sejour permanent”.
Je suis resident de France depuis xxxxx et j’habite a xxxxx .
suis a la retraite avec une pension de vieillesse britannique, et je
suis inscrit a la CPAM de Bordeaux pour ma couverture sante.
trouverez ci-joint, les pieces correspondant a ma situation. Je me
tiens a votre disposition pour tout renseignement complementaire.
l’attente d’une response favourable, je vous prie de bien vouloir
recevoir, Monsieur Le Prefet, l’expression de ma haute consideration.
Name and signature.
This is just a basis for the letter which will change according to your circumstance.
3. Copy of passport.
4. Copies of 5 year’s electric, water or gas bills.
5. Copies of five years French tax returns.
6. 3 x passport type photos.
7. Attestation of healthcover from CPAM or copy of Carte de Vitale should do it.
Tax returns show address, proof of income and length of
residency. Passport and Carte Vitale and 3 x photos should be enough,
but that would be too easy.
If you go to web
site Service- and find Europeen en France: carte de sejour
Citoyen UE/EEE/Suisse - Sejour permanent, you will get latest list of
requirements for self employed, salaried etc.
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