The autumn colours on the Dordogne are beautiful and at the end of the day we often have an egret flyby!
Whatever you do in the Dordogne and Gironde regions this week, have a great time.
Best wishes,
Monday 8 October
Tuesday 9 October
Wednesday 10 October
10 October - 10 November : Art exhibition in Branne by Jannine Giraud-Roumage
10 - 31 October : In the run up to Hallowe'en, training for witches and wizards in Castillon.
Thursday 11 October
Friday 12 October
12 October : Find out more about food at the market in Libourne.
12 -13 -14 October : 39th Grande Brocante in Rauzan. Entrance €2.50
Saturday 13 October
13 October : Vide grenier de l'ecole Montessori et plus encore in St Laurent de Combes
13 October : Ruch of Course. Walks for all in Ruch
13 October : Salon du Bien etre in Castillon at the Centre Culturel.
13 October : Concert and soiree gourmande in Lugaignac
13 October 19h30 : Fete des Vendanges in Pomerol.
13 October 20h : Poule au Pot in Blasimon
13 October 20h : Poule au Pot in Pineuilh
13 October 20h : Soiree fest y'solidaire in the Salle des Fetes in Pujols.
13 October 20h45 : Mozaic Jazz Band in Concert in St Laurent des Hommes
Sunday 14 October
14 October : Vide grenier pour la Fete Foraine in Lussac
14 October : Vide Grenier in St Quentin du Baron
14 October : Vide Grenier/Vide ta Chambre in Castillon
14 October : Brocante vide grenier in St Magne de Castillon
14 October 9h : walking and running for Cancer at the Lac des Dagueys in Libourne
Coming up...

Continuing our look into 'life after Brexit' thanks to Peter and Brigitte, this is an interesting European Commission Memo and the Agreement so far on the rights of UK nationals in the EU.
Feedback is suggesting that information varies from department to department. It appears that
Gironde is taking a stand to reject the applications as 'Brexit has not yet happened'. Does anyone have any other up-to-date information? Is there anyone out there actually in possession of a Titre de Sejour?
Please don't hesitate to get in touch if you have anything to add. All information is welcome.
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