What an amazing rainstorm on Saturday evening – it would
easily rival a tropical storm! Such a
surprise after the beautifully warm and calm Friday evening at Rauzan Night
market. The Night Market was excellent,
a wide selection of food stands, a choice of wines and the Bandas Leo
entertaining everyone.
Plenty to do this week, there is Les Grands Crus
Musicaux, running from 11 -25 July and the continuing programme of Les Scenes d’ete.
And not forgetting , Bastille Day, the French national
holiday, commemorating the storming of the Bastille, which took place on 14
July 1789 and marked the beginning of the French Revolution. It marked the end of absolute monarchy, the
birth of the sovereign Nation, and, eventually, the creation of the (First)
Republic, in 1792. But to me it will
always be French Firework Night, and most towns and villages have their own
Have a good week and enjoy the fireworks,
Bandas de Leo at Rauzan. |
Best wishes,
Week 28
Monday 9 July
9 July 14h, 20h and 22h10 : The Angels’ Share is showing
in VO at the Grandecran in Libourne. I
went to see it, it made me laugh, it shocked me, and sometimes I needed the
French subtitles to follow the broad Scottish accents. I came out happy – go and see what you think.
This bitter sweet comedy follows protagonist Robbie as he
sneaks into the maternity hospital to visit his young girlfriend Leonie and
hold his newborn son Luke for the first time. Overwhelmed by the moment, he
swears that Luke will not have the same tragic life he has had. Escaping a
prison sentence by the skin of his teeth, he's given one last chance......While
serving a community service order, he meets Rhino, Albert and Mo who, like him,
find it impossible to find work because of their criminal records. Little did
Robbie imagine how turning to drink might change their lives - not cheap
fortified wine, but the best malt whiskies in the world. Will it be 'slopping
out' for the next twenty years, or a new future with 'Uisge Beatha' the 'Water
of Life?' Only the angels know........
Tuesday 10 July
10 July 14h, 20h and 22h10 : The Angels’ Share is showing
in VO at the Grandecran in Libourne. I
went to see it, it made me laugh, it shocked me, and sometimes I needed the
French subtitles to follow the broad Scottish accents. I came out happy – go and see what you think.
10 July 19h00:
Orgue et Bombarde Saint-Emilion - Eglise
Mélodie, danse, cantique de Bretagne
Entrée : 10€,
suivi d'une dégustation dînatoire : 6€
Dans le cadre des Collégiades de Saint-Emilion.
Wednesday 11 July
11 July : Party in the Park at Chateau Fayolle Luzac,
Fougueyrolles 33220. Information 05 53
73 83 69
11 - 26 July :
Festival Les Grandes Crus Musicaux. Manifestation proposée par
Association Les Grands Crus Musicaux - Marc Lafore. The concerts are a combination of the love of music and grands crus classes. The concerts are followed by a wine tasting. To see more and find out about the programme go to : http://www.grandscrusmusicaux.com/
Association Les Grands Crus Musicaux - Marc Lafore. The concerts are a combination of the love of music and grands crus classes. The concerts are followed by a wine tasting. To see more and find out about the programme go to : http://www.grandscrusmusicaux.com/
11 July 20h30
: Anne Queffelec (Récital de Piano), Château Cheval Blanc
33330 Saint-Emilion Renseignement : 0561918191
33330 Saint-Emilion Renseignement : 0561918191
Thursday 12 July
12 July : Duras Night Market with music by 12
François Mary (Jazz manouche)
Friday 13 July
13 – 14 – 15 July : 24 Fete du Pain, Mensignac. 3 days of fun and entertainment, staring on
Friday with a Night market and a Bandas, and finishing on Sunday with
13 July : Grande Fete Populaire at Flaujagues, it is always popular, reservations 05 57
40 08 03 . 05 57 40 25 70
13 Juillet 20h30 :
Château d'Agassac, Ludon-Médoc
Duo Violoncelle - Piano
Henri DEMARQUETTE, Violoncelle
Marc LAFORET, Piano
Duo Violoncelle - Piano
Henri DEMARQUETTE, Violoncelle
Marc LAFORET, Piano
13 July : Repas dansant at Pessac-sur-Dordogne
13 July :
Marche nocturne, Blasimon
13 July 19h : Repas Dansant at Pujols
13 July : Jazz at Café l’Orient in Libourne
13 - 14 - 15 July : Fete de la Riviere at Branne. Staring with a soiree Moules Frites on Friday, Marche Nocturne on Saturday and 'Des Balles en Halles' and Fireworks on Sunday.
Saturday 14 July – Bastille Day
14 July : Brocante
vide-greniers at Saint Medard de Guiziers
14 July :
Vide greniers at Eymet
14 July : Repas
Dansant sur la place du village at Gensac
14 juillet 22h30 :
Bal du 14 juillet, Saint-Emilion Feu d'artifice
Organisé par
la ville de Saint-Emilion.
Tiré depuis la Tour du Roy. Suivi d'un bal populaire à l'Espace Guadet.
Tiré depuis la Tour du Roy. Suivi d'un bal populaire à l'Espace Guadet.
14 July –
Foire a la brocante Foire a tout. Velines,
this is a big one and spreads all through the village.
14 July : Fetes du 14 Juillet, Castillon-la-Bataille,
petanque, rugby, repas grillades, and fireworks – these are usually pretty
impressive and are displayed from the stone bridge. A good place to watch is from infront of the
Chai au Quai as they sometimes have fireworks that float down onto the river.
15 July : Grand
Vide grenier au hameau de Touron, Pujols. (bordure D17 axe Castillon-Sauveterre)
15 July : Vide greniers at Caplong 33220
15 July : Brocante at Eymet.
15 July : Vide Grenier Brocante at Saint Avit Senieur
Coming up…
Du Jeudi 19 au
Dimanche 22 Juillet 2012 Saint-Emilion Jazz Festival
4 jours, 24 h de Musique, 16 concerts, 65 Musiciens…
And finally...
Jo shall be running the children's pottery workshops on the following mornings;
9.30 - 11.30
15 euros per child ( 10 euros if 4 years and under, accompanied by an adult )
Contact Jo on joandstuart@orange.fr
Great info - tks Helen
ReplyDeleteHoward & Lil