The Perry Taylor exhibition ‘Petites Gasconneries’ opened
this week and runs from 31 May – 27 September at the Musee Souterrain de St
Emilion, 21 rue André Loiseau. His
wonderful cartoons capture life in rural France. Find out more about him on Facebook or http://perrytaylor.fr/en/
I’d like to thank TC for his ‘two pennorth’ on the debate about
fleuves and rivieres: There
are 5 main Fleuves in France, La Seine; La Loire;La Gironne;le Loire and Le
Rhine. These are like the main arteries which originate in a source and always
flow into the sea. The Rivieres are tributaries of each of the Fleuves and always
flow from the Fleuve, never the other way round. I'm not an authority, just
remembering a course I took in French before I came out here, and this was one
of the subjects we were examined on.
![]() |
Perry Taylor sketch. |
Whatever you do this week, have a
sunny time in the Gironde and Dordogne regions.
Best wishes,
Week 23 2015
Monday 1 June
1 – 30 June : Pays’Art Pastel Exhibition at the Centre
Commercial Grand Pineuilh
Wednesday 3 June
3 June : Open
Gardens at Domaine de Colombat, St Etienne de Puycombier 24400
3 June 20h30 :
soirée "schubertiades" avec Guillaume Coppola à Croix Canon.
Le programme : Franz Schubert 1797-1828
Douze Valses nobles op 77 D969 (1827)
Sonate n°5 en la mineur op 164 D 537 (1817)
Valses sentimentales op 50 D779 (Extraits) (1825)
Mélodie hongroise en si mineur D 817 (1824)
Franz Liszt 1811-1886
Soirée de Vienne n°3 (Valse-caprice d’après Schubert) (1823)
Le programme : Franz Schubert 1797-1828
Douze Valses nobles op 77 D969 (1827)
Sonate n°5 en la mineur op 164 D 537 (1817)
Valses sentimentales op 50 D779 (Extraits) (1825)
Mélodie hongroise en si mineur D 817 (1824)
Franz Liszt 1811-1886
Soirée de Vienne n°3 (Valse-caprice d’après Schubert) (1823)
Guillaume Coppola, invité de Philippe Cassard.
et achats des billets : http://www.grandesheuresdesaintemilion.fr/tarifs-et-reserva…
Thursday 4 June
4 June 14h : Lost
River is showing in VO at the Grandecran in Libourne
A single mother is swept into a dark underworld, while her
teenage son discovers a road that leads him to a secret underwater town.
Starring Christina Hendricks, Iain De Caestecker, Matt Smith
Friday 5 June
5 June 14h : Lost
River is showing in VO at the Grandecran in Libourne
5 June 18h : Invitation to the Vernisage Pays’Arts Pastel at the Centre Conmmercial,
Grand Pineuilh.
5 – 7 June :
Journees de la Biodiversite Associative in Porte Ste Foy et Ponchapt

Saturday 6 June
6 June 14h : Lost
River is showing in VO at the Grandecran in Libourne
6 June : Le
vide-grenier de la Fête de la presqu'île de Condat at parvis de la chapelle de
(Avenue du
Port du Roy)

6 June :
Marche Nocturne at St Jean de Blaignac
6 June :
Marche Gourmande St Pey de Castets
6 June :
Fete de la Biere Artisanal at Saint Leon

6 – 7 June :
Pineuilh en Fete ! Featuring
the Bandas ! If you have never
been, it’s well worth a visit. There are
several Bandas (walking brass bands traditionally from the south west of
France) who move around amongst the people and ‘play-off’ against each other. The evening ends with fireworks.
Sunday 7 June
7 June : Vide
Grenier at Cabara 33420
7 June : Vide Grenier at Pineuilh as part of the
Pineuilh en fete.
7 June :
Vide Grenier at Capitourlan 33350
7 June :
Foire a tout in Gensac 33890

7 June :
Foire a tout in Montcaret 24230
7 June :
Vide grenier at Montagne
7 June :Vide Grenier and flea market at La Sauve
7 June : Vide grenier at Park Guadet (at the top end of
the village) in St Emilion
7 June 14h : Lost
River is showing in VO at the Grandecran in Libourne
Coming up…
8 June 20h15 : Lost
River is showing in VO at the Grandecran in Libourne
A single mother is swept into a dark underworld, while her
teenage son discovers a road that leads him to a secret underwater town.
Starring Christina Hendricks, Iain De Caestecker, Matt Smith
And finally…
It’s around about now when you should prune your cherry
trees. Wait until the last of the
have been picked and eaten, then prune out the dead branches and the
extra growth.
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