This week has France’s biggest national holiday. 14th July is Bastille Day, it commemorates the storming of the Bastille, which took place on 14 July 1789 and marked the beginning of the French Revolution. Although the Bastille only held seven prisoners at the time of its capture, the storming of the prison was a symbol of liberty and the fight against oppression for all French citizens. It marked the end of absolute monarchy, the birth of the sovereign Nation, and, eventually, the creation of the (First) Republic, in 1792.
Bastille Day was declared the French national holiday on 6
July 1880, on Benjamin Raspail's recommendation, when the new Republic was
firmly entrenched. Bastille Day has such a strong signification for the French
because the holiday symbolizes the birth of the Republic.

Wherever you celebrate Bastille Day in the Gironde and
Dordogne regions have a great week.
Best wishes,
A couple of Exhibitions in St Emilion – open through July.

Week 29 2015
Monday 13 July
13 July : Night Market in Pessac featuring the accordionist Michael

13 July : Night Market in Blasimon, live music and fireworks
13 July : Grand fete in Flaujagues with fireworks
13 July :
Soiree Moules Frites Villefranche de Longchat
13 July : Velines night market with Fireworks
Tuesday 14 July
14 July :
Brocante Vide grenier in Prignac et Marcamps
14 July : Vide Grenier in Caplong

14 July :
Vide grenier and local market in Castillon la Bataille
14 July : Vide
Greniers in Saint Medard de Guiziers
14 July : Foire
Tout at Velines
14 July :
Fete du Vin et de la Riviere in Castillon.
Lots to see, try and look at along the waterfront in Castillon. Followed in the evening with a meal and then
fireworks on the stone bridge.

14 July : Eymet night
14 July : La Piste Gourmande, Sadirac
Wednesday 15 July
15 July : Night market in Monsegur
Thursday 16 July
16 July : Night
market in Duras featuring Philippe Chevalliez (DJ)
16 July : Les
Jeudis Gourmands Parc Gabriel Forestier, Eymet
Friday 17 July
17 July 16h15 : Love &
Mercy is showing in VO at the Grandecran in Libourne
In the 1960s, Beach Boys leader Brian Wilson struggles with
emerging psychosis as he attempts to craft his avant-garde pop masterpiece. In
the 1980s, he is a broken, confused man under the 24-hour watch of shady therapist
Dr. Eugene Landy. Starring John Cusac, Pau Dano and Elisabeth Banks
17 July : Villefranche de Longchat night market
17 July 20h30 : Choir Concert at the St Church in Les Leves
to start their Local weekend Fete.
17 July 21h : Concert in Pellegrue as part of the 25th
17 – 18 – 19 July : St Emilion Jazz Festival. Concerts throughout the weekend in St
Emilion. 13 groups, 14 concerts and 10
free concerts. Find out more here http://www.saint-emilion-jazz-festival.com/
Saturday 18 July
18 July : Night Market at St Meard de Gurcon
18 – 19 July : Fete Locale at Les Leves – Meal and 80 music
18 – 19 July : Fete Locale at St Jean de Blaignac – night market,
DJ and Fireworks
Sunday 19 July
19 July : Fete de la Riviere in Branne
19 July : Vide grenier in Les Leves et Thoumeyragues
19 July : Foire a tout in Lussac
19 July : Vide grenier
in Montagne
19 July : Vide Grenier in Ruch
19 July : Brocante Vide Grenier in Saint Jean de Blaignac
19 July : Vide Grenier in Eymet
19 July : Vide Grenier in Pujols
19 July : Basket Festival in Issegeac. Over 50 willow weavers and basket makers come
together at this annual festival.
Coming up…
20 July 16h15 : Love&
Mercy is showing in VO at the Grandecran in Libourne

And Finally…
Here’s some things for children to do too. Also, if the dates don’t fit with your plans,
try calling the person organising the activity as it could be possible
that they can arrange a date and an activity that works for you both.

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