Last weekend, through the rains we went to see the Artisans at work in Saint Croix du Mont. There were plenty to see, not to mention a couple of potters with beautiful items.
In the centre courtyard was Little Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad wolf, not far away from Grandma working on her knitting. Sculptures by Dominique Perez of Saint Aulaye.
Whatever you do this week in the Gironde and Dordogne regions, have a good time.
Best wishes,
Week 15
Monday 9 April
9 - 10 April Circus training in Libourne
Tuesday 10 April
Wednesday 11 April
11 April 14h, 16h15 & 19h30 : Kings is showing at the Grandecran in Libourne.
The life of a foster family in South Central Los Angeles, a few weeks before the city erupts in violence following the verdict of the Rodney King trial.Starring Halle Berry, Daniel Craig and Lamar Johnson
Thursday 12 April
12 April : Pub Quiz at the Gensake in Gensac. In aid of SWAT.
12 April 14h, 16h15 & 19h30 : Kings is showing at the Grandecran in Libourne
Friday 13 April
13 April 14h, 16h15 & 19h30 : Kings is showing at the Grandecran in Libourne
13 April 18h30 : Vernisage for the Exhibition by Gerard Dhennin in l'Espace Tourism et vins in Pineuilh
13 April : Opening night for the Belvedere on the hill behind Pessac
13 April : Franco-Brittanique Quiz in the Salle des Fete in Le Fleix. Please reserve ahead of time.
13 April 20h30 : Concert in the Salle Clarisse Brian, Ste Foy - Un Dernier Becaud pour la Route.
13 - 14 April : Fripery (Thrift shop) in Ste Foy, 14 rue Jean-Louis Faure run by the Lions Club.
Saturday 14 April
14 April : Brocante and flea market in the centre of Libourne
14 April : Dance classes in Ste Foy with Athanse Koffi.
14 April : Marbeling workshops with Jo Surridge.
14 April 14h & 19h30 : Kings is showing at the Grandecran in Libourne
14 April 17h30 : Samedis de Cabara in the Cafe de la Marne. The theme this time is :Traite des Noirs et Esclavage.
14 April 19h30 : Repas de Printemps et Karaoke in Caumont.
14 April : Gujarati Vegetarian Evening with Ela's wonderful food at the Cafe des Artes in Eymet. Reservations necessary.
14 April 20h30 : Jean-Claude Borelly and his golden trumpet perform at the Abbaye de Blasimon
14 April 20h30 : Soiree Paella in St Germaine de la Riviere
14 - 15 April : Ball-trap (clay pigeon shooting) in St Avit de Soulege.
Sunday 15 April
15 April : Marche aux Fleurs and Vide grenier in Duras
15 April : Vide grenier in Saint Medard de Guiziers
15 April : Vide grenier in Gardonne
15 April : Vide Greniers in Tayac
15 April 10h, 14h, 16h15 & 19h30 : Kings is showing at the Grandecran in Libourne
Coming up...
16 & 17 April 14h, 16h15 & 19h30 : Kings is showing at the Grandecran in Libourne
And finally...

The traps are easy to build and amazingly successful, just don’t empty them out, top them up with more bait, it’s true, nothing seems to be more effective at attracting another hornet, than a trapped one! The first traps should be laced with a mixture of beer, dry white wine and syrup (grenadine flavour is good, but any sweet syrup will work). The beer and syrup attract the hornet and the white wine will repel the bees.
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