Vintage Motorbikes in Castillon |
There were some interesting bikes on parade as part of
the Tour de France by French motorcyclists (Ancients) as they prepared for an
overnight stop in Castillon on Monday evening. Mid-50s BSAs and Triumphs rubbed
shoulders with pre-war Terrots, Norton and BMWs, etc. A feast for the motorbike
Later in the week took me to the Arts and Crafts
Exhibition in Ste Foy where a beautiful pair of earrings hand made by http://www.belerionbijoux.com/ made
it into my collection.
Arts and Crafts in Ste Foy la Grande |
It may be back to school time and the leaves may be
changing colour, but there’s still plenty to do in the Gironde and Dordogne
Have a good week,
Best wishes,
PS - Welcome to
Mirambeau Nanci!
Week 36
2 - 8 September : Mozart’s Musical Magic in Aquitane
Music lovers in the region are in for a very special treat when Harry Ogg brings his Sinfonia d’Amici again to Aquitaine. Harry, has just graduated from Cambridge University and already has assistant conductor positions at Glyndebourne and Covent Garden for next year. The Sinfonia d’Amici is a highly talented orchestra of young musicians and with a superb cast of singers and the local Sottovoce choir they will perform one of the world’s greatest operas, Mozart’s “Don Giovanni” in three concert performances.
The concerts are organised by Ian Christians of the well- known Orpheus & Bacchus organization, and those of you who attended either last year’s Sinfonia d’Amici concerts or July’s Cambridge University Chamber Orchestra concerts will readily testify to experiencing breathtaking music.
2 - 8 September : Mozart’s Musical Magic in Aquitane
Music lovers in the region are in for a very special treat when Harry Ogg brings his Sinfonia d’Amici again to Aquitaine. Harry, has just graduated from Cambridge University and already has assistant conductor positions at Glyndebourne and Covent Garden for next year. The Sinfonia d’Amici is a highly talented orchestra of young musicians and with a superb cast of singers and the local Sottovoce choir they will perform one of the world’s greatest operas, Mozart’s “Don Giovanni” in three concert performances.
The concerts are organised by Ian Christians of the well- known Orpheus & Bacchus organization, and those of you who attended either last year’s Sinfonia d’Amici concerts or July’s Cambridge University Chamber Orchestra concerts will readily testify to experiencing breathtaking music.
Monday 3 September
20h10 and 22h10 : Jane
Eyre is in VO at Libourne Grandecran.
Tuesday 4 September
4 September 16h10 : Last chance to see Jane Eyre in VO at Libourne Grandecran.
4 – 11 September : Painting Exhibition by Gilles Olivier
Giron at the Salle Cascante in Castillon.
Vernissage at 18h30
4 September 20h30: Don Giovanni is being performed in
Italian by Sinfonia d'Amici
Choeur S'otto Voce with Harry Ogg, chef d'orchestre at the Eglise collégiale, St Emilion
Wednesday 5 September
Choeur S'otto Voce with Harry Ogg, chef d'orchestre at the Eglise collégiale, St Emilion
Wednesday 5 September
5 septembre 20h30 : Concert Dana Ciocarlie, piano Schumann
At Château
Siaurac, Les Grandes Heures de Saint-Emilion . For the full programme go to http://www.grandesheuresdesaintemilion.fr/Programme.html
5 septembre
18.00 : Chambre Music concerts at
Domaine de Faure (2km south of Gensac on the D16 to Pellegrue) given by members
of the orchestra. €10 with aperitif.
Dohnanyi: Serenade pour trio Ă chords, Poulenc: Sextette pour piano et
5 September : Night Market at Monsegur
6 September – 11 November :
Exhibition of images called Saint Emilion
in Winter is on display at the Tourist Office in St Emilion. For further
information http://www.saint-emilion-tourisme.com/fr/agenda.html?m=09&id=650
6 September at 20h30 : Don Giovanni is being performed in Italian by Sinfonia
Choeur S'otto Voce with Harry Ogg, chef d'orchestre at the Eglise de Notre Dame, Bergerac
Choeur S'otto Voce with Harry Ogg, chef d'orchestre at the Eglise de Notre Dame, Bergerac
6 September : Last Night Market in Duras, this one has
George Smith performing pop, rock and folk music.
6 September 21h : Lay
the Favorite (Lady Vegas -
Les MĂ©moires d'une joueuse) is showing in VO at the Eden Cinema
in Monsegur.
A drama/comedy centered on a thirtysomething woman who
becomes involved with a group of geeky fiftyish men who have found a way to
work the sportsbook system in Las Vegas to their advantage. Starring Bruce
Willis, Rebecca Hall, Vince Vaughn and Catherine Zeta-Jones.
Friday 7 September
7 septembre
17.00 : Chambre Music concerts at Domaine de Faure (2km
south of Gensac on the D16 to Pellegrue) given by members of the
orchestra. €10 with
Vivaldi: Concerto pour 4 violons en bémol mineur, Bach: Brandenburg
Concerto no.5
Château Ad
Francos, Les Grandes Heures de Saint-Emilion . For the full programme go to http://www.grandesheuresdesaintemilion.fr/Programme.html
7 September 21h : Pierre Offret, the organist from
Bordeaux cathedral is playing at the Eglise Notre Dame in Creon. Free Entry, donations welcome.
7 – 8 – 9 September : Festival Ouvre la Voix with
concerts in Creon and the surrounding towns and villages along the cycle path
including Sauveterre, Espiet and Frontenac.
To see the full programme go to http://www.rockschool-barbey.com/ouvre-la-voix/test-article-2/
7 – 8 – 9 September : Festival ryt’m et acoustic at the
Salle des Fetes, Ste Foy la Grande. 3 days of free music events including
concerts and other events (what is a Troc en Ryt’m…???)
Saturday 8 September
8 September 10h – 17h30 : Branne is holding a day to discover
the Associations in the area. Visit to
find out the clubs and groups in the Branne area. More info at http://www.cdc-brannais.fr/
8 September : Brocante Vide-greniers et Marché des Vendanges at Saint Genes
de Castillon 33350.
8 September : Vide Greniers at the Base nautique Chandos, Montpon
8 September Festival ‘Le Bruit de Château’ at Château de Pujols, live music
by Sofin Mustang and My Ant and a Marche Nocturne. €5 Entrance.

8 – 9 September : If
Skateboarding’s your thing head over to Libourne for 2 days of skateboarding
and concerts. More info at http://libslide.fr/
8 – 9 September : On the other hand
if you are more into 80’s music then Libourne is also offering 2 days of 80’s
themed activities including music and fashion.
More info at http://www.fetedesannees80.com/
Sunday 9 September
9 September : Brocante Vide Greniers at Pineuilh 33220
9 September : Vide Greniers at Pomerol.
9 September : Brocante Foire a tout at Saint Pey D’Armens
9 September : Brocante and Vide grenier at Frontenac 33760.
9 September :
Vide Grenier des Vendanges at Sainte Florence 33350
9 September : Golf Grand Prix at Golf Club St Meard. For more details go to http://saintmeardgolfclub.com/saintmeardgolfclub.com/Competitions.html
9 September Pessac Market has been cancelled.
Coming up…
13 – 14 – 15 September : MADS presents a production of
Shirley Valentine at Chateau Issigeac.
And finally...
Do you recognise this spot?
Walls have ears... here! |
Thank you!
ReplyDeleteYes It's in Issegac, (can't spell, corry) up the alley by the cafe where we have hot choc on a Sunday morning I think
ReplyDeleteYes! I'd never seen it before, but wandered down a little alley in Issigeac and there it was. Just had to share the picture.