Hard at work. |
A beautiful start to last week, we saw the most amazing
sunrise as we headed off to pick grapes at Chateau Claribes. The harvest went well and juice the
handpicked red grapes are sitting in the tank as I write this. We had a most enjoyable day, not least due to
the fabulous lunch time feast we were rewarded with.
If you are looking for people to help with a grape harvest,
or want to take part in one, please get in touch as I am collecting contacts to
link together.
Plenty going on in and around the Gironde and Dordogne area
next weekend – you’ll be spoilt for things to do.
Here's to a good vintage! |
Have a good week,
Best wishes
Week 41
Monday 8 October
Tuesday 9 October
Wednesday 10 October
10 October 17h30 : Marley
is playing in VO at the Rex Cinema in La Reole.
A documentary on the life, music, and legacy of Bob
Featuring Bob Marley, Ziggy Marley, and Jimmy Cliff.
10 October 21h : Lawless
(Des Hommes sans Loi) is playing on VO at the Eden Cinema in Monsegur.
Set in Depression-era Franklin County, Virginia, a
bootlegging gang is threatened by a new deputy and other authorities who want a
cut of their profits. Starring Tom Hardy, Shia LaBeouf and Guy Pearce.
Thursday 11 October
Friday 12 October
12 – 13 October : Fete des Vendanges at Ponchapt, for the
full programme go to http://www.port-sainte-foy.info/mairie/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/fete_des_vendanges_ponchapt_programme.pdf
12 October 17h : As in previous years, there will be the Fete des
Vindanges at Ponchapt. There's going to be music, food, craft stalls ( I'll be
there with some of my Christmas stock, if you can think that far in advance!!)
and various other things going on.
If you can make it, it will be good to see you there.
Best wishes,
If you can make it, it will be good to see you there.
Best wishes,
12 October 18h30 : Journee de l’Hispanite. Spanish cocktail
and Vernissage at the Salle Cascante provided by Casa Andaluz. Flamenco demonstration by ‘Ria Pita’. Launch
of the ‘Esprit 77’ meeting on the subject of ‘La Femme, object de publicite’.

12 -13 -14
October : ‘Du trait a la Vapeur’ at St Magne de Castillon. Le vendredi 12,
samedi 13 et dimanche 14 octobre 2012. « Du trait à la vapeur » à la salle
polyvalente ; exposition consacrée aux « Labours » (de la naissance de la
charrue jusqu'au début de la mécanisation agricole : de -6000 ans av.JC
jusqu'aux années 1950...)

A 20 h : repas Gerbebaude, infos tarifs. Réservation obligatoire au
12-13-14 October Fastival le Pressoir at Targon. 3 days of music, concerts, games, circus
performances and live shows. To see the
programme, find out more and see clips ahead of time go to http://www.myspace.com/lepressoir
Saturday 13 October
Ne manquez pas samedi 13 et dimanche 14 Octobre les permanences en Libournais "Vignobles & Chais en Bordelais". Des visites - dégustations vous seront proposés à la propriété.
Vous serez notamment accueilis en Pays Foyen :
13 October from 14h : 17eme Fete de la Citrouille at
Dardenac. Lots to do and see for all the
13 – 20 October :
Exposition ‘La Femme, objet de Pub’ at Salle Cascante, Castillon la Bataille.
Sunday 14 October
14 October : Vide
Grenier at Saint Quentin du Baron
14 October 10h :
6eme semi-marathon des satellites de St Emilion. To find out more including how to
enter (it’s not too late, and there’s a 5km course too) go to http://www.semimarathon-sat-st-emilion.com/
14 October :
Brocante Vide Greniers Collections at Le Pizou 24700
14 October : Vide armoire et brocante at Montpon
14 October : Vide armoire et brocante at Montpon
14 October :
Brocante d’Automne at Montpazier 24540

14 October : Vide tout at Branne
14 October : Vide greniers at Lussac
14 October 14h : Retour d'estive d'Annie at ses brebis at Daignac.
14 October 12h – 18h : Zumbathon at L’espace du Lac at
Bordeaux. Go to http://zumbanitas.com/evenements.html
for more information.
14 October 21h : Lawless
(Des Hommes sans Loi) is playing on VO at the Eden Cinema in Monsegur.
Set in Depression-era Franklin County, Virginia, a
bootlegging gang is threatened by a new deputy and other authorities who want a
cut of their profits. Starring Tom Hardy, Shia LaBeouf and Guy Pearce.
Coming up…

And finally…
What great promise ... |
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