Les Guinots held their first Night Market on Friday, and
there were worried eyes watching the heavens, but someone was smiling as the
evening stayed dry and it was a great success.
The car park in front of the the Cave co-operative was the
ideal size for the event and the tables soon filled up with a great mix of
people (though a football match did delay the start of proceedings for some).
We watched the sun go down over the vines and the energetic
amongst us danced throughout the evening.
Night market season has arrived!
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Thank you JS for the great sunset photo |
If you know if a night market near you, or you have another
event that you’d like mentioned on the blog then please send me some information. It’s never too late, I can update the blog
any time even after posting it. I still don't have dates for Castillon or Blasimon.
Whatever you do, have a great week in the Gironde and
Dordogne regions
Best wishes,
Week 28 2014
Monday 7 July
Tuesday 8 July
8 July : Night market in Eymet
8 July 20h30 : L'Orchestre de chambre de
l'université de Cambridge, sous la direction du Chef d'orchestre Patrick Milne.
ouverture de la flûte enchantée - Bartok: Dance Romanian - Ligeti - Concerto
Romanian - Beethoven : Symphonie n°3
Entrée : 20€
Réduit : 15€
Gratuit pour
les moins de 16 ans
Organisé dans le cadre des Collégiades de Saint-Emilion.
Wednesday 9 July
9 July : Night Market in Monsegur
Thursday 10 July
10 July : Night markets in Duras and Eymet
Friday 11 July
L’Exposition de l’association St Avit Sénieur Arts
Ouvre ses
Tous les jours de 14h00 à 18h00
Martine Sandoz
Peintures et
dessins www.martinesandoz.blogspot.com
Corine Oosterlee
François Moscardini
Prospectives artistiques
Sylvie Hénot
mixtes www.sylviehenot.com
vendredi 11 juillet à 18h00
Vous êtes les Bienvenus !
Saturday 12 July
12 July : The Sardinade at Lamothe Montravel
12 – 13 July : If you like a bit of Reggae, then the 2nd Bergerac Reggae Festival is being held at the Complexe Sportife de Mezieres Pierre Lart in Port Sainte Foy et Ponchapt and Sainte Foy la Grande this weekend. Find out all about it here http://www.festivalreggaedebergerac.com/en/#.U7rLDLGH9gs
Sunday 13 July
13 July : Do you fancy yourself as a bit of a golfer? There’s a pitch and putt competition at Golf
de St Meard. Find out more here http://saintmeardgolfclub.com/saintmeardgolfclub.com/Bienvenue.html
13 July : Vide grenier in Caplong 33220
13 July : Brocante Vide grenier at the Plage at Sainte
13 July : Night Market in Pessac
13 July : Grande Fete Populaire at Flaujagues. After the meal there is a procession through
the village ending at the water’s edge with a firework display.
13 July : Soiree Moules Frites in Montpon Menesterol
13 July 20h30 : Night
Moves is showing in VO at La Breche cinema in Ste Foy
Three radical environmentalists look to execute the protest
of their lives: the explosion of a hydroelectric dam. Starring Jesse Eisenberg, Dakota Fanning and
Peter Sarsgaard.
13 July 23h: Fireworks from the Tour du Roy in St Emilion
Coming up…
14 July : This is Bastille Day, the French national holiday,
commemorating the storming of the Bastille, which took place on 14 July 1789
and the beginning of the French Revolution. It marked the end of absolute
monarchy, the birth of the sovereign Nation, and, eventually, the creation of the
(First) Republic, in 1792. But to me it will always be French Firework
Night, and most towns and villages have their own displays. If you know of a good one near you, then let
me know. Castillon always has a super
display on the stone bridge at around 22h30.
Watch it from the waterfront in front of the Chai au Quai to get the
best view.
14 July : La
Fete de l’esturgeon et de la riviere at Montpon Menesterol. Who knew that there was caviar
produced just up the road? Find out all
about it at this festival
14 July : Veline hosts it’s 23rd Foire a
tout! It’s a big one taking all the
14 July : Vide grenier at Eymet
And finally…
Many thanks to K&M for including us in their fabulous pig project.
Dad says they are a mix of Gloucester Old Spots and Tamworth