STOP PRESS! The Battle of Castillon is Cancelled on Friday 18th and Saturday 19 July due to Severe Weather Warnings from Meteo France. A replacement performance is scheduled for Thursday 24th July
If you have tickets for the cancelled performances please contact the Battle Office in Castillon 05 57 40 14 53, or go there in person, it's at road level to the right of the church.
STOP PRESS! The Battle of Castillon is Cancelled on Friday 18th and Saturday 19 July due to Severe Weather Warnings from Meteo France. A replacement performance is scheduled for Thursday 24th July
If you have tickets for the cancelled performances please contact the Battle Office in Castillon 05 57 40 14 53, or go there in person, it's at road level to the right of the church.
561 years ago Castillon was the site of the last battle of
the Hundred Years War (which actually lasted 116 years). The Battle was won by the French due to their
superior weapons including canons and guns, whereas the English only had bows
and arrows. The English were also battle
weary and tired as they had marched hard to arrive in Castillon and the French
caught them napping! It all depends on
which version of the story you choose to believe.
Castillon celebrates the Battle each year with an amazing show
which runs over 5 weekends through July and August. Over 500 volunteers join
together in this marvellous re-enactment which includes over 100 animals, with a
pack of hunting hounds, farm animals and horses. The production itself is held in
Belves de Castillon on a 7 hectare site with a raised grandstand giving all the
audience a great view of the action from all angles.

Opening night is this Friday 18 July – Have you got your tickets
And finally, yes, all you clever pig fanciers out there, you
were right; the pigs are a cross with Gloucester Old Spots and Tamworth.
Whatever else you do this week in the Dordogne and Gironde,
have a great time.
Best wishes,
Week 29 2014
Monday 14 July

14 July : Veline hosts it’s 23rd Foire a
tout! It’s a big one taking all the
14 July : Vide grenier at Eymet
Tuesday 15 July
15 July 18h : Night
Moves is showing in VO at La Breche cinema in Ste Foy la Grande.
Three radical environmentalists look to execute the protest
of their lives: the explosion of a hydroelectric dam. Starring Jesse Eisenberg, Dakota Fanning and
Peter Sarsgaard.
15 July : Monteton night market
15 July : Eymet - Marché Nocturne
Wednesday 16 July
16 July 10h – 16h : Coffee Morning and Table Top Sale in St
Meard de Gurcon. All Proceeds in aid of
the Phoenix Association which takes care of animals.
16 July : Monsegur night market
16 July : Blasimon night market
Thursday 17 July
17 July : Ste Foy la Grande - Terrasse François Mitterrand – Marche des
17 July : Eymet - Les Jeudis Gourmands
17 July 20h30 : Free Concert by the St John’s College,
Durham Choir at the Eglise Collegiale in St Emilion.
Friday 18 July
18 July : Opening night of the Battle of Castillon http://www.batailledecastillon.com/
18 July : Pellegrue Night Market
18 July: Lévignac de Guyenne Night market
Saturday 19 July
19 July 16h : Music
and Wine tasting at the Salle de Dominicains in St Emilion as part of the Jazz
19 July : The Battle of Castillon http://www.batailledecastillon.com/
19 July : Repas
Du Chasse at Les Salles de Castillon
19 July : Mouliets et Villemartin Marche Gourmonde
19 July : St Jean
de Blaignac Night Market beside the river
19 – 20 July : St Emilion Jazz Festival. Free concerts at
Parc Guadet which is at the top of the village by the roundabout. Find out more
19 – 20 – 21 July : Ruch en Fete. Activities all weekend with this Village
Festival. Including a Night
Market on Saturday

Sunday 20 July
20 July : Vide greniers Vide Jardins at Naujan et Postiac
20 July :
Les Puces au Cœur de la Bastide in Ste Foy la Grande
20 July : Vide Grenier Brocante in St Sulplice de Guillerauges (between La Reole and Monsegur)
20 - 21 July : Come and see my favourite potter in her workshop in St Gerard de Corps, 4km east of St Remy. So, hope you can all make it for a cuppa or glass of wine and a chat whilst looking
at the Pottery!! There may even be some students at work on the wheel.
20, 23, 25 July : Classical Concerts au Château Vilatte de
Puynormand and aux Caves de la Tour du Roy à Saint-Emilion. To see the full programme please go to http://histoirepuynormand.jimdo.com/concerts/
20, 23, 25 July : Classical Concerts au Château Vilatte de
Puynormand and aux Caves de la Tour du Roy à Saint-Emilion. To see the full programme please go to http://histoirepuynormand.jimdo.com/concerts/
Coming up…

And finally…
Almost harvest time...
Or maybe not...
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