Plenty to see and buy in Rauzan. |
We put the heating on and lit the first fire of the season,
I think that autumn has arrived! We did
have good luck when we went to the Brocante at Rauzan on Friday, the sun shone
and we happily wandered round the stalls outside.
Anything and everything... |
This weekend the Cercle Esprit 77, a group of 12 women in
Castillon, are holding their first Salon du bien-être et de la beauté. This event consists of 26 stands celebrating all
things beauty and well-being for the body and soul. There will be plenty of opportunities to meet
and try various treatments and therapies such as reflexology and the use of
essential oils, massage and even a medium.
During the day they will be joined by groups from l’Amicale
laïque who offer dance classes as well as yoga and taï-chi throughout the year. It’s free to visit, and living in rural
France it’s a rare chance to have such a collection of therapies under the same
roof, and at the same time! To find out
more see the article in the Sud-Ouest http://www.sudouest.fr/2013/10/14/le-bien-etre-tient-salon-a-la-campagne-1198372-2820.php
Whatever you do this week in the Gironde and Dordogne have a
great week – I’m always on the look out for events to publicise, so please don’t
hesitate to send me any events you’d like included.
Best wishes,
Week 42 2013
Monday 14 October
Tuesday 15 October
Wednesday 16 October
16 October 16h : Blue
Jasmine is playing in VO at the Grandecran in Libourne. http://www.grandecran.fr/libourne/
A New York socialite deeply troubled and in denial, arrives
in San Francisco to impose upon her sister. She looks a million, but isn't
bringing money, peace, or love...
Starring Cate Blanchett, Alec Baldwin and Peter Sarsgaard.
Thursday 17 October
17 October 19h :
Jeudis du Jazz. The 13/14 season
of Thursday Jazz starts with a free concert at the Espace Culturel de
Creon. Featuring Akoda Quintet (Afro Jazz) and Chateau de la Ligne (tasting). To find out more and how to reserve
(recommended) go to http://www.larural.fr/spectacle/akoda-quintet/
17 October 19h30 : Blue
Jasmine is playing in VO at the Grandecran in Libourne.
Friday 18 October
18 October 14h : Blue
Jasmine is playing in VO at the Grandecran in Libourne. http://www.grandecran.fr/libourne/
18 – 19 – 20 October
: Les Mongolfiades de St Emilion. Starting
on Friday evening at 18h there is a free Night Glow Show at Chateau Soutard in
St Emilion. The show features a choreographed
musical display by the balloonists.
There are 5 opportunities to take a ride in a balloon, 3 evenings and 2
mornings over the weekend. To find out
more go to http://www.saint-emilion-tourisme.com/fr/agenda.html?m=10&id=839
Saturday 19 October
19 October 10h –
18h : Salon du Bien Etre et de la Beaute. Held at the Centre Cultural in
Castillon. Free entry.
19 October 16h : Blue
Jasmine is playing in VO at the Grandecran in Libourne. http://www.grandecran.fr/libourne/
19 – 20 October : Vide Grenier at the Stade de Rugby in
19 – 20 October :
Concours de pistage français organisé par l’Amicale canine. Organised by the Dog Training group in
Pineuilh, this weekend they are hosting A Dog tracking event. To find out more
go to http://amicale-canine-pineuilh.e-monsite.com/
Sunday 20 October
20 October :
Marche d’Automne at St Magne de Castillon.
20 October : Marché fermier d'automne, vide-grenier, at Le Pizou. Over 100 stands
20 October : St Emilion semi marathon (also a 5km
race). It’s not too late to subscribe to
the marathon (you can even just turn up on the day) which starts and finishes
in Montagne and passes through Lussac and Puisseguin. To find out more, go to http://www.semimarathon-sat-st-emilion.com/

20 October 15h30 : A
Concert featuring the Chorale des Bastides at the Church (not the Temple) in
Pessac. Entrance €7
Coming up…
And finally…
We have also put our heating on, and are eating our last tomatoes