Wednesday 30 January 2019

Week 5 2019


It's time to dig out your frying pan and celebrate the French tradition of la Chandeleur. This Sunday 2 February is la Chandeleur. Though la Chandeleur is often associated with the Catholic holiday of Candlemas, it actually stems from pagan traditions. While some say Chandeleur celebrates the return of sunny days (crêpes symbolize the sun), others say that making crêpes using flour left over from the harvest ensures prosperity in the coming year.

And, of course, there is the traditional coin ritual: if you can toss a crêpe while holding a coin in your other hand, you and your family will not have to worry about financial problems.  Then there's the usual collection of dictons for any given celebration...
  • À la Chandeleur, l'hiver cesse ou reprend vigueur
    On la Chandeleur, winter ends or strengthens

  • À la Chandeleur, le jour croît de deux heures
    On la Chandeleur, the day grows by two hours

  • Chandeleur couverte, quarante jours de perte
    la Chandeleur covered (in snow), forty days lost

  • Rosée à la Chandeleur, hiver à sa dernière heure
    Dew on la Chandeleur, winter at its final hour
Find out even more about La Chandeleur here.
Whatever you do this week (whether there are crêpes or not) have a good week in the Gironde and Dordogne regions.

Best wishes,

Week 5 2019

Monday 28 January

Tuesday 29 January

Wednesday 30 January

Thursday 31 January

Friday 1 February

Saturday 2 February

Sunday 3 February

Coming up...

And finally...
The heart bowls that you saw as a work in progress are finished and available for sale in the Maison des Artisans in Sauveterre.  €10/each.

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